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Everything posted by relationshipdoc

  1. We are very seriously considering Downsizing from our 38 foot diesel Class A to a Class C - new or very recent. In our research, all seem to have “a 10 cu ft 12 volt refrigerator.” Is that the same as the old gas absorption 12 volt/propane models? My only personal experience with those was in my 94 Bounder. In the summer we could drink, not eat, the ice cream. Maybe things are better now. Can you really load the fridge with food for a 3-4 day trip and expect everything to stay cold? Thanks for helping with our pre-buy research.
  2. I have read all the discussion and I have a similar problem, just a different question. I have the Xite Solutions unit with the Rand GPS as part of the unit. The Rand GPS is hopelessly out of date and I can’t get Naviextras to ever answer my emails. I gave up on Riverpark years ago. They would just say, “Go see your dealer.” So, I thinking of throwing the whole thing out and using it as a wheel chock, as some of you have said. My question is, if I want to use my iPhone for navigating, how do you plug it into a larger screen? I have the software on the phone and I have unlimited data, so that’s not a problem. It’s just that these old eyes can’t see a 6 inch screen very well. Any suggestions?
  3. We have a Alfa SeeYa 2004 that we love. Right now it's in good shape - I have kept up with the maintenance and I have done several renovations (e.g., replaced the old frig with a residential frig, replaced the inverter/converter, etc.). However, it is 14 years old (well, actually, 15 - it came off the factory assembly line August 2003). Of course, Alfa is no longer in business, and many of the components (e.g., the Generac generator) are no longer made. I'm 70 years old, but I expect to motorhome at least 10 more years, and hopefully longer than that. So, my question is, do I just keep my Alfa and continue to keep it up, or do I try to go with something new? What is your experience in keeping older motorhomes running - getting parts, getting people to work on them, etc.? Obviously, this one is almost paid for, while if I buy new I would be going in debt again big time. I get that piece. It is the other, the more practical side, of keeping something 14 years old, no matter how well maintained, properly running. I'll appreciate your thoughts.
  4. Thank you! I was planning to have my passports just in case - now I will make it more than a "just in case." I appreciate the tip and I'll add this to the "must-do" list.
  5. Good points. That is why I am planning a year in advance. To be able to make reservations, I need to know where I going. E.g., Yellowstone - north, east or west? Tetons before or after Yellowstone? Lots of details for this 45 day trip.
  6. I was indeed stationed at Plattsburgh AFB - for 3 years. Good assignment, even with the cold. However, I'm no relation to the Perrys in Morrisonville, that I know of.
  7. Thanks, Ed. Good points and I have filed all of that in my trip planning. I appreciate the tips on the RV parks, too. Wayne
  8. Ross, don't know anything about the CM Russell museum in Great Falls. I'll definitely have to look it up. We are already planning to spend a day or two in Cody. And maybe a day a bit further south in Thermopolis. Supposed to be the world's largest hot springs there. We have a total of 45 days allocated to this trip, so we want to see what we can in that time period. Living in Alabama, going west of Texas is a major trip for us.
  9. Tony, great tips. Thank you. I had not thought about the oil boom and what that can mean. Bill, I haven't really thought much about the trip home. We don't need to return through the Denver/Fort Collins area. Based on the route you proposed, I would want to stop off in Cody and Thermopolis on the way home - the Wyoming tourist book makes it seem like those are sights to see. Not sure what else would be a do-not-miss between Northwest Montana and Alabama.
  10. Bill, we are starting from the Montgomery, Alabama area and will probably take the most direct route to Denver (actually near Fort Collins - we have family in that area). And I do very much appreciate your detail of your trip. That is most helpful. The big question is how did you get from Yellowstone to I-90 to go to Glacier? What are the roads like on that side of the mountains? Thanks for your help here. Wayne
  11. Thanks, Bill. That is certainly an option. I do plan to go to Little Bighorn Battlefield, too, as you suggested. I just know from what others have said that I will need to make my reservations for campgrounds and some special activities months in advance. That is why I am trying to plan all of this out now. If I were to wait until next April or May, I might not be able to get reservations. Keep those suggestions coming. This is very helpful.
  12. Thanks! I'll add the float trip to my must-do list. I appreciate that bit of info. And now I know what roads to look at so this is looking better and better. I appreciate your suggestions.
  13. From one Alabama Wayne to another, let me know how it goes. I will be making a similar trip next year, and I'm looking for similar information.
