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Everything posted by rossboyer

  1. I have the Doran System and have had to send 3 sensors back twice and they still leak. I am looking and replaceing them with Tire Save Guard. Web site: www.tiresaveguard.com
  2. I have had a Brake Buddy system. At Perry just installed AirForce One. Easier to connect and get ready to tow. No problems on our 600+ mile trip home. Stopped for a couple of nights and did unhook. Again easy to connect to get ready to leave.
  3. We are in the fairgrounds at Perry. The rain has stopped. Wind picked up about 8:00 pm, but is only 3 mph now and 58 degrees at 1:30 am.
  4. Please let us know what you find out.
  5. Many times I have used a grill lighter to light a stove top burner. Hold the flame near the burner. You will be able to see the flicker of the flame if air or gas is coming out of the burner. Trying to use just the igniter seems to take too long and I would give up, thinking that there was another problem. Eventually, when I use the lighter the burner will light. Don't be in a hurry to stop the lighter. If there is air in the line, the burner can go out again which will require starting the process of lighting again. We don't know what manufacturer, model or year of coach that you own. That might help others that have the same coach. If your problem was immediately after filling and the outside temp is low, the valve may be frozen. Time, if it is warm may free the valve. A light tap on the valve may break it loose, too. Please let us know what you found the problem to be.
  6. Grandchildren are covered for return home when you have had an accident or a medical condition requiring medical evacuation. FMCAssist will return your coach for you, including fuel. Medex did not cover grandchildren or the fuel. FMCAssit also covers children, grandchildren and handicapped dependents for medical evacuation. Medex did not cover those. FMCAssist covers more people than Medex did because Medex would only cover the two members on the membership record. But rather than ask questions in a forum, call Global Underwriters. Global is the third-party administrator for FMCAssist. Call 1-800-423-8496 and ask for Ken Schulteis, Presdient, to get the real answers to your concerns.
  7. I assume that this is a ThermoPane type of window. If so there is a firm in Florida and one in Arkansas that will take out the window, separate the two panes, clean the glass and install a liquid seal that will harden somewhat like caulk and reinstall the window. Approximate cost $200 per window. Friends have had this done and were very satisfied.
  8. My local tire dealer that I have used fro 12 years states that compaing GoodYear and Michelins that if you want mIchelins to go two letters higher. IE: If F is recommended go to H because the side walls are softer on the Michelins. By the way the dealer handles both brands and some others. But he did state that he would use GoodYears.
  9. Two weeks ago my receiver in the coach began to act funny-- bad guide display. I had purchased on ebay two receivers about a year ago for just such an occasion. Think the cost was $10 each plus shipping. Called Direct TV, but they would not activate my card in the "new receiver". They did send me a new card for $20.00. When I received it, installed and called Direct Tv. They activated it. Call took about 20 minutes because the number they had on the letter with the new card was wrong. All is working fine now and all functions of the remote operates the TV and the Receiver.
  10. Call Mr. Ken Schulteis, Global Underwiters 1-800-423-8496, regarding FMCA International Travel Insurance. He can answer your questions, but Medicare does not cover you in Canada. You may have some other private insurance, but be sure to check to see if it will cover you out of the country. Many do not.
  11. Yes, the 6/3 is 3 conductors of 6 gauge wire and the 8/1 is one conductor of 8 gauge for the ground. As other have said I would buy a 50 amp cord and add the 30 amp adapter at the end if needed.
  12. Yes, 6/3 means 3 conductors of #6 gauge wire and the 8/1 is 1 conductor of #8 gage. The #6 conductors are for the neutral and two hot wires. The #8 is for the ground which should not carry any current.
  13. Good explanation about the Reply Buttons, but I have trouble once I finish typing my text. What do I do to actually send it? Routinely now, I copy all my text to the clipboard so when I don't get it sent, I don't have to retype it all when I try to reply again.
  14. Thank you for your comments. We have just traveled 1,800 miles in four days without problems with a new 2011 Cheverolet Equinox. The manual states that it may towed all wheels down. There is a specified procedure to follow before towing, and you are to run the engine for 5 minutes at every fuel fill up. Don't think they were thinking 600 miles between fill ups; therefore, I ran the engine when we stopped for lunch and at the end of day. One item related to braking systems that draw power from and accessory port (use to be a cigarette lighter outlet) on the 2011 Equinox's, all ports are disabled when you pull fuse 32 as instructed. If you do not pull fuse 32, you will run the battery down in about 4 hours. I had to add a socket directly to the battery (with and inline fuse) to get around that problem.
  15. I have several issues from November 1964 into 1972. These are in black FCMA binders. Please email me mrboyer@att.net.
