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About w5txxt5w

  • Birthday July 25

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  • Location
    Plano, TX
  • Interests
    Photography, Amateur Radio Motorhome Technical stuff

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  1. Windshield - Guardian Glass apparently has info on various locations that can install their products. I have not used this service. Fogging - rvfogdr.com Arkansas. I have used company to repair windows on 2005 American Tradition. Good work.
  2. If there is a battery isolator between the chassis batteries and the house batteries, there should be no issue. The alternator will produce 14-14.5 volts when running. The isolator will have between .3 and .6 volts drop going to the house batteries which places the voltage near the Gel float voltage and should not cause an issue. If there is not an isolator, then that's another problem as the house batteries can discharge the chassis batteries or visa versa. Typically the MH has a switch on the dash that allows one to use the coach battery to start the engine if there is an issue with the chassis batteries. When this switch is activated, the isolator is bypassed and coach batteries are connected to starter and usually to the chassis batteries at the same time.
  3. I haven't done much research on the subject but in the early stages of PSW design, the efficiencies were somewhat lower which explains why some mfg want lot's of ventilation. Heat is a killer in electronics. Today's units may be significantly more efficient but I would look at that parameter as it will affect how long your batteries will last before requiring a recharge. If doing a fridge changeout to residential, check with manufacture if they have tested using inverter source. Also, some inverters may not be happy with certain brands of fridge. Just like some marriages not compatible : >) Bob in TX BSEE/MSEE
  4. The Freedom 458 is of course both an inverter and a 3 stage charger. I had one in my previous MH. Mine would occasionally turn off and turn back on during charging. This was the monitor panel. I never did figure out why but never seemed to to cause any issue as when it returned it was still at previous setting or charging level. Worked for 15 yrs and 150K miles. : >) Bob in TX
  5. Not sure where they put the Sirius module in your coach or what it exactly looks like. Mine is a black box about 4-5" square and is in the dash area close to the radio. Typically the antenna lead goes to a splitter which has two coaxial leads out which go to the module. The connectors on at least my brand unit are famous for coming out and need to be pushed back on. If you can see behind the dash area without pulling radio i would first look there and see if you can find the satellite module. Bob in TX
  6. Actia is in Elkhart IN. (574) 264-2373. Engineering dude is Jeff. Have you tried REV(ex Fleetwood). Don't know how much documentation they got when they bought Monaco. Have they set up Monaco customer service ? Bob in TX
  7. Although I don't know the brand of the socket, 12 volt sockets normally used in MH are pretty famous getting too warm due to lot's of on time so that the center pin of the socket deteriorates in some manner. The wafer that the spring works against often warp, or break or.... due to the heat and then you have an intermittent connection. I suspect if you pull this one fixture and socket for checking you will find your problem pretty quickly. Bob inTX
  8. This past summer had a hose from governor to drier that also rubbed on frame develop a leak. Fix or shield! This was a metal braided hose about 2-3 feet in length. Finding such a hose in middle of nowhere is a challenge. Fortunately near Vernal,UT in oil patch area and found a company who made a new hose including proper fittings etc. Looked a several OTH service facilities and no joy. Young son found the builder on internet ; >). Cost $44 and I felt like I has robbed the bank!
  9. One the things that I feel is very important is to monitor your boost pressure. When an air leak occurs in the CAC system the boost will not reach "normal" values due to the leak and the engine will run hotter under nearly all conditions but especially when there is demand for boost under load. Having had instances similar to Baileysmom where a small hole had been made in the CAC due to gravel being picked up by the fan. Also had the dirty CAC issue. One thing I decided to do was to install a Silverleaf VMSpc monitoring system. This is a module that plugs into the data buss and interfaces with the free software available from Silverleaf and installed on your computer. Most of us carry a laptop when traveling and with this device you can arrange to monitor any/all of the parameters available on the data buss in far more detail than is present on gauges. Creating a baseline of your parameters and recording data and then monitoring any changes over time will provide lot's of info if difficulties show up. After having put 150K miles on a 2001 Bounder with a Cummins ISB over a period of 15 years, I have been able to see issues starting to arise and take preventive action and if not able to prevent I have a good idea where problems exist. More detail data is available on my 2005 American Tradition with TripTek but still gonna have the VMSpc along so that I can more detail and info on parameters that are not visible on guages or TripTek. Bob in TX
  10. Well here is my info. 2001 Bounder 37K 275hp ISB 140K miles. Running weight average about 24,500 lbs. Over the period from 2001 to present have towed, 1998 Wrangler, 2004 Liberty and currently a 2011 Honda CRV (2wd). Mostly dry camping, so fair amount of generator usage included (1200 hrs) and mpg average over the entire period is 9.1mpg. Travel mostly in Western half of US and 3 trips to AK thus substantial amount of mountain driving. Tow generally around 60mph and use both economy and performance mode of Allison MH3000 and lots of cruise utilization. Have disconnected the Banks as no benefit observed other than slight performance (acceleration) from stop. No mileage improvement observed and have had some reliability issues.
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