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Serendipity! Groundhog Says Winter Is Over

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Would not count on it.  What we get in Texas, you get in FL.  Sunday-Thursday, mid 70's.  Friday=rain, sleet, snow in Austin and East!  Some body, Please fire the Ground Hog!!

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I would go with a Monkey, trowing dart's...the odds are better!  Joe, what does the rodent do, the other 364.11 days of the year?  Who's the keeper? 

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2 hours ago, wayne77590 said:

And armadillo tastes like chicken.

Depends if it were run over by a car or a farm truck. It does make a difference. I think is has something to do with how much farm stuff is on the tires. 

Down South Armadillo is called Opossum on the Half Shell. Lots and lots of butter, MMMM.😂


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I had it a couple of times at Ft Hood. In the field and the mess sarge didn't have anything else, made a stew.

At least we knew what kind of meat it was, most of the it was mystery meat. 

"Opossum in the half shell".....lmao, good one Herman!

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32 minutes ago, DBenoit said:

Opossum in the half shell".....lmao, good one Herman!

All you need extra is the sweet potatoes, eat the sweets, and chuck the meats.:wub:

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