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Posts posted by manholt

  1. 07' Tour, came with a Nocool and had it replaced with a 20 cu. ft. Samsung, no problems for 4 years! 11' Allegro Bus came with a Samsung French Door and the only problem I had was the plastic door tabs that kept on breaking...had metal tabs made, no more problem! The current Coach has a 19 Whirlpool 2 door...no problems! :)

    I have 2 good friends that I visit several times a year. One in NE Texas on a ranch, 2 miles of dirt road from gate to house! The other in La. Hwy 35 from I-10 to Kaplan has to be driven to believe and then a mile of dirt road to his house, also a large ranch!

    Then think of any bad road between E coast & W coast etc. :angry:<_<

    I LOVE Residential Fringes! :wub:

  2. 2013 Modified Wrangler Sport Automatic. No base plate. Hook up to front bumper, "D" ring support. Road master A/T #6000 pounds.

    Invisa Brake (in a dust/water proof Lexan box).

    Blue OX is great for a heavy truck or SUV, but to heavy for me. The unit weights a ton!

    Transfer case in N and Transmission in P, key in my pocket.

    Happy New Year.

  3. As Bill said...he's from Houston. I will assume he knows Texas and probably coastal La.

    That said, I would recommend the Milton, Fl. KOA, Exit 31 off I-10 for an extended stay...lots of places to visit in a 50 mile radius!

    Also, get on Hwy. 19/27/98 from Ft. Walton to Perry, Fl. and Perry to Hudson, Fl. Don't know where in Fl. he wants to go, but

    Chiefton or Hudson is a good jumping across Fl. spot.

    Tom mentioned Hwy 85 from I-8, it takes you to Anjo, then Why, Az. Organ Pipe is just north of Lukeville and it's in the NE section of

    the Socorro Desert. If you feel like it you can cross the border at Lukeville and go another 84 km to "Rocky Point, Mexico".

    Just make sure you have a full tank of fuel before leaving Anjo. In Why you can take Hwy. 86 to Tucson...good road last year!

    Happy New Year and have a great trip!

    Carl C.

  4. Big enemy for Diamond Shield and Paint = Love Bugs! Get them off ASAP!!

    I have no pitting on my Shield, therefor, no reason to remove. For me, it's the biggest bang for the bucks and if I ever have to remove

    it, I would have it done and re applied by Professionals. My time, is the most valuable asset I have!!!

    The Blake Bra looks funky and the Plexi glass will yellow over time! Lexan is price prohibitive...

    Carl C.

  5. Herman. Happy New Year!

    Like your idea of one pass fits all States, but that is like Congress agreeing on a issue. It ain't going to happen in my life! :P<_<

    From reading all the States that have a Tag, we would have as many cards to keep track off as we did in Texas during dry county days-- $3.00 for a club membership to get a beer! :lol:


  6. Greg.

    There is a caveat. If you do find a DP in your price range, there is a matter of care and feeding. DP's are not cheap to insure, operate, service or fix! 8 tires alone, is in the $7,000 to $9,000 dollar range, depending on size, every 6 to 7 years.

    You can save some $$$ if your able to service your engine.

    I think you should ask your race friends, the same questions your putting on us...

    Happy New Year :)

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