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Posts posted by manholt

  1. docj. Agree, but it works best on your engine and mine...I have gone to 5 in NM on 2 grades, but it was because of a long curve that was slanted to the out side on one and a slow car on the other!  On I-70 from Grand Junction to Denver, I spent most of my time in 3rd, Cummins 425 at 1,250 torque...very slow up to the pass!  I want to do it again now, Cummins 600 at 2,050 torque!  Bet I won't have to go below 5th!

    Wayne, your way is what I did on my 425 and before that on the 450! Even the ISM 400 on the WB Tour was a PIA on long grades!

  2. I have taken 101 in both directions, from  Olympia to LA and back.  I jumped off before Big Sur & the Russian River to do Napa.  Some areas are not compatible for a 47+ foot coach & toad. Found that out last time.  Campgrounds was also a big issue!  My mind was stuck on old memory of a 24' gas coach in 1976. LOL. 

    As for your route, take Brad's word...my rule has always been to follow the slowest 18 wheeler down hill.  The last thing you ever want to do in a coach, is to use a "Runaway Ramp!"  If your real lucky, all you'll do is total the coach!  Ramps look smooth, but the first thing to happen in a coach is sink to the frame, take the front end totally off along with generator and front axle, after that is a moth point. 

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