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RV Sidetrip: Deadwood, SD

RV Sidetrip: Deadwood, SD If you like gambling, you’ll probably love Deadwood. If not, probably not so much. After years of passing by on the way to the Badlands or Yellowstone and seeing the... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




National Bison Range: Perfect for a Class B RV Visit

The story of the American bison is one of the most sad and captivating episodes in U.S. history. Once thought to be limitless in number – an estimated 50 million ranged across North America before European settlement – they were hunted to near extinction in the late 1800’s. Greed by hunters and a calculated political effort to eliminate the food and main staple of the American Indian tribes were the reasons. From 50 million, the senseless slaughter left about 100 animals in the wild in the late




Wounded Knee

As we left Martin, SD it began to rain lightly. Radar showed rain between Martin and Wounded Knee. As we passed fields of sunflowers their heads were bowed, hiding their bright yellow ray flowers we had seen the day before. The sunflowers are much shorter than the ones I planted in my garden in the 70’s. Their heads are smaller than the 12 to 16” heads I remember from those days. I know these fields are harvested mechanically but I would love to see the equipment that does the job. The hea




Yellowstone Supervolcano is Not About to Blow, Says Park Service

Well, at least it’s not going to erupt anytime soon. Probably. This has been a strange year at Yellowstone National Park, which indeed sits atop a supervolcano. Two months ago, extreme heat from the thermal features below caused oil to bubble on a road surface and damage a 3.3-mile loop road that takes visitors past White Dome Geyser, Great Fountain Geyser and Firehole Lake. A couple months before that, some yahoo posted a video on YouTube purportedly showing bison in the park supposedly evac




From Tampa to Everywhere....

One of my favorite things to do is lie on the sofa, close my eyes, and recreate a trip....the miles, the feel of the road, the terrain, the people I see and meet along the way. I started in 2007, no sense pretending my memory is that sharp....so, I'll begin with the most recent..my Labor Day trip to the northeast Georgia mountains to visit an old elementary school friend and her husband. For this venture I invited another school friend to join me. Can you imagine three girls who have known eac




An Easy Drive Across the Prairie

We left Yankton, South Dakota, on Saturday morning on our way to Denver, Colorado. We have made this trip in one day many times in the past. This trip would be different. It is Labor Day weekend and we don't have reservations in Denver until Labor Day itself. So we have all day Saturday and Sunday and part of Monday before we have a place to park in Denver. We drove west on South Dakota Hwy. 50 until we reached US Hwy 18. This is a new route for us. I had set the GPS for Wounded Knee. We




My Winnebago View Profile - Living Large in a Small RV

I'm guilty of some RV adulation here, but I wanted to write an entry about my 2014 Winnebago View motor home. I'm not doing this for any compensation or benefits from anyone. I just want to share my experience. I bought the RV new in January, when I traded up from my Class B Roadtrek. I wanted something a little bigger than a camper van that would be more comfortable for stay put camping, but still had the nimbleness of a small vehicle. And, after 17,000 miles and 140 days of traveling, its m




Top 10 RV Lessons Learned After 75,000 Miles

We just turned 60,000 miles on our Roadtrek Etrek as we pulled into our Michigan driveway after our latest trip, which essentially was four months on the road through 21 states, taking us from Cape Cod on the Atlantic to the far Pacific Northwest. When you add the 15,000 miles we drove in our first RV – a 2006 RS Adventurous – that now gives us 75,000 miles under our collective wheels. We are no longer rookies. Indeed, we’ve learned a few things. And I’ve made some mistakes. But you’ll have t




Have you seen the new TS Adventurous?

Have you seen the new TS Adventurous? It was last December at the big RVIA industry show in Louisville, KY that Jim Hammill and his Roadtrek team showed off a prototype vehicle called the TS Adventurous, a... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




New Apps that RVers Will Enjoy

Apps. There are so many apps that empower our smartphones and tablets to do new and creative things that it’s almost impossible to keep up with them. This week, I have three new apps that you may have missed that you will surely want to add to your RVing collection. The coolest photo enhancing app I’ve seen in a long time is Instagram’s new Hyperlapse, a very nifty little download that lets you create very smooth and fun time lapse videos. It takes a clip you shot on your iPhone, stabilizes it




From Tampa to Everywhere....

I asked myself, can a recently retired mathematics instructor of 45 years ever be able to write of her travels, to entice others to explore, and not put everyone to sleep! After reading another blog entry here, "Adding Purpose to Your RV Travel," I decided to give it a try, stretch my skills and hope for the best. At the very least, someone will correct my grammar, punctuation and run-on sentences! In 2007 I bought a new 36-foot Coachman Aurora with a full-wall slide (which are quite common no




Another Leg on Our Summer Journey

After a three week stay in eastern Missouri at my daughter's home we were preparing to leave. After unplugging the coach I started the generator. Just as it was switching the current over to the generator it died. The error code indicated an overheat condition. It was a very warm day but we could get by without the air conditioners running so I decided to let this ride for now and investigate at our next stop. While on the way to Independence, on the other side of the state, I pondered how




Top 10 RV Lessons learned after 75,000 miles

Top 10 RV Lessons learned after 75,000 miles We just turned 60,000 miles on our Roadtrek Etrek as we pulled into our Michigan driveway after our latest trip, which essentially was four months on the road through 21... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




RV Photo Shoot: The animals of the West

RV Photo Shoot: The animals of the West I’ve spent much of the weekend editing and distilling down the 1,386 photos I took on our recent trip west and thought I’d share my top 12 favorite photos of ... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Joy of RV Upsizing and Downsizing

Joy of RV Upsizing and Downsizing We arrived around 4:30 PM at a pleasant ocean view campground in Maine. Shortly after we pulled into the assigned site and plugged into shore power, a beautiful new Class... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




New Apps that RVers Will Enjoy

New Apps that RVers Will Enjoy Apps. There are so many apps that empower our smartphones and tablets to do new and creative things that it’s almost impossible to keep up with them.  This week, I... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Stranded in Montana: It’s All Good

So, what’s your worse nightmare about an RV trip? Having a mechanical breakdown in the middle of, say, Montana, at the start of a weekend? Trust me, it’s not so bad. I can say this because it happened to us last weekend, just as we were leaving Glacier National Park and the Many Glacier area, about as remote a place as you can find, where even the cell phones don’t reach. This was the culprit … the sensor (black) at the right of the fuel rail. There is one inescapable thing about RV trave




RV Destination: The Fundy Trail

RV Destination: The Fundy Trail A big draw here on the Roadtreking blog are posts about RV travels -places to visit and things to see.  Since other reporters were already writing super travel articles we... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Stranded in Montana: It’s all good

Stranded in Montana: It’s all good So, what’s your worse nightmare about an RV trip?  Having a mechanical breakdown in the middle of, say, Montana, at the start of a weekend? Trust me, it’s not so... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




RV Side Trip: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Craters of the Moon is a U.S. National Monument and National Preserve in the Snake River Plain in central Idaho that is like no where else on earth, a volcanic wonderland that is easy and fun to explore in one of the weirdest landscapes you can find anywhere. And it’s perfect for Class B recreation vehicles. Craters of the Moon formed during eight major eruptive periods between 15,000 and 2000 years ago. Lava erupted from the Great Rift, a series of deep cracks that start near the visitor cent



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