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    Looking forward to travelling North America

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  1. Wow, that is cold. We see that there is a "Day After Tomorrow" snowstorm moving through the US and bad weather throughout. Heard that forecast for game day is around the 20 mark. But it is played under a dome inside, right! Here in CA it is to go down to 34 for a couple of nights-too cold for heat pumps to operate. Went down the road and topped up propane tank.
  2. Well, I hate to admit but Linda and I have found a system that works well for us. We use hand held walkie-talkies but she maneuvers the coach at the campgrounds while I am outside guiding. Hers sits in the coffe cup holder so she can hear me. Besides that I am quite fussy as far as the position of the coach especially when we park for a month. She is disabled and unable to guide me but yet I trust her driving skills. Did I mention she has no license, is blind in one eye and lost a leg in 2002. She does all the set-up inside-slides out, jacks down. etc.
  3. $95.00 per hour was the latest we paid at a highly rated shop but dealers quote rates of $110
  4. Quite familar with cold weather and slides will not perform well, let us say below 20 degrees. There is no hydraulic oil heater on motorhomes so when operating the hydraulics you are putting a lot of pressure on the cylinders and lines so of course the slides will operate slowly. No amount of interior heat will help your seals or operation of your slide. Also the awnings(or slide toppers) will be frozen so again this will cause serious problems. Best thing on an overnight stay is not to use the hydraulics when in extreme freezing conditions. An electric bedroom slide can be used but retract before the outside temperature gets worse.
  5. Of all the extras on a coach the Sani-Con system (macertator) is one of the best add ons. It is an easy and glove-free system of handling your sewage. A simple( 20 foot) 1 and 1/4 inch hose that is flexible and easy to maneuver. What is surprising is that we seldom see other coaches with the system. I have had two problems with it over the last couple of years-a screw was caught in the blades of the macerator, and my grey water bypass has blocked up briefly. The grey water tank empties on its own through the bypass and we pump the black every four days or so.
  6. Linda and I had quite a chuckle(I should say laugh) over your blog. We always experience similiar experiences with our homes on wheels. Now we had company over for dinner one night and Linda took this hot dish out of the convection microwave. She didn't drop it but did spill a lot of gravy all over the carpet. I knocked over a bottle of beer, had a couple of floods(left the bathroom tap open while filling up the water tank), and of course dog accidents! Shhh-traded the motorhome and didn't tell them.
  7. We are always logged in once we go to the FMCA website and never have to sign in. Even being off-line for extended periods. Not that I am much of a computer person but does that not depend totally on your own personal laptop/browser?
  8. We agree, Todd. Sometimes there is getting too much banter back and forth. Some of the forum discussions would be more suited to a blog format. I frequent the site less as there is so much off-topic banter. Less and less useful information is being exchanged. I was wondering why the website was less active and perhaps you explained the reason why. I am one to talk!! I certainly enjoy a bit of fun and can have a dry sense of humour (Canadian spelling, eh). Sometimes, though, this good-natured banter can be interpreted as being serious, especially online. An example of this was some time ago there was a long story of a Canadian border crosssing by a member which I assumed was meant to be humorous. It was quite offensive if one took it seriously. I replied to that post indicating that a border crossing was stress free and quite normal. However, many visitors to the site would avoid the Canadian border if they took the story as serious. Criticism will come your way, Todd, but something had to be said.
  9. Personal preference only. Would go with Goodyear or Michelin. Used Cooper in the past for car tires but motorhomes have always had Michelin, My new one has Goodyear.
  10. Canada is the same. If you hold an out-of-country drivers license and are legal where the license is issued, you are allowed to operate the same vehicle on our roads, Here in Ontario I must have a Class D(a heavy truck license) plus a Z endorsement(air brake qualified) to operate mine-29,000 lbs with air brakes. However my son with regular Alberta license is legal to drive it. Point of interest-that son of mine has been transferred to Fresno. Imagine that!!i
  11. That is quite a well known campground. A lot of the members of Safari International Club(a chapter of FMCA) use it on a regular basis.
  12. Sorry to say-that breakfast would not suit me. Don't like fruit except in pies. A good friend of ours usually makes me a bunch of rhubarb pies every year. Delicious!! Any rhubarb in Texas?
  13. I got it! Igot it!! Viewed your profile as Wolfe10 suggested-hadn't seen that photo. You bet - all in good fun.
  14. Have you been drinking Wayne? I know I've had a couple and can't figure your joke out. But I never joined the army. As a Canadian I tried to join the US marines back in 1968 but at that time no more of us were being accepted. When we meet explain the joke. Eh!!
  15. This year spring and summer have flashed by. Your blog sounds like our summer has been. We covered many miles but quality of time spent actually enjoying the aspect of travel has not been there. A quick trip out west for the birth of a granddaughter, stayed there too long(2 1/2 months), and a fast return trip as the whole family made the trip back with us for the christening in Linda's church. Now we are leaving this weekend for Ottawa for a month for our second son's wedding. Coming to the conclusion we may go full time in the spring as this past 12 months we have spent half the time in our coach!
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