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Blog Comments posted by -Gramps-

  1. I am trying to move in the opposite direction. I want to set my stuff free....or free me from my stuff if you prefer. We still have one bird in the nest whoose nestegg is growing and thoughts of buying a house are in his head. Once he is out, who knows, maybe we can stuff what we need in one motorhome and go hit the road for a very long time.

    Enjoy your new "castle" in South Texas you two!

  2. David,

    Team play is for me as well. I was part of a big gaming clan that played Medal of Honor-Spearhead and Call of Duty. But like a lot of good things it life, it died. People got older, had more responsibilites, games got old, some members couldn't afford the PC upgrades to keep up.

    So now I play a free simple cartoon shooter called Battlefied Heroes. Its an online team based game. If you care to try it, I play as LtGramps, or PvtGramps or HerrGramps.

  3. I posted a link to this entry over at RV.net. I received this response:

    Speechless!! Just plain speechless!! Thats exactly where I am. I did what I thought was right and believed I paid my dues. Grew up in New York City and beat the odds. Raised by a single parent along with a younger brother and two younger sisters, graduated high school, achieved college degrees, honorably served 23 yrs in Coast Guard and retired. Somewhere, somehow something went terribly wrong. Well maybe not wrong but....okay here it is......been married coming up on 16 years, daughter who just moved back home (with young grandson), son who still has six more years til he graduates from high school. Let me break it down for you....married for so many years means I have a mortgage; daughter back home because financially she can not stand on her own,this means I STILL must provide for her and grandson (when she left there was no grandson); twelve year old son is too young to (legally) get a job yet old enough to ask for pairs of sneakers that cost the same amount or more than filling my RV gas tank up. They don't know nor do they understand that underneath this calm, peaceful, poised, gentle, caring, exteria is a calm, peaceful, poised, gentle, caring husband,dad, granddad that wants to just go.

    No more hard times, no more bad times, no more sad times, just the open road to whereever and whenever I want, being seen through the windshield of my motorhome...............speechless!

    If I was granted just one wish that came true........


    Darius....the "Rookie RVer"

    U.S. Coast Guard Retired

    "RVing....cause life's a trip"

  4. Nickolas is doing pretty good today. We have come to realize he doesn't hear very well any longer, and that he is now an elderly dog. We don't think we want to risk another try at any more procedures that require anaesthesia. I think I will just have to get him some smoked beef bones and see if they will help his teeth.

  5. I received this email from the owners and developers of Deer Creek Motorcoach Resort.

    Dear Derrick,

    I have just finished reading you blog about the Course of Dreams. I can not tell you how touched both Barry and I are. For many reasons you could not know. Those of us who are entrepreneurs put a bit of our soul into each project, customer, job, bid and endeavor. The land that Deer Creek sits on has a whole lot of our souls; of ours individually, and as a family. On the outside we are please with the publicity and hope for a successful development but deeper down we are so happy to build a place were people can feel like home because it's been home to us for over 20 years.

    Barry and his dad bought the land where the building lies in the early 80s for a craft manufacturing business that supplied another business at the time. In fact we met in the arts and crafts business. After producing many products and fulfilling many orders in the building that is now the clubhouse we added the land behind to our horses. While we dated, I lived in NYC and Barry in Winston-Salem, we spend weekends on the mountain riding horsed and eating biscuit and gravy with his mom and dad. In fact, back by between the Busses' lot and the Vonas' lot we talked about building our first house.

    About 5 years later, Barry and I were married and after having our first child, Megan, we moved to the mountain to raise our family. The craft business had been closed several years and his dad didn't know what to do with the land and then one day at the age of about 58 hid dad said,

    "I'm going to put a driving range down there at the building". We were shocked and thought they had gone crazy but by gosh they built it! As we all loved the golf business we jumped in and worked, planted, built the miniature golf course, and eventually Barry and his dad built the par 3 course. We worked in that business through out the growth our three kids, his parent's retirement and lots of range balls going in the mud.

    As things have evolved and changed we are so please to have this beautiful place to share with great folks as you and Diane. Everyone feels like extended family to us and we cherish those great times on the back porch. We used to keep a picture from the movie Field of Dreams, we always believed "if we build it they will come." Knowing what you have gone through with the loss of your friend, we are grateful God brought you to Deer Creek and that you have found some peace and happiness. It really warms our hearts that the ground that has nurtured our family has the power to comfort you. We have always believed in the magic of the land.

    Thanks for your kind words.

    Laura and Barry

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