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Gillette 2018

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Lets Meet up in Gillette.

I will host a gettogether at my coach on Wednesday July the 18th starting at 4:00 pm til 5:30 pm. Come if you can. Bring your chairs and a beverage of your choice. This will just be a social time for those who want to put a face to a name.

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Wednesday July 18th.

Time 4:00 to 5:30 pm

Place, Herman's coach. I will list the site here on Thursday July 13th, 2018

(I will know my site by then since I arrive on the 12th).


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Dang, we were so hoping to do Gillette. If it wasn't for having our storage unit burgled, we would be there. Here in PA till end of July. Then it will be west to Elkhart for a few upgrades and then the Midwest rally in Amana IA. After that we will be heading to Cody WY if anybody is still in the area.

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Punxsy, I hope it was a storage unit that the MH was not parked in.

If it was, did they break into the RV.  Any idea what they were after/took yet?

There is always next year for Gillette.

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If I know the Governing Board it will drag on until it gets close to 4 or 4:30 then move like lightening.:P It shouldn't be too bad this year, very little is on the calendar. We will hold a set for you.


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It may not be as cut & dried as you think!  There are always something unexpected that come about, that is not on the Calendar each year.  This year is not an exception! 

We will be parked in Governance Section on 30A full H/U...will be there the 16th!  See what I mean by unexpected Herman?  Whether you host the get-together the 17th or 18th, I will be there, with Linda (She's been a member of Forum since 7/2014)! :lol:

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  On 5/24/2018 at 6:12 PM, wayne77590 said:

Punxsy, I hope it was a storage unit that the MH was not parked in.

If it was, did they break into the RV.  Any idea what they were after/took yet?

There is always next year for Gillette.

When we went fulltime we put some stuff in storage in case we sold the farm while we were gone. SOB's broke into the storage unit. They actually hit about 40 units in a tri county area. They were scrappers (drug addicts). The cops got them and they are in jail. We got a bunch of stuff back but most of it is trashed. We are back sorting through it and can't wait to get out of here. Here is a shot of our place. House sits back about a 1/4 mile from the road. We are parked out in our front pasture. That's as close as I can get to the house with the coach. No hookups but water and electric are on at the farm. Seems strange to see the place with no animals. Had 2 horses, always a couple steers on pasture grass. Chickens are gone too. Sure do miss those girls.



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Thanks Herman. It is already in 3 sections and yes, we are considering selling it but keeping 1.5 acre lot it is sitting on now. Maybe getting it set up with a proper concrete slab and hook ups. Then we can share it with others to use while we are gone. Not sure yet, just pondering our options. It's not that we can't return for the summers, just not sure we want to. We much prefer it out west.

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Beautiful place.  Please put me number 1 on the waiting list.

Happy (not really happy, just an expression) to hear that it was just the storage unit and not the MH. Having a MH broken into can delay things considerably. 

Material things can be replaced. Sentimental things, not so easily.

Happy trails.

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  On 5/25/2018 at 3:55 PM, wayne77590 said:

Beautiful place.  Please put me number 1 on the waiting list.

Happy (not really happy, just an expression) to hear that it was just the storage unit and not the MH. Having a MH broken into can delay things considerably. 

Material things can be replaced. Sentimental things, not so easily.

Happy trails.

Consider yourself #1. Thanks

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I'll take second...nice, quiet, clean looking place!  I can picture a swinging sofa on that deck!

Everyone I know, that sold the family farm, regret not keeping a piece of it.  You can only travel so long, then what?  Assisted living, or a peaceful country retreat ?  We all got to face that eventually!

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