  16. As we travel across the country, many fuel stops advertised price is for EXEMPT TRUCKS or CASH PRICE. Indiana is unique in that they also do not post price with Indiana Sales Tax; therefore, RVs pay 7% more and maybe if you use a credit card another $0.05 or more per gal. If you can get into the Auto islands that have a diesel pump, the pump price is the full price. We have also noted that the closer you are to the Mississippi river that usually the price of fuel is less. One exception is Illinois, because of their state tax.
  17. I am in the process of installing the wiring in my auto to be towed. Since I use an auxiliary braking system that operates off the towed’s battery, I would like to install a charge line from the motor home to the towed. I want to use a isolation diode to allow the current from the motorhome to pass through to the towed’s battery, but block the current from the towed back feeding to the motor home. I do have a charge line in the receptacle of the motorhome and have it routed to one of the pins of the receptacle on the towed. Near that point I want to install a diode and fuse (15 amp since wire is #14). Can you tell me the specifications for a diode for this purpose? Or do you have a part number or source for one that would work? I know how to wire it, I just need to get the correct diode.
  18. A FMCA member suggested to us to use a compression shower rod to stop this. We installed one just in front and sightly above the permanent rod. These rods are reasonably priced at WalMart and easy to install. Just twist the rod to compress the internal spring between the side walls. When we installed a rod, we did see a reduction in dropped hangers; but it did not totally elimnate the problem and there is sone inconvenience to remove the rod when you want to unhook a hanger. Another FMCA member stated that they had the same problem untill they started placing the hangers on the rod in reverse. This takes a little getting use to, but does seem to work without any expense.
  19. First, I would have to say, "Whatever the owners manual says." But I have always leveled and then extended the slides. To leave, I retract slides and then raise jacks. You mentioned using parking lots for most of your trip. Please use large blocks to protect the asphalt that most lots use. Additionally, only extend slides if they will not bother other parkers or drivers. When parking in a lot like this, I try to not use my jacks at all by parking slightly downhill or at least so that my head will be higher than my feet. If you can park on the perimeter so that your slides are over a grass area, they should not bother anyone. Safe travels, RWB
  20. I have used Shell Rotila-T for years in our diesel coaches which all had Cat engines. Oil allalysis always came back positive. It comes in 1, 2 1/2, 5, & 55 Gal containers. I use two 2 1/2 gal containers because I need 19 quarts. I save the 1 quart left to add if I need too.
  21. FMCA has a campground at 3590 Roundbottom Road in Cincinnati, Ohio. As a member you may stay there 2 nights a month for free with full hookups. $20 per extra night. The Creation Museum is not far away. I think the easiest way to get to the campground is from I-275 on the southeast side. Take interchange 63B / Hwy 32 to the north. When you get to Roundbottom road turn right and the entrance is on the right just past the railroad track. Rarely used by trains. Really quiet. Only 15 sites, call and see if has been reserved by a group. Usually it is available.
  22. Not sure if your inverter's output is a square wave. If it is, some meters will not measure a square wave voltage correctly; therefore, a very high voltage may be indicated.
  23. Hawkeye111: What AT&T plan and phone do you have? RWB
  24. Hi Brett: Use 4 wires. First let us assume a short run of say 10 feet. Using 4 conductor #10 wire, one green, one white, one red, & one black. In the main panel connect the red and black wires to the two poles of a 30 amp 2-pole breaker and the white to Neutral and green to Ground. At the other end connect per your diagram to a 50 amp outlet. Yes, I know that there is only 30 amps available on each leg for a total of 60 amps, not 100 if it were wired to a 50 amp 2-pole breaker in the main panel using larger wire. Now below that 50 amp outlet add a 30 amp outlet, wiring as your diagram shows, green to Ground, white to Neutral, and black to Hot. On the next pole running from another 30 amp 2-pole breaker in the main panel, wire the circuit the same, but use the red wire to Hot on the 30 amp outlet. All of this is perfectly safe as long as both plugs on one pole are not used. For longer runs larger wire would have to be used, but all is still safe because the 30 amp breaker protects the wire. The RV can plug into the 50 amp receptical allowing more load than would be allowed in the common 30 amp circuit. If the RV is 30 amp, plug into the 30 amp outlet. The max load is only 30 amp. RWB
  25. We currently have a dome (KVH), and previously we had a Winegard open face dish. The Winegard consistantly found the satellites much faster. While it was pruchased about 10 years ago, it was automatic. One button on and the bird was found. We did experience some wind difficulty, but this problem seems to have been fixed on the newer units. Usually if the wind was high, rain followed and all reception was lost. We could also find the satellites in the northern US and Canada where do to the level of the site and location the satellite could have been below the horizon. The dome seems to be affected by rain much more that the dish. So as you can see there are pluses and minues to both sytems, but if I were installing new, I would not go with a dome.
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