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Brake systems for a toad



I'm looking to buy a brake system for my toad and would like comments from users of different types. Any input or suggestion would be helpful. I'm considering an Air Force One but am leaning toward a brake buddy type.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Paul D


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Also, is your coach diesel (with air brakes) or gas with brake fluid braking system.  It makes a difference as to what you can consider.  There are numerous systems that operate off the air brakes of a diesel coach. 

If you have several vehicles to use as a toad, the brake-in-a-box systems make sense.  Simply put it into the vehicle you are towing this time.  On the other hand, a system operating on the air  braking system of the coach only needs an air hose attachment each time you hook up.  A break-away system is a good idea no matter which way you go.  If your tow bar breaks, you don't want your toad driving any significant distance on it's own. :o

We've used the Brakemaster system for 16 years now with no problems.  I like the ease of connecting.  When disconnected all I have to store in the toad is a small bag with the air hose and the break-away cable and another bag with the braking cylinder.  If choosing a system again today, I'd give them all a good look and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each as well as the cost of purchase.

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Motorhome is a 40' diesel pusher. What I'm trying to decide is the downside between a more complicated integrated system such as the Air Force One versus a portable system (brake in a box). Seems there's no real significant cost difference between the two but I don't like the thoughts of a brake system pushing on the drivers seat for stopping power. I'm wondering if the additional installation cost and effort is worth having a brake system integrated into the coach braking air and unregulated air.

In practical terms would a brake in a box work just as well and have the advantage of being portable. I'll only be towing a 2012 Cadillac SRX so portability is not a big point.

thanks for your thoughts.


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I initially owned an SMI Delta Force (brake in a box), it is low profile and doesn't use the seat as an anchor point.  The system worked flawlessly in my recent trip from Florida to Alaska and return (17,000 miles.)  I recently changed to the Air Force One system and love, love, love it.  The convenience of connecting the Air Force One to my Diesel Pusher was the reason for the change, not due to the Delta Force not working as advertised.

The brake in a box is a great option if you are anticipating changing vehicles in the near future or use multiple toads.

Of course, my opinion is just what I believe, I'm sure others have different opinions.

If you looking for a brake in a box, I have one for sale and will make you a great deal.  email me at:  howardmichaelj@yahoo.com.

Mike Howard

Retired Navy


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We've been using a brake buddy for a good 10 years now. Has been dependable and trouble free. On our third different toad vehicle so glad we went with the box option. Paid about $800 for it back then....

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Has anyone had a problem with an RVi3?  I thought that would be the best for me small, modern tech and easy to hook up.  I've had two RVi3s now, first one lasted about 4 minutes then compressor wouldn't start. They sent a second one which worked great for about 20 minutes but next time I plugged it in it wouldn't start.  I'm waiting for the third one to arrive now. Fortunately, I'm home and not trying to travel every day.  I'm concerned that even if the third one works for a while on day it will stop and I'll be left somewhere without toad brakes having to deal with the company. Has anyone dealt with RVi  for repeated issues like this?

Diesel pusher towing a Honda CRV.

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If you do not use it often you need to charge the Patriot for about 8 hours for it to work properly.No where in my manual does it tell you this.

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I have a  gas coach so I wanted to install a system that was permanent as we bought a Jeep Liberty specifically to flat tow.

With out modifying the Coach the only systems available to us were mechanical quasi proportional braking systems. WE chose the Brake Buddy Stealth and would keep that system even if we got a diesel coach. It just works. I may switch to an Air Force One if i got rid of the Liberty but ... again that is because I am going to have to do an install and might as well go full proportional. 

My breaking performance is awesome.  I had the unfortunate privilege of a jack a$$ jumping in front of me and  I was confident  overly surprised at how it completely took the weight of that jeep off of the coach and I was actually able to stop and it wasn't necessarily a panic situation.

 I read a lot of reviews on the portable systems and  they are nice but is so much nicer not to have to keep up with the unit. Plug and go not to mention once installed and tested you're not having to second-guess whether it's in right or whether you make sure it was sitting up against the seat. You don't have to worry about is the breakaway connected because in my system the breakaway is built into the plug. Just something to look at.

I did an extensive write up on it feel free to read through it an comment.

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SMI AFI is truly a trouble free - hassle free system that works as described by it's manufacturer. Certainly not the cheapest but then neither is that MH you're using to pull your tow vehicle. That's my 0.2¢


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