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2004 Fleetwood Revolution Door Latch Problem

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Latch operates but won't open the entrance door.  Key operates both dead bolt and latch lock, both manually and with the remote, but door won't open.  I suspect the internal link between outside latch and door jam pin is broken so how do we get into the coach?  All windows (double paned of course) are locked.  2004 Fleetwood Revolution 40 C.  Any help would be appreciated.

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I read on another forum that one individual pushed in on the door while operating the latch and got it to open.

Otherwise you might try a locksmith.

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If all else fails, pick the smallest window you can fit through and break it out.  You will need tools to disassemble the door from the inside.  It sounds as if you are correct, a connection to the lock mechanism has broken or become loose.  Either way, you will need to disassemble the door from the inside.  A locksmith might help but if the mechanism is broken, I'd be surprised if a locksmith could get you in without breaking a window.

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There is a slide bar on mine.  Currently sticking again....squirt of graphite will keep it healthy for 2 years.  Got to get some. 

As Tom said, small window...I used driver side & a 12 year old.  Borrowed from a neighbor!

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Make and model of your coach?

If it is an American it may be the broken spring in the mechanism. If it is a Monaco it may be the dead bolt pin broke. Did you lock both the handle and the dead bolt and you have unlocked both and still can't open the door? If it is the dead bolt you can pull back the rubber trim and take a small screwdriver and push the pin back until it clears the door jam. This is how I got my door opened. We were inside and I had to crawl out a window. 

Are you home or on the road? If at home, before breaking a window l would look at the door frame. Mine is held in by about 15 screws. I would remove the complete door before breaking $500.00 window. Besides you may not be able to open the door once you are inside. 




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Sorry Time Traveler,

I have this picture in my mind of Tom Cruise coming up through the floor of an Airplane. :D I the OP is speaking of the front door and not a bay door.

I know the pin your are thinking of and have changed all of mine with the ones with the Aluminum Pin.


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