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blue ox poor customer service

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I have a blue ox tow bar and with it the blue ox coiled electrical cable. after two years the cable is all cracked and in poor condition. I have figured that in the two years the cable has been outside on the vehicle when towing about 40 days and spent the rest of the time in the storage bay, so 40 days use out of 730 days of ownership. I had a roadmaster before this and after six years the electrical coiled cable was still in great shape, so blue ox must have used a cheap product to begin with, even though they want $100.00 to replace the cable. in closing I would not recommend buying blue ox products to anyone as their customer service is terrible.


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I am sure their customer service used to be better as were their coiled cables, but now it is not, I will not buy a cable from them for $100 but one from a different company for a lot less. I was just letting everyone know how their customer service is now. if someone out there will give them a call and ask why they will not stand behind their products and mention this post and see what they say. I was just posting this to let people know how I was treated and hope to keep others from making the same mistake.

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alv, I have a fiend with a BO tow bar. He loves it but it had to be rebuilt 2 or 3 times in the 8 years he has owned it. Keep in mind we are NOT full time, so it doesn't have that much use to warrant it IMHO which raised a red flag too me. I thought that was a sign of poor quality myself as I have a Demco tow bar that is the same age and has no signs of fatigue and works like it did on day 1. I will admit I am not easy on our tow bar, if there was a poster child on what not to do I've done it, while he is just the opposite!

Over the years and reading forums I have seen many failures of their products. I wasn't sure if it was a quality issue or operator error and its hard to really tell but htere are so many problems you have to wonder. One post that made me look elsewhere had the bar snap and when the safety chains came into use the hooks snapped off, thank goodness the emergency breakaway on the toad saved it and the traffic behind the toad.  

I can understand your frustration. We all spend our hard earned money for this lifestyle and you expect a certain level of support when you shed out that much money. 

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1 hour ago, alv said:

I am sure their customer service used to be better as were their coiled cables, but now it is not, I will not buy a cable from them for $100 but one from a different company for a lot less. I was just letting everyone know how their customer service is now. if someone out there will give them a call and ask why they will not stand behind their products and mention this post and see what they say. I was just posting this to let people know how I was treated and hope to keep others from making the same mistake.

Maybe you could buy the Blue Ox from this supplier. http://www.adventurerv.net/blue-wire-coiled-electrical-cables-towing-p-1614.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwhdTqBRDNARIsABsOl98SXDjSun0UDVYCmO8Mu80tarkIICiRrbxRfMIVzWyIAaVon44baLsaAnqkEALw_wcB&sc_intid=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.adventurerv.net1614&scid=scplphttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.adventurerv.net1614&adpos=1o1&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=Froogle&utm_campaign=partsfeed_organic

I thought we were talking about coiled cables and customer service, Joe. Since you brought it up, I've used two different Blue Ox towbars over the last 12 years and have had neither rebuilt. The first was 9 years old with approximately 70,000 miles of usage, the one I have now is 3 years old with 23,000 miles. The first was checked by Blue Ox on 3 different occasions and they found no issues.

I hope this thread on coiled cables and customer service doesn't turn in to a Ford vs Chevy vs Dodge debate.

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Had my previous BO for 10 years without a problem. New one , well I just wanted a new one, had been in service since 2017 and about 7000 miles with no problem. My coiled cable is BO and has been in service 11 years and is still working and coiling very well.

I have not had any problems with customer service when I contacted them with information requests, and replacement plugs for the snap in bar.

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Alv, I know this does not mean much to many, but I would like to know what color the exposed sheathing on the failed coil is. Thanks, Kay

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wayne, yes I have posted on other forums and I am trying to let people know that blue ox does not take care of their customers and if I can steer others away from blue ox and cost them a few customers maybe they will take care of their customers better,

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15 hours ago, Elkhartjim said:

I thought we were talking about coiled cables and customer service, Joe

Jim, I felt they all go hand and hand with overall quality and real world experiences with all of their products could be beneficial to someone shopping and considering any one of their products. Customer service experiences, if bad are no good on any of their products. If I had seen or heard of good I would have passed it along.

I looked last night, my coiled cord is a BO product it is at least 10 years old, while its faded still works good and the coating is not cracked. They probably switched suppliers which created the problem alv has experienced. That is common practice amongst most industries.

