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    Some where in the US
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    1999 Safari Panther 425
    Travel, completing the details of a log home built over the last 17 years almost single handedly, Mechanics in general and my spouse of 46 years
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  1. Richard, I think a case by case is more relevant on this. I bought a 20 year old Safari Panther with 12K on the odo that sat almost entirely for 15 of those years. Consignment dealer put a couple hundred miles on it after picking it up and returning to sale point. I have had zero mechanical problems over the last 50K and no others from the house that I could attribute to sitting all those years. The exception perhaps was the refrigerator but a change of the thermistor fixed that. I consider myself pretty good at the repair and maintaintence scene. A DP sitting for an extended period is not the same as a gasser fuel wise and yes location in the country could have some bearing on this decision. I think I was lucky that this rig was in the Pacifica Northwest opposed to Florida. Lots of factors could figure into this equation.
  2. Richard, I just put the same tire on mine. The checked tires were as I indicated on another coach and 3 years old. I reread my post sorry for the confusion...my coach had the Goodyear’s and I replaced with Firestone’s. Beaver had the 3 year old badly checked 3year old Firestone’s. Apologizes also to TIREMAN four the complete confusion I caused Richard, I did not imply “all” of their tires were bad but the 561 series is certainly suspect at this juncture.
  3. This thread is amazing and displays a lot lack of knowledge by several I thought had a handle on these sorts of issues. Rolling down the road with plackard tire pressures if fully loaded is one thing. It is a totally different thing if lightly loaded. Yes almost from day one I have run with load based, manufacturer suggested for a given load tire pressures. My very first rallie I had my coach weighed. This makes sense if one likes a smooth unjaring ride which takes a little effort in older coaches. So too will follow the advice of the TIREMAN! By the way sir I finally have the pictures you requested but cannot now find your email request. Let me know and I will get them right off.
  4. Funny, Herman, looks like you are back to your old self after a wild ride. B
  5. Yes Herman would agree that is the best. Frank, On my coach the switch controls what it controls but no solenoid. It has only heavy red single 0 wire in and out. That is what I get for having an old 99 wired very simply, no real frills. Frankly suits me just fine. Gotta love that big old C 12 CAT...
  6. Except that it is not a “solenoid” but a switch to turn of the house for extended periods and some of the potential phantom draws.
  7. Sir Traveler, I apologize for a misstep in describing what you need to ck accurately the battery health. What you need is a REFRACTOMETER available on Amazon for 40 buck +-. It will measure the specific gravity of the acid and advise as to condition. The other suggestions get you close. It is far better than a hydrometer.
  8. Yes replace it, racers use this type of switch all the time. Similar are readily available as battery disconnect switches of varying amperages.
  9. Richard, button up so are mine same 561s. A few days after installing 2 months ago I was at a camp ground out side of Mobile 2 months ago. There was a Beaver Marquis there. It was beautiful. The same FS 561 tires were on it, date 2017....fractured all over all 8 tires, ugly...3 inches out from rim.... Perviously had Goodyear HSS on the coach tire pressure front 100, rear 105. Drove wonderfully. Firestone’s at same pressures, twitchy. Nope they are going to have a new home when I get back to Colorado in June. Let me know if you want them, I’m not going to wait and see.
  10. Just do not use Firestones! Will sidewall fracture in 3 years....yup I have them on my coach
  11. Give ma break you old timers quit the sparing it’s like pickin the s... out of the pepper. Hi all I ‘ m back for a bit
  12. Now the real check to determine the over all condition. First buy a specific gravity hydrometer. Follow directions and check each cell and note it. Each cell needs to be checked of every battery. When done you will know the cundition of each battery. Prerequisite to the check is to be sure all have a full indicated charge and have been allowed to rest after charge for an accurate reading. A load test will give you an idea of where they sit but that is it. Full charge is going to fall at 12.7 or 8 volts at rest. 12.28 is 60% charged, 12 volts is 25% and 11.90 volts Is fully discharged
  13. When you reply to my PM on the RVA system we can discuss this post as well, look forward to it... b
  14. Agreed service interval. Valves are not complicated, at least what is on my Panther. Take them out and blow them clean. It may be the solenoid needs replacing or the point filed if serviceable at all.
  15. Come on Herman Can't we just throw darts. Just kidding, yes we need more info. It would be great if you put it under your name in your signature section and each time you have a question we would not ask for it again. Welcome to the forum.
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