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Everything posted by dp26

  1. dp26


    Careful on the archery gear. Some locations may restrict those as well, since they are weapons. For us, we usually have recurves on hand, since they live in the rv, but the strings can be locked up if we are in a restricted location. May not be 100% compliant, but seems like a logical solution. I would ask the PTB, but one never knows who will answer.
  2. dp26


    This is a public forum... I get and accept this as fact. I hope all who elect to arm themselves get training from someone who is currently working in the protection field. Such training should come before selecting what tool or tools, if any, to use. During the training, I suspect you would find things like needing to rack or slide before use will be discouraged, since presentation should be reserved for deadly force use only, in an expedient manner. Which mechanical tools I have at my disposal at any particular time is something I was trained not to disclose.
  3. dp26


    For what my opinion is worth, why say either way, especially in public? I am not personally fond of public disclosure. I am very fond of education, specifically education to make the proper personal decision, and education on the consequences and responsibilities of said decision.
  4. Jeeps have a cowl drain which drips on pass side if plugged. DW is not happy if her footwell is wet, so the cowl area and cowel drain tube is a must keep clear item for me...
  5. So many lost homes, so few builders to rebuild them. Even those who can will have a long recovery. One friend who lost their home was smart enough to find a place to rent within 48 hours. It is about 45 minutes away, but they decided to take it while there was something to take.
  6. Yes to the rally. Our home is ok. We realised we can do without it. It is just a place to be. We got what we needed in the MH and jeep. Did not worry about what we left. Part of that is having good insurance, part is not being as attached to stuff as before.
  7. 54, #, and 20. Kids are on the end, DW in the middle. Two older boys who have lives of their own. Already booked out and back stops around Gillette 2018. Live in CA, temporarily "displaced" from Napa.
  8. The Napa (City) Fairgrounds is about a 2 minute walk for me, but to stay there, I would have to get some sort of exemption since they do not allow locals!
  9. Can only speak for me. Joined 4.2016. IIRC, got welcome emails from national. Got welcome info from Western area. And follow up info from Western area including invite to Indio. Have not received anything from a chapter, and have not yet found one which seems like a decent fit, to reach out too. I was thinking or maybe expecting the chapters had access to new members, and solicited any who are in their area. But, given what I found when searching chapters (stale or no web site), I suspect few are actively seeking new members, at least in my area. Not knocking local chapters, everyone has lives, and if their group is running smooth as is, adding more volunteer work is not top on the list. Sure, it would be great if every local has someone checking for a new member once a week, but not realistic. I am waiting out the vote to see how I want to proceed.
  10. Had not mailed yet, so I printed again. One ballot sent only, one in the round file.
  11. Thanks Herman. I will find or make a place... a few folks have been chatting with me already. I had to print a new ballot since discussing what I was actually looking for. I changed my mind towards inclusive, and hopefully focusing on the F and A, instead of the letters between. The options are many, versus the time when my dad converted buses as a hobby, but the people who enjoy what we do are still the same. Yes, things will change, but change can be good. So there is an article, forum, or presentation we may skip, we already do anyway. I currently skip things on air brakes, auto steps, and diesel. Others have no need to read a gas or E450 topic, be concerned with having internet 24/7, have any interest in DIY, or drop by a first timers meeting at a rally. Legacy eggs could avoid extinction.
  12. I am still new to fmca. Have not even found a chapter to look over, since most in my area do not even list a web site... and those with a web site do not fit. I did vote. I am in my mid 50's, and can travel at will. Class c is our choice. While I am sure there are others like me in fmca (age, c or b class, or both) they seem to be hard to find... This may be the bigger issue, as others have already said. If there is not an easy way to find those similar to me, those like me will never stick, and the group will not grow. Perception is reality in many cases, so retired Class A may be the perception causing the lack of growth commensurate with unit sales. If the perception does not change, towable addition will not net much, of any at all. Just a noobs opinion...
  13. dp26

    Health insurance

    Wifi if you are lucky, but I have both at&t and Verizon, and a Max amp booster. Only rarely do I not have at least voice...
  14. My auto policy says pleasure, since I no longer work outside the home. I wonder if I am covered going to get smogged, to the mall, etc. (Just kidding.)
  15. I am always recreating... IANAL. My guess is it is to exclude full time. I would also read the policy, not go on what someone says. Most are lay person readable with a little effort.
  16. Concerned in what way? We have appropriate coverage.
  17. Not B, but our C is constantly in use. And we have 4 vehicles... We just like our C, is easy to take dogs, and I can work from it.
  18. In Williams now, going to trailer village timorrow. Still feeling the jarring from i40... Also, there are some long delays along i40 because of one lane construction, so be prepared. It added about 40 minutes heading east. The line in the west side looked longer. We took 58 to Barstow. Lucked into good weather, should be low 80's at TV the next few days.
  19. My only reminder is the kits come with a light to tell you when the brake "may" be on. It does not mean enough force has been used to actually apply the brake, just that the mechanism has moved. Could be fooling some to think the brakes are actually on. The switch on the hitch mechanisim is much simpler than a setup to the brake pedal in the toad. I use it as a reminder to be ready for the 'clunk', and that the mechanisim is not frozen or stuck on. NSA offers the other style indicator as a separate piece, for those that want to monitor the brake pedal in the toad. Since I use magnetic lights on the cargo tray on the toad, I can check actual toad braking by watching the toad brake lights (I do not have to disconnect toad battery).
  20. Get a loaded weight on your mh first. Make sure you are not already over your 14.5k. If you are good on the mh, you will still be at least 2k under gcvw. With appropriate braking setup, you should be good. Also take a good look at your hitch setup and the rating info, to confirm the capability of the actual hitch.
  21. Prob is correct with possible 7500. My e450 has 22k gcvw and an appropriate hitch setup.
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