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Everything posted by rsbilledwards

  1. Come on Carl Play nice. Roger you too. Both of you have plenty to offer. As you communicate your points of view, reread as though you were the recipients and how you would like to be addressed/treated or corresponded with. Leave the attitude out of it. Proof of your pie is in your pudding. Be patient and thoughtful good advise for me too. Studs in my "OLD" coach 1999 might be 0n 16 inch centers I know the floor framing is it is also thin wall aluminum. I also know they are 1 1/2 inches deep with no more than max paneling 3/16 thick inside. Floor is 3/8 thick top and 3/16 max underside in the basement. That is something to check by golly.
  2. That is ok Carl confusion is part of getting "OLD". Like in Racing it is all in the tenths for the win. It is just another factor. Keeping a shiny surface clean is infinitely easier than and flat a flat one. Dirt and other un-wanteds accumulate faster on flat paint in the house than on semi or glossy surfaces. It is one reason that Cars and Boats are shiney, makes em faster and easier to clean, right, right! The "superior" in this refers to the ceramic or glass micro sphere's properties rather than the carrier which is the elastomeric paint. Hope that helps. Really I am just guessing... http://www.isbu-info.org/all_about_ceramic_insulation.htm Bill Edwards
  3. Yes, very nice including the outside! BillE
  4. Carl, Glossy finishes clean easier and are not as porous. A glossy surface also has greater reflectivity. They typically are more scuff resistant because the are slicker. J, I do not believe you will get away from an annual scrub. The original surface was very glossy. This surface is very textured like the original and needs a full 24 hour cure. I just got home from the shop and will go now to apply the third pass. Bill Edwards
  5. Refinish roof: Well on this low mile coach that is supposed to have been stored inside the roof looked a bit weather worn. It needed a good scrubbing to get rid of the algae microbes or whatever those little black goobers are that are imbedded in the texture of the fiberglass roof. It did not take too long, with a couple different stiff bristled brushes, one of them with a long handle to do this scrubbing, never the less glad it is done. I did the cleaning with TSP and water. I pulled the AC units, the refrigerator vent and gave those areas a good cleaning as well. I pulled the frige vent because I wanted to install a cover that had some aerodynamics to it. I have a large shed next to where I am working on the coach. I placed a couple of 2 X 12 fir boards across to it so I could get the ACs and other stuff out of the way and off the coach. It also provided a getaway for when I painted myself off the coach. When I removed the AC units I discovered, that they were like many other items on this BARN find coach that they were not tight, at all. It is amazing that they were not leaking. The seals are in pretty good shape and it might take me longer to remove the seals that it will to paint the roof itself. The paint I have chosen is not the standard Dicor roof paint at 86 bucks a gallon. It works pretty well and two coats last fairly well. I used this on the Safari Zanzibar. Instead at the advice of another DP coacher on the West coast and located in a very hot climate area of Northern California, I used an elastomeric white paint with the 3M hollow micro-sphere ceramic balls incorporated into it. This material, SUNSHADE and others like it are being used extensively in California and New York to combat heat infiltration and heat loss in commercial buildings. It is being incorporated into the green building codes being implemented. This product was produced with co-operation with NASA for use in space exploration. It is also suitable for use on EPDM rubber roofs. The elastomeric paint with the micro-spheres is anti-microbial, it offers superior UV protection and has superior reflective properties. It is fire retardant, sound absorbing, and water proof if applied in accordance with the directions. I takes a five gallon pail to achieve what they are looking for in a finished mill thickness of somewhere between 5 and 7.5 mills dry. It is purportedly to be very scuff resistant. It is not glossy as I had hoped. I may look into doing something about that. Any input would be appreciated. I have put two coats on at this writing and have put it on thickly, I thought, and yet it will take one more pass tomorrow morning to apply all five gallons. Cost for the material will vary but expect something in the area of $250 for a pail plus shipping. I see that Home Depot offers a similar product on their website. I am the least politically correct and really not all that prone to follow the environmental movement, however where it may affect my wallet and comfort dry camping and there is a track record to lean on, I will give it credence and try to use it. The testimonial from a fellow that has commercial real estate worked pretty good. It looks amazing as it is REALLY white. http://www.isbu-info.org/ot http://www.isbu-info.org/all_about_ceramic_insulation.htm Bill Edwards
  6. That is why I asked. What is on this coach I will now get rid of because it is huge 96 wide, unavoidable but it appears nearly 20 to 24 inches tall, hanging from well above the receiver. I will replace with one 10 inches tall and below the receiver. Thanks for all the time you spend doing this!! Bill Edwards
  7. Brett, Are you implying that we should not have/ use a guard behind, at back end of coach with side radiator? Bill Edwards
  8. This cool front kind of unusual this early. Evening City temps summer in the 70 and 80s Day time more than a month of 90+. Up here only a few days in the 90s mostly balmy 80s pretty darn nice and we say no humidity but really in the 30/40% range. It is much more humid in the summer than winter. So come in the summer July is the warmest, August, September and October the nicest with the least amount of rain, summer showers. BillE.
  9. As I was answering 53 we had a power outage. Here is the rest of the ribbing...when I was a Boy Scoutmaster and winter camping, the youg ones would come in cold, we made them drink a large glass of water and then gave them a chunk of chocolate. Five minutes later they were hot and ready to roll. It is cooler this evening up here at 8050 feet as well this evening, 42 degrees. BillE
  10. 53 put a sweatshirt on and drink some water!