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9 hours ago, alv said:

wayne, yes I have posted on other forums and I am trying to let people know that blue ox does not take care of their customers and if I can steer others away from blue ox and cost them a few customers maybe they will take care of their customers better,

This is extremely odd, Blue Ox is rated as the best tow bar in the industry. Who have you discussed this with at Blue Ox customer service, and what was their response?

FWIW, When you attend an FMCA rally, Blue Ox is usually there with rebuild kits, new cables, umbilical cords, anything associated with  their tow bars. A friend told me Blue Ox rebuilt his for practically nothing at a rally.

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Sorry, alv, no dice.

What you're doing is telling us the kind of person you are and I doubt you've done anything to hinder the Blue Ox reputation. 

I suggest you go buy another cord from some other manufacturer and never buy another thing from Blue Ox, by golly that'll show'em. LOL 

This guy is all over the net bad mouthing Blue Ox over an allegedly defective cable. 

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I have over 80,000 miles and 9 years on my BO cables.. upgraded BO Patriot system after first 5 years (no charge and in my case, excellent customer service ). When I changed towed...bought a new base plate for that one and new tow bar after the first 55,000 miles - went to the 10000 bar... didn't have a need to switch cables so still have the new ones set aside for whenever. Have had the $35 annual maintenance done on it annually but at Minot, I couldn't get signed up for service this year as they were already full. Hopeful they will increase staff for this valuable service at rallies. Have been pleased with and comfortable using the BO system .. sure others are fine with their choice as well.

Edited by WhiteEagle

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11 hours ago, Elkhartjim said:

Sorry, alv, no dice.

What you're doing is telling us the kind of person you are and I doubt you've done anything to hinder the Blue Ox reputation. 

I suggest you go buy another cord from some other manufacturer and never buy another thing from Blue Ox, by golly that'll show'em. LOL 

This guy is all over the net bad mouthing Blue Ox over an allegedly defective cable. 

so jim what yo are saying when you buy something from a manufacturer and it does not last like it should you just go buy another one and forget about it? i'm tired of buying china crap and the manufacturer  making a big profit on it and then saying sorry that's the way it is, I worked hard for my money and just want what a good product when I pay a lot of money for it.  maybe if I had your money I would not worry about it.

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1 hour ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

So I messed up buying a replacement coil cord on Amazon for $26.00. :huh:


Yes you did, Bill. I betcha it won't last 50,000 miles or 7 years, whichever comes first. 

Did you get it in white or brown?


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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 7:29 PM, kaypsmith said:

Alv, I know this does not mean much to many, but I would like to know what color the exposed sheathing on the failed coil is. Thanks, Kay

Yes as I stated, this does look like a crazy question, but the engineer trade in me makes me ask stupid looking questions to other people.  The color BLACK is the only color in the world that is naturally ultra violet proof, all other colors need an additive to prevent ultra violet damage from the sun. This is why you never see any other color on an electric company's outdoor lines. Now if you are on the sea, all outdoor wires are white, that's because the salt spray damages black first and white last, salt and ultra violet together have the same effect as chlorine.

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4 hours ago, Elkhartjim said:

Yes you did, Bill. I betcha it won't last 50,000 miles or 7 years, whichever comes first. 

Did you get it in white or brown?

No it's blue. Well it has been 2 years so far and it looks like new, well a little dirty. I can't believe someone would spend $100.00 on a coil cord.


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4 hours ago, kaypsmith said:

Yes as I stated, this does look like a crazy question, but the engineer trade in me makes me ask stupid looking questions to other people.  The color BLACK is the only color in the world that is naturally ultra violet proof, all other colors need an additive to prevent ultra violet damage from the sun. This is why you never see any other color on an electric company's outdoor lines. Now if you are on the sea, all outdoor wires are white, that's because the salt spray damages black first and white last, salt and ultra violet together have the same effect as chlorine.

The only color I've ever seen Blue Ox use is blue.



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On 8/16/2019 at 9:05 AM, alv said:

wayne, yes I have posted on other forums and I am trying to let people know that blue ox does not take care of their customers and if I can steer others away from blue ox and cost them a few customers maybe they will take care of their customers better,

Consider all of the people posting that they have experienced good customer service with BO. I'll bet if you take a poll there would be more favorable results FOR BO than negative.

Consider all the alternatives given to you and just don't purchase Blue Ox Products. You'll be happy and those of us getting good CS will be happy.

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Wayne, I asked him early on why if he liked the Roadmaster cord did he change to Blue Ox. He never responded.

I wish him well and hopefully he feels good about his one man vendetta against the number one provider of towing equipment.  

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