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About tetonchief

  • Birthday 08/02/1952

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    Military (I'm retired). Guns (I shoot and like to compete). Golf, fishing, snowmobiling, Harleys (although I just sold mine to buy my motorhome), movies, pizza, fine dining, cowboys, cowgirls and all things Western or Native American, history, the open road, and did I say pizza?
  • I travel

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  1. What was their exact reason? Was it because you did not contact them first? You could have taken the tow guys info, used your toad to get to a cell service area and then have the RSS company make a decision on what to do. It sounds like you didn't give them any chance to help but submitted a bill. You might check the policy and see if their is a remedy to dispute. I know for insurance, you can hire a company that fights for you in a claim denial.
  2. Costs are going up d the weather has a lot to do with it. Last year several hurricanes, tornadoes and hail. This year more of the same. Just look at the most recent damage from hurricane Michael in FL panhandle. There is going to be a lot of major claims from that which will drive up premiums next year for all. Insurance is based on large pools sharing the costs for all.
  3. 2 years ago I took 287 N all the way from where I picked it up in S. Texas to the GTNP South Gate at Moran WY. It was a wonderful drive. I have done the drive 4 times now from FL going different ways each time to my summer job in the National Park. The last time was driving my 39' Canyon Star (gas) which I now full time in. No problem with the mountain passes in or out of the area. I do have a Bnaks system. I have been all over the area out there. About the only pass I wouldn't want to do with the motorhome and toad is the Bear Tooth Hwy--otherwise they are all doable. I do my best to stay off the interstates--you see the real America that way.
  4. I went to Tampa show today. Drove over from MAFB FAMCamp where I am parked. Busier than last 2 years! Long lines for everything. I lucked out by entering from US 301 main entrance--they had LEO traffic control. I parked near Gate 1 but took tram to gate 3 for entrance as the lines at gate 1 were like a block long. Inside the vendor buildings you could barely move the crowds were so bad, add to that the dogs on leashes and the ones in strollers...ridiculous! It is bad enough ng to navigate all the folks on scooters, but I understand that as it is a huge footprint to cover. Really didn't look at the RV' much, just an a few from teardrops to 1.5 million Prevost, but only one of these here and one of those over there. I think I set foot or leaned in 5 total. I am not in the market for a new rv. I really didn't see anything new at the vendors. It was pretty much the same vendors, same booths. I did find a good bargain, a 25 foot heated water hose at Camping World booth. It rung up as $114 but they had a $19.99 clearance sticker on the shelf where they had 4. Since I go out to the Tetons in April and leave in Oct it seemed like a good buy. Otherwise, shopping on line is the way to go. When I finally left I went out gate 3 and waited 20 minutes for a parking lot tram. Seemed like only 2 trams running the entire parking lot. When I started waiting in line I was the 9th person in line. Then as the tram got closer people started coming from the gates and walked past se of us in a line and it was a bum rush to get a seat. Rude behavior was kind of rampant inside as well as outside the venue gate. People would just stop in the middle of the aisle to look at a vendor booth without stepping closer to the booth and allow people to pass--some acted like the show was put on for them. Talk about a "soft target" where a lot of bad could happen. Maybe tomorrow and the rest of the days will be better and this was just because it was day one for the public. If you are planning to go get there real early for entrance and parking and be prepared.
  5. I am very happy with how my purchase turned out. Michelin charged me via email receipt what they quoted for the tires. The servicing dealer charged me for mount and balance and stems, taxes and disposal (which is different in each state) which I paid separate the day I had the work done. The tires were $566 each (times 6) so it wasn't cheap--had it done in New York. I could have driven to another state for cheaper or no taxes but I was on my way to Newmar for $4000 in body work caused by flying highway cones--I figured why chance a blow out on the way to save a few hundred. Better safe than sorry.
  6. You better do a good deal of behind the wheel training in parking lots etc before you let him take over on a trip. How many hours of driving a car as a learner were you satisfied with before he got a license and you let him take the car. Do you think a trucking firm would hire no let a new 16 year old driver take out a truck? Can he rent a U-Haul? In any case, I hope you got deep deep pockets if something goes wrong and you get sued.
  7. I was planning all wheel balancing but as I mentioned the Michelin dealer said it was not necessary on my drive wheel duals. If I wanted it done they would have to do stick on weights with the rear aluminum wheels and I have seen them fall off the wheels on my car more than once. They also stopped doing the powder and bead inside tires. Will see how it goes--first 45 miles from dealer to my daughters and it drove great!
  8. Just had 6 new Michelins (255 X 80r x22.5) installed this past Monday at a dealer (Marlboro, NY) using the FMCA program. They balanced the front tires but not the drive's (said not necessary and waste of $ on the drives with duals, also would have had to use stick on weight there and could lose them miles down the road and then out of balance). They also stopped using the powder/beads inside tires for balance as they had more problems with it than worth.
  9. Just to clarify, a LEO will use your drivers license to determine what you may or may not operate, not the vehicle tag ( for some people out there that registered their vehicle in a different State than the State of their driver's license.
  10. Come from Idaho Falls through Soda Springs to Alpine to Jackson. It is a pretty easy drive.
  11. I believe Newmar says only wash your coach with a lambs wool pad--never brushes. Best to do yourself or hire someone with correct equipment. Most car wash places etc have signs saying they are not responsible for any loose or added equipment--it is their way of not accepting liability.
  12. By-passes were created to alleviate traffic through towns, especially if not stopping there. Before by-passes the route through towns was the only route. So big rigs and RV's etc can go through (size wise) but you would be wise to use the by-pass anytime town traffic is usually high--rush hours and in some places it can be like 6am until 10 pm. At 2 in the morning you pretty much fly right through.
  13. Loan value (wholesale) is normally 80% of the retail value--at least that is the way in the auto industry. Starts at new with MSRP. Depending on location and vehicle popularity some dealers like to add on a sticker to the MSRP and call it market adjusted price--just a markup on their part to get you to pay more however the bank still goes by MSRP. As the vehicle ages the loan (wholesale), retail, and average rate-in values go down based on depreciation and location and what they are selling for at the auctions. RV's are going to be a bit different as there isn't a huge auction market for them let alone numbers near cars and trucks. So banks are going yo tend to base al values at the lower end of the market so they don't put too much in a vehicle and get stuck with repos that are up side down. RV's are not necessary transportation-- they tend to fall in the category of "toys" with boats, motorcycles, atv's etc.
  14. I wish threads would stick to the topic.
  15. Yes! Many bases allow RV folks to have their weapons with them even staying in the FAMCAMP--you just have to stop by the armory and provide a list (they actually have a form) of you weapons. You sign a statement concerning the base regulations, storage etc, and you provide a copy of the approved form to the FAMCAMP registration office. Some bases will allow you to store them at the armory as well. I do recommend you check with each base (or fort or station) prior to arrival just as you should check each States laws concerning firearms, concealed carry etc.
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