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Flying J Is Ripping Us Off

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This is good news. The Pilot/J are getting their act together. Unfortunately, it is taking longer than anyone wanted. I know they have had considerable difficulty programming the truck pumps to meet the new program.

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It's too bad that Flying-J had to use bankruptcy because the drop in oil prices ate them alive during the "recession". They had just bought a bunch of oil at pre-recession prices. Looks like if they could have held out they could have gotten their money back based on where oil prices are headed now! :rolleyes:

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I like the Fjs that I have used. I have no objection to them making a profit for the services they provide. Like anything else if the cost is to high I shop elsewhere. $5 seems reasonable.

When they cease to make a profit they will close. Then where do we go?

RVers are the only group of people I know that will pay $200,000 for a rig to sleep for free at Wal-Mart and and complain about a $5 dumping fee.

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This is old news.

On iRV2.com there was a lovley young lady from Flying J that offered to answer any questions sent her way.

Within 2 months there were 35,000 posts, she stopped answering around 400, and probly hid under her desk.

Some of the questions were repeated 20 or 30 or 40 times,

I commend her for trying but there are just so many questions before all are satisfied, asking the same question so many times is dumb.

Most Flying Js are out in the boondocks and are on septic systems, althogh they are very large the maint. would be expensive, so they decided to pass some of it on to us.

Notice it happened right after the merger with Pilot.

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The only problem I've had with the J is on a trip to VW from OKC just before Christmas we stopped for fuel and some water...The J said the water was turned off for winter!!!WHAT!!!. YEp NO water!! So we fueled up 275.00 worth and went across the street and got water at Loves...Should have gotten fuel at Loves but I was already pumping....Sorry Loves!! BUTCH

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With regard to the dump fee I had a conversation with a FJ rep and asked him to explain why they started charging for dumping. He said that alot of sewer systems that they are tied into have started charging a surcharge for rv waste because it took extra processing because of the chemicals we put in the tanks. He sited one city that was charging $30,000 a year extra, over and above the standard usage rate and that seems to be more and more common. $5 seems like a small charge.

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If I know people, I know that they have been dumping all kinds of unmentionable stuff in the sewer system for years. The treatment plant have know this for years also. They have been treating the waste for all sort of stuff including chemicals.

I think, and this is only my thoughts, they finally found a way to charge companies more for sewerage treatment. Are they going to begin charging RV parks more? God I hope a sanitation engineer reads this.

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Actually, I hope RV'ers read this and quit trying to make their holding tanks smell "nice". Not possible and some of the chemicals really do harm sewer treatment plants and have an even worse effect on septic systems.

RV's are (or should be) designed to keep holding tank odors out of the RV, rather than trying to make a holding tank smell "nice". If holding tank odors are noticeable in your coach, you might post that in the "Water and holding tanks" topic.


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Guest BillAdams

If you have the PFJ fueler's advantage card, dumping is 1/2 off?


So considering the discounts and other items, a few bucks for dumping doesn't seem that bad to me.

That is correct. To dump at Flying J there is a $10 charge. With the PFJ card the cost is 1/2 or $5.

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My wife and I travel extensively, usually about 15000 mi a year and I was upset by having to pay when I just spent $100 for fuel, etc. But I don't mind when I know what I've had to pay to dump at a campground, it becomes very reasonable. But to my surprise, the last few times I've stopped to dump and have gone in to pay and get the code, because they now have a locking system to prevent dumping and running, they have given me the code and thanked me and not charged me anything because I have the, now, Pilot card. I figure they have listened, or want to at least control the dumping. I would still pay the $5 to dump because of convenience, I appreciate the thank you and no charge.

The Singing Auctioneer/Dane Bailey


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I've often wondered, Brett, why the industry still tolerates the manufacture and use of formaldehyde-based treatment products. Do we really have to get the state legislatures involved to pressure Thetford and others to stop making the stuff? Obviously there are plenty of RVers out there still buying and using it, or they wouldn't keep making it. Either a lot of us are still ignorant or just don't care, but pressure from both the demand and the political side may be what it takes to eliminate this scourge on the maintenance of dump systems, a cost we all have to bear one way or another.


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Maybe the J/Pilot folks are just trying to "make it" in this long-term bad economy. If they have expenses in maintaining the dump stations, there may be no choice but to pass it on. If anyone isn't going to survive RV-ing if they have to pay $5 or $10 to dump, then dump at campgrounds or rest areas where it is usually free. Whatever it takes to stay in the game!

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Have you ever looked close at some of those free dump sites in rest areas. The state has to pay someone to clean them, although they don't do it often. There is some people out there that would just as soon dump on the ground and let someone else worry about it.

If I had a dump station, I would certainly charge at least $5.

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