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Posts posted by manholt

  1. Richard.  You starting a new career as a OTR driver?  

    Analog never got me in trouble, GPS has!  Linda uses it to give me a heads up on RV Park, exit #, or upcoming rest area.  Other than that I use a map & google (Even Google has a lot of miss info.), I can look at a map  and picture the rout, with road numbers in my mind for that day in color.  

    They still have Navigators on Ships...because you can't trust GPS.

  2. On this coach, it's like Jim S. Linda and I both took a look & she said she would do it...she bends, I don't, but I would have no problem in front and the reservoir is mounted in back, like Bill's!

    Compared to the AH in the Tradition PIA, this Oasis is easy!

    F 433921, you should have no problem doing it yourself !

  3. Yep!  Sounds difficult, but once you get the picture in your mind, quite simple!  Now that I have had all 3 (AH, Vabasco & Oasis) I prefer Oasis!

    They are all good. However the Oasis will give us hot showers at a lower ambient temp.  Joe had to fabricate a gas pre heat system for his AH.

  4. We remember 16A and those who, like us wanted to go slow, stop and take lots of pictures.  Then we remember the AH who tried to make a race course out of it...we caught up to them, their big F350 crew cab had gotten stuck in one of the blind corner entrance to a tunnel...bad day for 2 couples from OK and FMCA!

    Alpine Inn, food was good, dessert is the real reason to go there! 😁

  5. Lloyd and his son, does ours also at Area or National Rally's...I checked with him and he does AH, Oasis and Vabasco.  As FIVE said!  I have only used pre heat once.  When on the road to next campground, the engine heats all the water we need for about 2 hours of use upon arrival, had that in both AH 400 and 450.  I now have a double coil Oasis and found it to be the same!


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