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Everything posted by dbenoit

  1. I will exchange at a bank prior. I won't give my CC even .01% I have a few weeks but already excited and prepping the MH.
  2. Is it best to exchange US dollars for Canadian? I read that you could get hammered on the exchange rate at stores up there.
  3. I like long naps...😵 On my way home from work I saw a small "convoy" of motor homes towing toads going down 95 south in NH. I was going the other direction, funny thing is they were pulling into the rest area that has the NH state liquor store in it.......
  4. I guess I'll just bring the Tequila for the night before we cross the border.
  5. I despise the "or" word, too bad it isn't the "and" word. At least we can double up on the alcohol.
  6. https://images.app.goo.gl/s1m7k6AsG13cSoLg7 Like Short Rounds shoes in The Temple of doom.
  7. Quick question: Is the alcohol limit into canada per person or per vehicle?
  8. Anyone camp on Antigua? Now that I got the RV related thing out of the way..... Looking to go to an all inclusive resort, Pineapple Resort in Antigua. We have never been to that island and looking for any comments about the island.
  9. Do you think I can bring frozen bait (squid, mackerel)? It sounds like I can but the description doesn't seem that accurate as it pertains to bait. Already planning to do some clamming as well. Thanks.
  10. dbenoit

    FMCA Cat Tweet

    I don't know who puts these in but they are great!!
  11. Well turn around and come back! Did you go to Kittery Trading Post? I love that store.
  12. C'mon man!!! It's right down the street from y'all.
  13. lol @ don't forget the plugs, been there. But it is a Boston Whaler and the water never gets above the deck. Anyone want to cut it in half and watch it float....NOT.
  14. Anyone out there who is at Hampton Beach this weekend, we are there, feel free to stop by. Always have good wine and the drink of the weekend is frozen mango margaritas😎. We are in the field 2nd from the end, next to the battle cruiser MH. Our MH is already there.
  15. Oh ya....when the rack is complete it will have KBR on it with some graphics. I can start getting some materials now.
  16. That's a wicked good deal, too far for me. The Walker Bay I was looking at was sold. I liked it because it has a wheel built into the hull bottom for moving it around and it's light. The KBR's design is dependent on the boat style, but you gave me the design criteria.
  17. Found this 8' Walker Bay for $350. Seller hasn't responded. Only thing is 2 HP max I looked up the specs myself. Still looking for a 10'.
  18. DW gave the green light. Already looking for a used jon. There are mega pram styles but not too many jon styles. The ones I found have a trailer, electric trolling motor, extra battery....jeesh I just want the boat and not have to deal with the other stuff. The search continues. I have a metal fab shop here at work I can use to make the , ??????, needs a name...K Boat Rack?
  19. Wow! Outstanding K 😃. I just kinda roughed sketch it on a post it note while reading your description. Use the winch to pull the boat upright, correct?
  20. Yes. I have the license plate from the front that I don't use. As for the back up lights, I don't recall ever relying on them. The one thing I like about the Jon boat style is more HP.
  21. Lucky for me she doesn't know who Gilligan is or I would be on a deserted island talking to a coconut head. We were "field" camping at Hampton Beach this weekend and after a few margaritas I was looking at the back of the MH. If I were to build some sort of rack for a Jon boat type it would be blocking my license plate and back up lights. I really can't go higher to clear them. I might have to go back to the inflatable.
  22. Yes that option is open. If we have the toad it can go on it's roof, if not a custom receiver bracket would work. I've seen them for kayaks. Just need to figure how to store the small outboard. This will be a winter project. I'll build it myself. Design it in Pro E. Need to get the boat first, most likely used if it is rigid. Just me and Gilligan (DW) so it doesn't need to be a barge. She has no idea who Gilligan is so it makes it fun if we are in the Whaler. When she drives it I call her Mrs. Sulu "3/4 impluse power"
  23. Made it. It doesn't look like I can put a small motor on those. I have to look into that in more detail. I have opened my options up to a totally rigid boat as well. I can't seem to find the layout I need yet in an inflatable. The inflatable would be my 1st choice, of course, I will need a motor. I can go with any HP motor. I don't "stroke it" anymore....lol. OARS!!!
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