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Posts posted by manholt

  1. Bill, thank you!  

    Smithy, the last time I was offered a one year comp for FMCA membership by a dealer, was in 1996, I bought a 1997 Allegro!  Yes, they did it in the 1960's to 1990's!  I knew nothing about FMCA until I bought my first new, cookie cutter coach in 1967!  

    Sure wish someone from FMCA would join in, that will not play the PC card.  IMHO, we all need to be able to throw out ideas, without getting false feed back from the paid employee!

    Ross, you forgot to mention committee recommendation to the EB for Governance vote!  Are you back on a committee?  

  2. Love's in Three Rivers, TX.  Diesel fuel was $2.28 yesterday, gas $1.35.   What that would be with the TDS card ?

    Refineries will be business as usual...too many things are petroleum based.

    I have heard nothing about "fracking" stopping, to my knowledge we have been doing that since 1956....not a new thing!  They suspended operation in West Texas and caped wells in 2019, nothing to do about Coronavirus, they have to lay in more pipelines to handle the volume.

    DD69, WOW...where are the empty barrels when you need them?

  3. The magazine has been losing $$$ for years & we have had the digital option for years!  I use digital when we are traveling, but I'm Old School, so I look forward to my glossy mag when we are home!  Same with the Escapees glossy mag.

    Don't know why we let GS go out there and get the 10% discount's at RV Parks & Resorts, big mistake almost 60 years ago!  Be difficult to turn that around. IMO.

    We opened up FMCA to include Trailer, to attract the younger market, too offset our loss of members...didn't work!   We expected young (not in need of FMCAssist)and got older!  They love the Assist program...

    I'm an Optimist, but have run out of ideas and the ideas I have presented, falls on deaf ears!  


  4. Everyone has their own opinion of why they have a RV, just like people who want a second home, away from the cities.  Some of us travel also by boat or private plane!

    FMCA IMHO, has evolved from a club of like minded, family oriented, coach owners, that wanted to get together once a year and share experiences, to what we have today!  Today we have 2 parts of FMCA.  Non Profit & for Profit.  Both Ross and Herman, do not like to discuss the whole picture.  Come to think of it, as Ross said...6 years ago any member of FMCA could get a P&L of the Foundation.  You can still get it, but only once a year and it's not the 990-N, but it's a condensed version,  not interesting unless you know what your looking for!  

    As for the FMC  P&L?  Good Luck, last one I had was in 2014.  That's the For Profit side.  Ross said we should have, but don't have 2 years in reserve...He's right, my CPA estimated we had about 20+ years in reserve!  As Herman said, we will survive!  Will FMCA be around for it's 100 year Anniversary?  Most of us will not live 40+ years more to find out.

    I'm among the very few in FMCA, that used to have a 4 digit F# and since my DW passed away, now have a 6 digit #...got my coach in 1967!

    With Luck, this post will not be partially or totally deleted.

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