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On 8/29/2024 at 2:27 PM, rossboyer said:

Elect 5 members per area at the same time as Area Presidents are elected.  Eliminate all top down financial support for areas. Eliminate National Directors and Alternate National directors since only 3% of the members are also members of chapters. Hold electronic Governing Board meetings with 60 attendees. Executive board members have no vote, only the 50 area representatives. The 50 could be reduced by eliminating some areas, also.

Wow, Ross!  Now you're messing with their wallet and they will never go for that. It's like asking Congress to vote on term limits. 

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On 9/1/2024 at 9:26 AM, elkhartjim said:

Every good cow eventually goes dry.

Yes but do you know how they bring it back to full production?


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On 8/29/2024 at 11:23 AM, palibs said:

Sorry I didn't answer this right away. We are working on a letter to address the dues increase and the other decisions made at the Governing Board in Redmond. Our Medical Evacuation Program is not optional simply because of cost. By insuring our total membership, it keeps our cost down, so it is affordable for all of our members. A comparable program to ours will cost in the neighborhood of $200 to $300 annually. It is a great benefit for our members and based on the results from the recent Governing Board, our members overwhelming want it to continue. We appreciate all of our Chapters, especially those that have been members for 55 years. What an accomplishment! Thank you for supporting our organization. 

Paul Mitchell

FMCA National VP

Details please..... specifically who voted to double the cost of membership to keep this very expensive benefit? When you state "our members overwhelmingly want it to continue", is this anecdotal from your informal conversations at the fairgrounds at Redmond before the EB meeting or was it from asking for a show of hands from 150 people when giving away $250 gift cards? Neither scenario would represent the sentiment of the entire membership. I receive various monthly emails from the Association, the digital magazine and was at Redmond in August. Did I miss any communications asking the general membership for input on keeping or rejecting FMCAssist?  Were any details offered to facilitate an informed decision by members to decide if they want FMCAssist? Something this important, something that causes  such a tremendous financial impact on already strained resources should be put to a vote by the entire membership. The collateral damage caused by this one decision will be devastating and accelerate financial loss and membership erosion. In my opinion, to move forward with this very significant decision without an absolute clear mandate from the entire membership is selfish. I will let my membership expire at the end of its current term.

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15 hours ago, luv2tup said:

Details please..... specifically who voted to double the cost of membership to keep this very expensive benefit? When you state "our members overwhelmingly want it to continue", is this anecdotal from your informal conversations at the fairgrounds at Redmond before the EB meeting or was it from asking for a show of hands from 150 people when giving away $250 gift cards? Neither scenario would represent the sentiment of the entire membership. I receive various monthly emails from the Association, the digital magazine and was at Redmond in August. Did I miss any communications asking the general membership for input on keeping or rejecting FMCAssist?  Were any details offered to facilitate an informed decision by members to decide if they want FMCAssist? Something this important, something that causes  such a tremendous financial impact on already strained resources should be put to a vote by the entire membership. The collateral damage caused by this one decision will be devastating and accelerate financial loss and membership erosion. In my opinion, to move forward with this very significant decision without an absolute clear mandate from the entire membership is selfish. I will let my membership expire at the end of its current term.

FYI, there was a survey done earlier this summer which asked about keeping FMCAssist, the magazine, and the rally's. I received a link which I think was sent to all members.

This was likely the source of their information.

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The survey did go out to all Family RV Association members. If you didn't receive it, I suggest logging into the FMCA website and check your settings on messages you receive from FMCA. One of the items you can opt out of is "surveys"


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In answer to your earlier question, the Governing Board in Redmond voted to continue providing the Medical Evacuation Program to our members. The minutes of the GB meeting will be published in the coming weeks for everyone to review. 

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I'm curious where the letter is that allegedly has been in the works since August 29?

It only took 17 days to write the Declaration of Independence so you still have some time I guess. 😂

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On 8/23/2024 at 11:06 PM, aztec7fan said:

Paul, i appreciate that you will be atrempting to revive this club, so here is a small suggestion to get you on your way:  In the magazine, how many articles have there been recently on converted coaches?  My guess would be little to none.  why should you try to appeal to this small subset of RV owners?  because there is a large number of social media influencers out there writing about "van life" and converting schoolies into tiny homes.  You know what all those people need?  advice, and parts. where can they get the advice? in the magazine.  where can they get parts?  from advertisers in your magazine.


this is how FMCA got started, and this is one small piece of the puzzle to helping it grow.

Chris G.


I would like to echo what Chris stated.  This is paramount to growth.  I've experience a similar thing in our community (now a new Chapter).  RVing has changed over the years, but it's still RVing.  Van life, Schoolies, tiny homes, etc.  There's a lot of new energy there.

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