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Posts posted by manholt

  1. A trailer hitch tongue thru the windshield of a sedan?  What part am I missing here?  :blink:

    The cost of my last Windshield, on a coach, was $908 for the glass, $813 for Tax & Shipping from IN to TX & $990 in Labor & shop charges & more Tax.  It came with a new gasket, that was not needed so I got $200 back!  That was on a American Coach Tradition 45' built by Allied (they own REV) in 2010! The replacement was in 2018.

  2. 2 out of 10 months, is a dismal performance if we did not have COVID-19, shelter in place, travel restrictions, no National Rally's, no Area Rally's, no Chapter Rally's, group restrictions, rioting, indiscriminate killings, etc.  Did I miss something?

    As if that is not enough, we now read, thanks to WHO, all about China's outbreak of "The Black Death!"  Been going on there, since it came out of a Mongolia Lab, in Nov. 2019!  

    The only disturbing trend, is that people are not thinking, understandingly so, about FMCA or anybody's membership!

  3. Ditto!  My DW loves the GPS & wants to let me know all the info she gets....I goggle point "B" in the morning, I already know where we are at.  She gets upset at me, she does not understand a photographic memory, I got it.  

    Garmin to me is most useful for tunnels, low underpass and narrow, or weight limit bridges!   I also keep a Truckers Atlas...Lots of useful info. like truck stops for fuel & food.  

  4. Forget the 80,000#!  My coach is rated 68K#, Prevost is 75K#. Newell is 72K#...not enough difference to worry about.  6" straight pipe's with the Capt. choice wide open does make a little noise!  In TX is mostly gravel trucks!  Last time I was in Montana, it was Cattle (6 trailer's) haulers! :lol:

  5. Dan, I have not seen FMCA on UTube...I see it all the time on  FB.  

    We have, for as long as I remember, advertised FMCA as a whole and feel we should continue that.  

    Smithy, you can't use the past 8 months+ as a benchmark against previous years!  

    Bill, I remember and don't plan on being gone, anytime soon!  I have 53 years of Class A's, my wife has 37 years!  

    I don't remember the cost of membership in FMCA back in 1967, but if you take inflation into consideration,  the cost of $85 today, would probably be the same! :rolleyes:


  6. Mike, good info.  The 33 RED is a 340 DP.  As you can see under my signature, we have a King Aire 4584 & my problem is like yours was, very tight to get to 1/2 bath with 3 slides in!  600 HP helps a lot. 

    Your house on pier & beam?  I just sold one on Galveston Island, TX.  13', our old coach was 13' 3", now 14' 4" !

  7. Several things can cause that, stuck or broken roller,  bad clutch, broken gear, not level, slide out of adjustment by 1/4" or more. Sometimes when it stops you can bump the in/out toggle, if it moves in by 1" per bump, then it's your clutch or a bad roller.  Make sure there is nothing heavy on sofa or a seat, that didn't come with coach, like a case of water bottles!

  8. DD69, I've been to Mikes, Beautiful work, but I found them to be expensive!  That was when we had the Indy Rally...saw him both at shop and booth.

    Dons, 10-4!  Prep can be expensive!  Removal of all Diamond Shield or 3M, is never cheap in Labor!


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