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Should FMCA Allow Towable RVs-- Vote NOW

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4 hours ago, BillAdams said:

Are you saying I sometimes offend?  Harrumph!  OK, maybe, but it was never intentional!    B)

You are priceless Bill!

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21 hours ago, manholt said:


Dons, I said 3 day's, I stand corrected as of now, there is only today and tomorrow left.  You really should have read every word I wrote!!!


I did Carl,I really did

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It's OK.  The Vote is now over!  Now, we sit and wait, for "the Fat Lady to Sing"!  :rolleyes:

I wonder what the future will bring?  All "Snail Mail" ballots, should be in by the 6th and counted by the 15th!  If it's YES, that is by no means the end of the process....Lots of people on this Forum will say (and they know better) that it is!  If it's NO, then it's a dead issue and FMCA has spent a lot of $$$$ for nothing!

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Well, according to Herman Mullins, the Fat Lady sang...70% Yes and 30% No.  Our future is no longer Family MOTOR COACH Association!  Thank you to those of you that voted.  No comment to those that did not !

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Wow....I hope Herman didn't catch the loose lips sink ships syndrome. 

I thought when Smitty posted for beta testers for the new website it was a done deal. I wonder what the name is on the new website?  This has been in the works for some time, you don't just build a website in a few days.

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1 hour ago, elkhartjim said:

Wow....I hope Herman didn't catch the loose lips sink ships syndrome. 

I thought when Smitty posted for beta testers for the new website it was a done deal. I wonder what the name is on the new website?  This has been in the works for some time, you don't just build a website in a few days.

We have been working on the new website for close to a year. Was going to be done whether a vote was out or not.

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2 hours ago, manholt said:

Well, according to Herman Mullins, the Fat Lady sang...70% Yes and 30% No.  Our future is no longer Family MOTOR COACH Association!  Thank you to those of you that voted.  No comment to those that did not !

And I got my renewal letter in the mail today.  LoL. I will stay a member of Good Sams for the benefits but is the assist worth the money since I have 6 years left on my tires. I’m part time a rarely more than days drive from home.  If you are a full timer isn’t you Motorhome your home.   I think GS Motorhome magazine and is dedicated to just Motorhome is better than FMCA’s but GS magazine comes at a addditional cost.   

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3 hours ago, manholt said:

Well, according to Herman Mullins, the Fat Lady sang...70% Yes and 30% No.  Our future is no longer Family MOTOR COACH Association!  Thank you to those of you that voted.  No comment to those that did not !

So 8% of the membership controlled the outcome. I’m thinking of writing a proposal to change the governing board member to represent “one member one vote” regardless of how many chapters a member belongs to, if any. 

It would be interesting to see how many votes were cast by non chapter members  

Chapter members had more likely good of being aware of the pending change  

For example each region would elect up to 50 delegates. Each delegate would carry their percentage of votes of the entire region. Currently over 70% and growing do not belong to a chapter and thus have no governing board representation. 

It’s not anybody’s fault it’s just where we are today. We also need to be able to vote via ballot or electronic means. 

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Jeff, I am sorry if you miss understood, but the ballot did go to all members. All member of FMCA had to opportunity to vote. So whose fault was it if they didn't vote?

As far as I am concerned the people that had a feeling on the subject voted and those that didn't care did not.

The membership has made the decision and I for one  will live with the decision. I will just learn how the successfully park towables.

Now let get on with making FMCA Better.


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