  14. Thanks for the tips. We had planned on using the car for most of the trips and not trying to sight-see via motorhome. Hadn't considered that all of Glacier wouldn't be open by June, but I should have known from the time I was stationed in northern New York, 20 miles south of the Canadian border, while I was in the Air Force. So, from Colter Bay I assume you go west to I-15 and then north to I-90 to get to Glacier. But how do you get from Colter Bay to I-15? On my maps I don't see any major roads. Your motorhome is about the same size as mine, so if you can make it I can. Wayne Perry 2004 Alfa SeeYa 38' Cat 3126E 330 HP
  15. I am planning now for a trip to Glacier NP in June & July 2016. I have never been in the Rockies, though I have driven the the Appalachians in the East. We plan to drive from Alabama to see family in Denver (2-3 days there), and go to Yellowstone & Grand Tetons (5-7 days there), Glacier (2-3 days there), and then Mount Rushmore/Crazy Horse (3 days). We could do it in that order or we could go in the reverse. What would be the best way to get from Yellowstone to Glacier? That will be important as I look for campgrounds. Some people seem to like West Yellowstone, some seem to like other areas. The way to get from Yellowstone to Glacier will influence which campgrounds I try to get into. I do know to take it easy and not plan for more than 300 miles in any day - probably less in the mountains. Any suggestions you can give will be most appreciated. Wayne Alfa SeeYa 38' 2012 Ford Focus Toad
  16. I have a new 2012 Ford Focus, and like some others, evidently, I did not realize I had to disconnect the neg. lead until after I got home and read the owners manual. I looked at the Roadmaster switch; it specifically says it is NOT for the 2012 and later Focus. From all everyone is saying, disconnecting the battery is going to be a major pain, not only for the connect and disconnect itself, but also having to reset all the electronics (radio, cell phone, etc.) every time I tow. Since the new base plate is going to cost me right at $2000 plus what ever the additional wiring to make my Brake Buddy Classic work, what are the down sides of using a tow dolly? That seems like it may be the simplest solution at this point but since I don't know much about using a tow dolly, there may be something I am not aware of. Any thoughts on using a tow dolly for the auto tranny Focus?
  17. I have used my 465T for several years. Overall, I would give it a C. It does some things well, and some things frighteningly bad. I just got back from a long trip. Several times, it routed me down roads I had no business being on because it was trying to avoid a "trucks not allowed" road segment I HAD to travel to get to the campground. This led to some very bad moments on very narrow streets with very low limbs in all of the cases. I have learned to ignore the warnings of being off a truck route and the weigh station warnings. The curvy road warnings are wrong more than they are right. I have never once received a height or weight warning, so I don't know if that part really works or not. On the more positive side, it does calculate routes quickly, and adding my own points of interest is fairly easy. Overall, I would not buy a 465T. In fact, I'm looking for something else now - considering both the Rand McNally and the Magellan RV models.
  18. I second what capearc said. I would leave your RV at the campground and enjoy the sights via car. The hills in the Cape Breton National Park are quite literally 12% and 13% grades. But absolutely worth the drive. Plan more than one day for the 185 miles of that whole Cabot Trail if you can. If it's not raining, you'll want to spend time at each of the many pull-offs to be blown away by the view.
  19. Another practical driving tip I forgot to mention in my previous post. Unlike many places in the States, when you see a curve posted for, say 45 k/ph, they mean it. The posted speed on curves is definitely a maximum safe speed for your RV, and even for your toad. Yesterday we were in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Wonderful, beautiful place. The roads are mostly good, very curvy but mostly good, but I would not bring a RV into the park that is larger than 24 feet. Besides, you will want to stop often on the trip around the park (about 68 miles from tip to tip) to take in the breath-taking scenery. For the ones coming here in July, check out the whale watching in Pleasant Bay. There are, of course, other places, but you will find the prices in Pleasant Bay somewhat cheaper and the service very good. If you are hungry, a seafood meal at the Rusty Anchor is delightful - and you might even see whales playing off shore while you sit on the patio and enjoy your meal.
