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Posts posted by manholt

  1. Mike.

    Joe L. told me a year ago, "don't go by the HP, go by torque!"  So, my current coach is 600 HP,  torque is 2050 ft. lbs.  The new 605 HP is scaled back to 1950 torque...suppose to be better MPG.  Not according to several friends that has the 605!  Their getting an avg of 6.7 MPG against mine at 7.3 MPG !

    The ISM 450 that Bill has now, puts out much more torque, than the normal 1,200 torque, that you get on a Series 400 engine!   Mike, I think your getting 850 torque.  I don't know how much your coach weight.

  2. Eric, I re read everything.  All your parents wan't is a round trip ride in a RV...you on the other hand do not wish to make 2 R/T, so you figure to make some cash by renting it out in FL., nothing wrong with that, but as txtiger said, Park models rent, not Class C or Class A coaches and I don't think your parents want to move from their current unit into a coach...I would not and I'm 77!

  3. Ericfc L.  Welcome to the Forum! 😀

    Interesting question!  Since your going to use the coach for Summer/Fall, I would buy a used one that suits you, but at the same time will satisfy your parents needs.  Will your parents be spending most of their time in the retirement center?  Eating in coach or RC?  Whether you buy a used 34' Gas Class A, or a used Diesel Pusher, all depends on what you can afford.  You rented a Class C...that also might be the way to go, they come in 28' Gas to 45' Super C Diesel. 

  4. Charlie. Agree!

    CW.  I don't remember the year that FMCA realized they had to do something about their Convention, the annual, got so big, we ran out of Fairgrounds that could accommodate us!  That's when we started the Winter Convention...only mistake, they called it an anniversary!  How can you have a 50 year anniversary in Summer & a 51st in March?  Then 52nd in August the same year?

    Now, the pendulum is slowing down, not near  the size. of attendees anymore!   EB  has got to start thinking outside the box!  

  5. Now, let's all get back to the OP!  How do we off set annual loss, by positive gain and move on into the future!

    At $75 per year today, is probably cheaper than my dues in 1967!  I don't remember what my cost was, but it included a metal goose egg, Constitution, By Laws and purpose of FMCA, a magazine, 1968 Annual Convention info. and contact info on Chapters & FMCA officers with phone #!  Since I was Oil Field Trash and moved around a lot, Chapters was out.  The 67' WB was a good investment $8,300 cash!  No more sleeping in my car or no tell, motel or sharing an Apt with 9 other people in NOLA.  My wife was a lot easier to get along with!!!  She took the coach and met other FMCA members, when I was working in LA. 10 days on a barge with 5 off. It did not take long for us to realize that wherever I worked, we had a Family!  We sold the WB for $11,000 in 1970, I was transferred to the Echofisk Oil Platform in the North Sea, Stavanger, Norway!  Wife became ex!

    Perhaps we need to go back to basic and not concern our self, with all the discounts, we offer!  Family Motor Coach is who we where, now we are not.  :( Did we gain new and younger members to offset the avg age of 72.5 years?  No we did not...the avg age of a coach buyer today is 48!  They are not coming to us or GS, why?  

    AIM is growing...each Rally is $650, 4-5 days of having a Blast, with food, music, sightseeing, exclusives, like minded people, all included.  IMHO, I think their on to something!:P


  6. That's the way Herman and I understood your comment.  The same for "BAC justified it's payments because the parent organization, FMCA, paid them also."  The parent of BAC was Beaver!  BAC is a chapter of FMCA...Big difference!  Each chapter has a National Director (Governance member), we used to be reimbursed our expenses to get to FMCA National Convention.  We still had to pay for Parking & we had to be there, the day before, the opening of the Convention!  What a Chapter does with their dues, is not FMCA's concern, or business!

  7. Docj. I have no idea of where your getting your figures from!  That's totally false information and if you still feel that it's true, BACK IT UP! 25%-50% of our dues, does not go to the care and feeding of our EB or Committee personnel.  

    Herman, right you are!

    WBill.  I'm sorry, but your idea of what Smithy can or can not do, is way wrong!  Stop beating the wrong horse, unless you want this post shut down!

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