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Proposed Change To FMCA's Governance

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16 hours ago, manholt said:

Don't understand where the idea of "

Some have 5 votes and others none"!  One F# = one vote!  5 Votes?  How?

Easy, each Chapter has a vote on the board. 70% belong to no chapter, of the remaining 30% I am sure some or many belong to more than one chapter, therefore they effectively have more votes.

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3 hours ago, jimnorman said:

Easy, each Chapter has a vote on the board. 70% belong to no chapter, of the remaining 30% I am sure some or many belong to more than one chapter, therefore they effectively have more votes.

I hear what you are saying but it does lead to some confusion.

The governing board (the voting body) is comprised of one delegate from each chapter be it the national director, alternate director, president, or a designated delegate elected by the chapter. A delegate can be appointed by the chapter president in case of a short notice of the unavailability of the normal delegate. Each chapter should pol the membership on a voting issue and direct the person attending the GB meeting to vote the way the majority of the chapter membership directs. If you belong to more than one chapter, yes you can vote in those chapters. It probably won't mean anything in the long run as it is a majority of that chapter.

There is no way for the chapter to determine how its representative voted with the exception of voting for national officers. Each paper ballot has a number on it and those are recorded in the name of the chapter. Only the president of that chapter can find out how the club representative voted for for the national officers.

The only time individual members get to vote is in the situation we just had. Members got to vote for changes to the articles of incorporation and the constitution. The governing board votes for changes to the bylaws

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Dons2346.  X2.  Everything can be effectively interpreted wrong, if taken out off context.  Smithy, Herman and I, now you, have been trying to keep this post based on fact, not guess work!  Any member who really care how FMCA function can get that info from FMCA!  No big secret... 

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I line in one state, in one voting district, so I get ONE representative to Congress. I can own a home in all 50 states, but I still only get to vote for one rep. In FMC I can join half a dozen chapters and have a vote there to elect a representative to the Board. So in effect I get 6 votes.

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Actually, if you belong to multiple chapters, what you can do is "Influence your National Director's vote" in each chapter you belong to. 

That is, if you care to.  As you know, many do not care enough to delve into each issue facing the governing board and express an opinion.

When was the last time any of your chapters sat down and went through the many pages of documents that the governing board votes on and had individual members vote on each one??? 

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Brett, can't think of one time that it was not generic, just based on what information they got from FMCA, bio and ND.  I'm a member of 4 chapter's.  I hear what 3 other ND's are reporting and it was a 3 ring Circus, 3, 4, 5 month's ago!  I and one other ND try to stay on top of things and report to the Chapter...the other 2?  Guess info to no viable info!

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