  20. I am now in Nova Scotia, so perhaps I can answer a few of your questions. I have just come up from Alabama. Although it would be perhaps just a little out of your way, if you want to avoid New York/New Jersey (and the rest of the megalopolis starting with Richmond Va), I would suggest you come up I-75 to I-81 to I-78 to I-287 to I-84 and then over to I-95. You get some hills that way, but you avoid all of the big cities. There are some toll roads, but not nearly as many as there are going straight up I-95. As for what you can bring into Canada, check out the CBSA website. They are pretty thorough. We followed what we found there, and we had no problems at all at the border. We had maybe a 15 minute wait - since the agent took our passports and disappeared, I assumed he was checking us out. He came on board, asked a few questions, looked around a bit, and that was it. Thorough, efficient, and pleasant. I have found a couple of tips I was going to post elsewhere, but I can just post them here. The major roads in New Brunswich and Nova Scotia are at least as good as the US roads. Our motorhome is 12'6" high, and we have had no problems with low overpasses. Most overpasses here are at least 4.3 meters high (roughly 14 feet). That said, things can change very quickly when you get off the main roads. I would stay on the main roads with your RV and explore the side roads with your toad. I simply set my GPS to show metric and the speed limits and the distances were no problem. You might want to add a metric converter app to your iPad or smart phone, though. There are two things I have found about the Canadian main roads, at least in this part of Canada. I have not found the same to be true in Ontario or Quebec provinces (at least, the portions I have traveled). First of all, there are a LOT of hills here, and the grades can be pretty steep. I have had no problem with my motorhome, but you will want to be sure your motorhome's radiator is clean and the cooling system is working its best. Second, the services are few and far between. So far, I have not found anything comparable to our rest areas. If you need a rest, you'll have to get off the highway at an exit. But, again, the services that can handle an RV are few and far between so plan ahead. I would recommend you never let your fuel tank get below half full. Oh, and be prepared for sticker shock. I paid the equivalent of $4.65 per gallon for diesel today (6/10/12). I paid $3.69 for diesel when I left home (Alabama) last week. This has been a trip we have dreamed of. We have about 2 more weeks here in the Maritimes. I would say the scenery ranges from beautiful to absolutely breath-taking. I'm having a ball, and I hope you will, too. Wayne
  21. I appreciate the introduction. We are traveling from Alabama to the Maritimes - New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI. We don't have a firm itinerary yet, except that I do want to go to Fundy Park to see the tides. Any tips as far as roads to avoid in our motorhome, or tips will be great. We'll be arriving early June this year (2012) for 16 days in country. Waynbe
  22. Betty, I have another, similar post in this forum. I have been to NYC and there is a LOT of traffic across the GW bridge. When I was staying at the Liberty Harbor marina & RV park, every day there were major backups on the GW bridge. I saw big trucks in the line, so I am sure you could make it if you don't mind the traffic. I am investigating going I-87/I-287 across the Tappan Zee bridge, just a little further north, and then up I-95 to Maine and then on to Nova Soctia. That shouldn't add much if anything to your trip, and if the feedback I'm getting so far is any indication, it should be a better route as far as traffic goes.
  23. We are planning a trip from Alabama to Nova Scotia in just a couple of weeks. I have read this forum and found a lot of helpful information, but there is one bit I have not found. All of my routing programs (including 1 that knows I am a "truck") want to send me I-78 to I-87 to I-287 across the Tapan Zee Bridge to join I-95 and then turn north. The rest of the route I am pretty clear about. I know for sure I don't want to try the George Washington Bridge; been there before and way too much traffic for my taste. What would this part of the route be like on a Monday (not rush hour)? I could go about 100 miles out of my way and stay out of the city totally; I did that before when I went to Boston before. The alternative route was very hilly, to say the least, so I am not sure if the speed I would lose going up hills would be better or worse than the speed I might lose in traffic. I have a 38 foot diesel motorhome (Alfa SeeYa), 12' 6" high, and I will be towing my Saturn. I have a Garmin 465T GPS in my motorhome. I will appreciate any routing suggestions. Wayne
  24. How about the tunnel height issue? I have looked at the charts and I know there are several that list heights in the 10 or 11 foot range. Our Alfa SeeYa is 12'6". I have been told the height charts are heights at the shoulders of the tunnel, but does anyone know if I "take my half out of the middle" whether my height is going to create a problem or not? I'd rather not find out the hard way.
  25. I have been very silent here for the last several months, primarily because my wife and I have not had our motorhome out of the driveway since before Thanksgiving. The reason for this very unusual hiatus has been, we have been renovating our primary house. I have often heard that if your marriage can survive such a project, it can survive almost anything, and now I know what they mean. This has been one of the most stressful, depressing, maddening experiences of my life. Those of you who have done a major renovation to your stationary home can understand. Those of you who have not had this experience, let me just say that a root canal without anesthesia is a more pleasurable option. We are still having struggles with our heat pump ( I don't know if I can mention the brand name here, but it's a major brand), so I don't know when we will get to go out again. Last weekend, we had the factory rep from the manufacturer out here. Still doesn't work as it should. I don't know what this next weekend will bring, but it probably won't be what I long for most -- a trip into the woods to gather my sanity after more than two months of excursion into insanity. Hopefully, though, soon Donna and I will be back on the road, and we'll have lots more to write about. I look forward to that in more ways than one.
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