  11. J, Yes it will be here Monday. I emptied the trailer and put the new "purty wheels" on it this afternoon. It is in the middle of the afternoon rain soon to be clear again. I will get after it this evening again. Needed a break. I will go pull the AC tie down bolts so in the AM I can pull them and get the roof painted. As a matter of fact now would be perfect to rinse it since the storms have past and it will be dry by morning. My boy is commin down to visit and he can help me put the ACs back on Sunday PM...great! Yup Sept 1 is rollin in fast. It has cooled jus a bit but it will heat back up for a short bit. Yes Carl you have a real coach with even more to go awry than I do. I like my simple little coach with really nice solid walnut cabinetry, even if it was built on Monday after a long hard 3 day weekend. It is that C 12 CAT I like! I can straighten the rest of it out easily enough. Janet is beginning to worry a bit, hard when it is out loud...guess I had better get to it BillE
  12. Carl, I will try that right now since I did not think of it. Thank you, Apparently a wear item as REV/Monaco has fifty of them on the shelf...what am I missing here. it appears to be a fairly common problem. Valve is 136 bucks, probably could have found it in town but a lot to do rather than running all over this spread out area. I will have it Monday and back in in 15 minutes. Maybe I will have the roof painted by then. Bill Edwards
  13. Gentlemen, Ok, finally got the rig turned around and now can take this apart. 3 lines 1 in and two outand plenty of air. As I stated earlier I could mess with the valve and get it to air up both sides right side faster for sure than the left. Taking the valve out and blowing thru it produced good air out the right side and only a little out the left. This appears to indicate a restriction internally. Valve has no real labeling other than a brand, like a branding iron symbol of a W with a C off the center of the W. The C comes off the right side center of the W facing down. It has a date code of 98 on the back and id made of a hard black plastic. Bill Edwards
  14. Herman, As usual u lived up to expectations BillE
  15. That is the way a smart man handles it, particularly these days. It is not the way of the majority! When I talked of buying a boat since Janet's family lived in Hawaii, good place for one right, here mother, little conservative Chinese lady said "no holes in water". Ok I said, no boat. So it became Porsches she just shook her head. I had the last laugh when I sold all the old 356 inventory a few years back. Bill Edwards
  16. Carl, You would still have to stoop maybe to your knees in my shower and I have a skylight! With that kind of height you could probably ski on those things you walk on. I had an uncle my dads twin that was 6' 4" and I thought that was tall. The custom house you built, I assume it has extra tall door jambs? What kind of toad do you drive, sure isn't a PORSCHE or a BMW! Were you any good at basketball? BillE
  17. Herman has a reputation and we should help him maintain it. I made a guess that was probably the case. His response will be priceless and it equals lots of humor. I think it comes with the age thing. I know my turn is coming... Herman If we call you direct is there a discount?? Dang it anyway, I will be too far east to make it but I will make the one in March in Arizona. BillE
  18. Is there something I am missing or do you guys know where the time warp portal is. I think the date has past since my calendar says it is August 19th today. Maybe that is why Carl and Bill are smiling so big. Herman are you trying to pull another one???
  19. I picked up on that little point, " Historic" as being a good reference. For us another good point, old coach thing is overall height is under 12 feet, 11' 9" to be precise. I know Carl would not like that inside but we do! I seem to remember Carl saying he was a tall one. BillE
  20. J, It's either your eyes or the computer as I see a Wanderlodge BillE
  21. Thank you Wildebill, I will put Corning on the list. We will not see Niagara Falls as we have been there before and yes very good but will do the Canadian side another time. Passport you bet never know! We looked into the easy pass, it has to be a commercial account! Not really al that big a deal but we are not big on the freeways. Secondary roads are more favored and between the MC atlas and the 760 I think we should do OK. We will be in Harrisburg if we change our minds and find using the Turnpike favorable. I have been on it before with a deadline and nice. I will be pretty long with the trailer toad and the 24 foot trailer so attention will be the order of the day! BillE
  22. J, I agree. Today it is BLING that gets the attention and the idea that it is new and without problems or issues. It is just like everything else these days, who can I impress, how good can I look...and then you ask is it paid for...nope, the bank owns it! It looks like all the real coachers are driving the older and best of the bunch built and own them outright! There must be something I am missing. My mother thought I was a spend thrift, yet today comfortable and living the dream with no help from her and we own it all except the cabin!!!. all the way to the bank! Huffy keep rolling, nice to see you back, enjoy. I still like going back and watching the roll out up the Siskiyou Mountain pass out of Ashland, Oregon. gonna do it in the Panther next time we are out there. It is home ground, grew up in Medford. Porsches are not the same either...it's a money game! BillE
  23. Bill, Aside from getting there, first stop Akron, Ohio for of course a 356 PORSCHE convention. Then down to Hershey for a day and the Motorhome Show. Janet said last night we get to see Falling Water and then down to a chili cook off at the Gettysburg RV Camp Ground. I have old Porsche friends in Harrisburg that I have not seen in years. We will then go up to Sam Talerico's place in Mohnton, PA. and pick up a load of quarter sawn white oak for the log cabin I have ben building. After that, we will just wander back north to Mohawk, New York. We will spend some time here helping another Safari owner with his coach. He has a place for us and will loan us a car to explore the Adirondack mountain country for a bit and then head back to Colorado. Any tips would be appreciated as this is the first time spending any real time in the three states, Ohio,PA and NY BillE.
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