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High-end RV's

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Being new to RVing I keep hearing about high end RV units.  I noticed most of them are always in the 40 ft plus size.  Was wondering what you guys thinks would be a high end type coach with a max length of 36 or 37.  I can't store any larger then that.  I keep scanning RVT web site, but would really help if I would know what brand to look for what and what to stay away from.  

Any comments would be helpful.

Should mention only interested in diesels pushers.

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Yes, there are high-end DP's in the 36' range.

Foretravel, Country Coach and others made them.

Roughly what price range are you interested in and perhaps we can post some examples?

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Monaco Dynasty, pre 2006, Foretravel, pre 2004, Country coach, pre 2005, Holiday Rambler, pre 2005, Safari, pre 2005, Trek, pre 2005, Blue Bird any year, Prevost pre 2000 and there are a lot more out there!


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Prevost are only 40' and 45' so not within the OP's range of RV's.  They are clearly the best, just not available in less than 40'.

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MCI makes a J class, it is 36 feet, I have seen 4 of these converted into motorhomes which were beautiful, definitely high end. One of these went for less than 36K on ebay, it had less than 2K damage on left rear, Most of these run C-60 detroits.

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R LeBlanc,

There is a RV dealer in Texas that has two nice coaches in the size you would like and within your price range. Now don't get turned off by all of the 40", 42" and 45'er there. They have smaller coaches.

Motor Homes of Texas in Nacogdoches.  http://motorhomesoftexas.com/

1)  2001 Foretravel U295. 36 foot, 1 slide, 350 HP Cummins and $89,500.00

2)  2003 Foretravel U295, 36 foot, 2 slides 400 HP Cummins and $104,500.00 

Call and ask for Mel. 


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As an owner of a 36ft '97 Foretravel, I could not ask for a better built coach.  Plenty of amenities.  A well engineered and very well put together coach.  On another forum I read that the above 2001 U295 has had very good care.  


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Heck, we have an old 1989 36' Grand Villa Foretravel and we have seen a lot of newer coaches that didn't look half as good as ours. They didn't age well. Good quality, design, and construction hold up a lot better than the "bargain model coaches.

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  On 12/25/2016 at 6:57 PM, testcommercial said:

IT makes me nervous to buy a used MH that is too old for a Extended service contract.  So many thing that are really expensive to repair that would bust my retirement budget.

Welcome to the forum and Merry Christmas.

Buying a quality coach that has been properly checked out is a safer bet than trying to get one of those service contract to pay off. Do a search there have been several threads on this lately.



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  On 12/25/2016 at 7:48 PM, WILDEBILL308 said:

Buying a quality coach that has been properly checked out is a safer bet than trying to get one of those service contract to pay off. Do a search there have been several threads on this lately.

I agree 100%

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If you are shorter than 6 foot 4 inches tall, I would get a Foretravel!  It's in your size range and wallet.  I would have had one a long time ago, had it not been for the interior height restriction!  I was over 6' 9" then, still 6' 7+" now! :D


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