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About BruceN53

  • Birthday 08/19/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairfield, Ohio
  • Interests
    Computers, boating, seadooing, cruises, and now RVing.
  • I travel
    With Pets

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  1. Herman, what's the best way to pull the load test on them and what value is good/bad? Bruce
  2. All tire purchasers using the FMCA Michelin discount: I will be needing a set of 6, (275 70R 22.5) for my 2007 Fleetwood Excursion. For budgeting purposes, can someone tell me what the price is going to be for a set of 6 installed? If not, is it possible to find out? It seems that you must buy them first and then you know the cost, is that right? Bruce
  3. Do you all know much about the Fun n Sun CG and the area, San Benito, TX? Bruce
  4. ZOOM ATWOOD 91547 WATER HEATER FRONT MOUNT ECO THERMOSTAT KIT XT MODELS Atwood 91547 RV Water Heater Front Mount ECO Thermostat Kit for XT Models. Rich, I found this online for $17.97 Bruce
  5. Yes, this is what it says under the "electric" operation: When the electric switch is turned on, the relay at the rear of the unit will close and pass 110vac to the element. If the thermostat were to fail, the ECO will open and lockout the system. To correct, check the thermostat to assure good contact with the tank and reset the control by turning the electric switch off, then on. I'm not sure that will help in this case. Maybe I need to change out the ECO and thermostat? Bruce
  6. Rich, I don't know if this has any impact on why it won't work on AC. This being a new coach for me, I'm learning things " the hard way". We took it over to a near by campground in early spring to open it up, push all the buttons, and test all the systems. Everything was working except, no hot water. Since I was on full hookups I wanted to use the electric option on the HWH to conserve the propane. Long, long story...I found out that water was not getting in the HWH tank because this coach has a 2nd bypass valve on it. This was after 3 men tried to help me diagnose why water was not filling the tank. I finally got a hold of the previous owner and he told me, yes it's located in the bedroom vanity. Sure enough, if you stick your head in and look right, there it is! Yeah, we have water in the tank! Of course, the only way to access it is when the slides are out because the bed blocks the vanity door. Anyway, It makes sense now as to why the propane flame kept going out- no water= overheating! I did find the 15 amp breaker today for the unit but it was not tripped. Fleetwood sent me schematics for the coach and I will look at them. Do you think that there is another fuse for this to work on electric?? I cleaned all of the contacts last night but don't know if it helped. When I flip the "electric" switch on for the HWH can I check for voltage back on the tank's circuitry somewhere? I thinking something happened that day when I tried to heat it without water in it, probably a safety device opened. Bruce
  7. So my 2007 Fleetwood Excursion 39s with the GE 16 EXT Atwood is not working on the electric function. LP works fine. I've been reading all the replies and trying to decide what to do first. Perhaps cleaning the circuit board connectors and check that 2amp mini fuse. Would you all agree as a start. Joe did you get any help from the Atwood people? Bruce
  8. Ok, I have a question. I recently bought a 07 Fleetwood Excursion 39s. I can only get a signal (from the crank-up ant) on my front over-the-dash HD TV. The bedroom tv and the outside units only get snow! I tried a DVD on the back bedroom set and it works just fine. I have tried for several hours to get a picture on the other two but can't succeed. Any ideas where to start? Bruce
  9. Tbutler, funny that you explain the way RVs are all systematic because I was telling my son the same thing. He's an officer on a fast attack submarine and I told him that I feel like this coach is a like a sub with all the systems and that I'm the captain and the crew! Haha! I found a really good You Tube video on how to work on the water pumps. Thanks to everyone for their input and ideas here on the forum!
  10. Thanks to all for your quick responses and advice! Some of you mention the water pump which brings another question/thought: The pump when it runs makes a "machine gun" sound now where as I remember it used to make a more smooth consistent pumping sound such as a motor boat engine. Any thoughts? Is the pump going bad or a part that needs replaced? It does pump up and shut off but the sound is very annoying. Also, are there any photos or diagrams that show the checkvalve that kaypsmith describes? Bruce
  11. I have a 2007 Fleetwood Excursion 39s. I noticed on this last trip that while hooked up to the city water inlet my fresh water tank is filling full. I started with 1/3 tank level and I do have the bypass to not go to the tank. I cannot hear any water streaming noise. This happened overnight twice. BruceN53
  12. Wasn't there a recall to fix/repair and prevent fires on these units?
  13. Supplemental braking system for my toad

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