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Posts posted by manholt

  1. With that kind off heat (32+/- degrees), Is the engine running? Or just ignition ON.  I would start at the Relay (New, but still could be bad), also wire from batteries to ignition to control board...without a drawing or schematic, I'm trying to visualize the system.  I sent a PM to Rich.

  2. Back in 2001, I bought a 1997 Allegro from PPL in Houston, Texas for $21,700 and paid $200 for detailing, they did the PDI.  First thing I did was take it to Sam's in League City, TX. for 6 new tires...I had the coach for 4 trouble free years and traded it in on a new 2006 Southwind, got $33,000.  I personally, have never heard anything negative about PPL.  That said, it does not mean, that others have not fallen thru the crack. 

    As far as the Nocold is concerned, I'm surprised that your BIL did not verify it by visual insp. before he drove away!  Your BIL reads as being a very knowledgeable mechanic & fabricator!

    Things happen!

  3. Does the ignition  have a modulator?  OK, it could be a bad relay or a chaffed control wire.  Not solid contact or some corroded strands.  Our coaches are a rolling Earthquake, a plug that is not seated 100% can make poor connection when the condition is right and then be fine when your stopped...5x in 2 years? Possible.

    Rich is far better at this, than I am!

  4. I may be way off base here...are you the original owner of this coach?  If not, then it's possible that the previous or original owner had to replace a wire and did not use the proper gauge for the length of the run....#8 where it should have been a #6, the higher the # the easier it is to make a mistake!   


  5. Rich.

    I have "Trip Tek".   When you turn on the back camera, the computer comes on and it has a disclaimer on the screen, then you have a check list of everything from disconnect coach to TPMS.  Takes about 5 minutes to scroll thru everything, then the cameras come on...all 11 of them, including 4 radar's, that's the VORAD anti collision system!  Then you can put it in Drive and go!

    Where the danger comes in, is while your driving an alarm goes off, 99% of the time it's been high temp on TPMS,  2 choices....pull over, scroll to TPMS and hit reset, that kills the alarm or do it while driving!  Most would not pull over!!!  I have found that the TPMS is pre set by the manufacturer, I can reset the P but not the T, the T is set at Ambient temp of 85 +/- 20!  I guess the 25 year old nerds, forgot to enter road heat/cold! 

    I have contacted Newmar  and got the cost for upgrading system to 2019.  The VORAD will be replaced with one that I have the choice of on/off...TPMS will be PMS.  The new Trip Tek, is user friendly, you get an alarm it switches to that screen so you don't have to find it and Linda can take care of it or me if she is driving!  Lot's of other things will also be taken care of on their dime!   

    The 2012 Silver leaf system was replaced by a 2017 System by previous owner and we love it. :P

  6. If your getting water from roof into coach?  Check all the caulking around the items that are on the roof...Marshmallow roof?  Never seen that...Picture of roof would help!

    Due to the size of your front window, I would go talk to a Auto glass shop, yours are small.  

    Do you have a cover that is the same size as the one your missing?  Is it ABS or metal?  Either a fiberglass mold or a 3D Plasma shop can make a duplicate. Auto paint shop should be able to match your color.

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