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Walmart Parking /Law Suit

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If you appreciate being able to park overnight at Wal-Mart, let them know! A lawsuit has been filed in Utah by a Florida couple who opened thier RV door to an intruder and claims Wal-Mart should be held responsible for their security in their parking lot. We all are aware there are risks we must assume when we boondock. This lawsuit will affect any retailer who allows us to park in their lot.

While the couple suffered an unfortunate situation, the retailer should not be held liable. Please join us in rallying behind Wal-Mart and other retailers who welcome RVers.

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These type people are SUE HAPPY. I will bet this is not the 1st suit they have sued companies for & have received money. Parking @ WalMart s/b @ your own risk.

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I wrote a letter to Wal-Mart expressing my opinion about this incident. I received a very nice reply from Corporate thanking me. They advised that RVers are welcome at Wal-Mart parking lots taking into consideration local codes or regulations. The letter also stated mentioned it would be appreciated if we asking managers for permission.

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WAKE UP! Your motorhome is an extention of your home; it may even be your primary residence. Not an extention of WALMART!! file a claim with your insurance company. WALMART graciously allows all of us to temporialy park there. I hope WALMART will counter-sue them back for being an "ingrate" and "stupid."

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Because of stupid people we will all be look at different, I hope Wal-Mart does not change their open parking avaiblity program because of incidence like this. I have not stayed in Wal-Mart but if I was on the road and need a place to pull in and rest up or get some sleep I would use them they are everyware.. Stupid people are every were' what can we do? I hope a good thing is not ruined!!

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when I'm stuck it's always satisfying to know you can stay at a Wal-Mart or the like. Some people just don't have the brains they were born with. How would they feel if the priveledge was taken away and had to pay 50 dollars a nite in a site they couldn't get into. I say grab a life and get on with it, Wal-mart is your friend not your enemy!!!! Putting that all aside if it was a home invasion who would be responsible?

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I can't see how anyone but the occupants would be liable, parking lot, campground, backyard. Where is there security that can watch your rig 24/7? Even IF they have security, they can only be in one place at a time. Would they expect the police to be at their home at the exact moment that someone rang their bell? Sad thing is, they'll probably win!

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We should be doing everything within reason to be good stewards of Wal-Mart's generosity. I continue to see Motor homers parked in our Wal-Marts here in NC with their levelers down, and slide outs deployed. One this week even had his awnings out. Be a good steward of their property, and ask the manager before you set up for the night.

If you park in a public vehicle area over night, be willing to accept the risks associated with your decision.

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We should all write Wal Mart and thank them for privilage of parking over nite. We use it a lot and try to leave it a better place by picking up after others. We always ask the manager or their rep first!!! This is part the reason the US is in such a pickle---sue happy people!!! Makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just when I think there is hope for us another fool raises their head. Not to be insensitive t,an unfortunate out come ,but still a very very dumb choice. I like the ruse of loading a pump shot gun. Very effective ??I have had a strange incident in a San Jose Cal RV park, late at night ,many years ago, used the same ruse. "" I did not open the door"" , never saw three men run so fast in my life..Read previously about this in an RV throwaway mag.Self preservation is just common sense. A suit will not replace it..However it could make life a lot more complicated/ difficult for us.As has been well said """ You cannot fix stupid"""

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Sometimes I would rather stay in a Wal Mart parking lot than in some out of the way rundown campground. It gives us the ability to travel without a reservation, etc. and lets us stock up on supplies. I know in some areas the community will try to create an ordinance against parking a rig anywhere overnight except in a campground or RV park. I always thought it was the lobbying of the RV campgrounds. This just raises the possibility of losing another way to stop overnight.

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I have used Walmart many times and anyone who opens the door in the middle of the night be it Walmart or a camp ground without knowing who's outside is real stupid. You park a rest stops, camp grounds and

Walmart and other retail outllets at your own risk.

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To Wal-Mart executives...Please forgive the stupidity of one and understand that RVers are greatfull for the privilege of parking at your locatioons overnight !

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I am a newbie but i was raised in the state of NY and we never left our doors unlocked car or apt. Why would you open your door at a walmart parking lot. Where you traveling with another party. Most rigs have a window right next to the door why would you not look out of that window. I know it is sad that something happened to this couple. If you don't know who is at your door yelling go away i'm dailing 911 should suffice. I see no basis for the law suit. When you go shopping most places have a sign that says they are not responsible for the safety of your vehicle. I know not all walmarts will let you park overnight but for those that do i appreciate their kindness and patronize their kindness.

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Complete new to RV'ing, but just bought our first motorhome. I was so surprised of the nice act by Wal-Mart to let RV'er overnight in their parking lot for free. Please tell these people that they are potentially hurting every RV'er out there with a stupid law suit. Don't open your door at night when parking at your own risk. If you want security go to a paid camp ground.

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The inexcusable nonsense of just opening their door for someone who has come knocking . You wouldn't do this if dry camping in the Wilderness nor would any of us answer a knock if we could not see who was at the door while dry/staying @ a WALMART Store or other parking areas anywhere in the U.S..

We all appreciate the WELCOME that WALMART STORES gives to us providing local laws are adhered to . But to turn around and attempt to SUE !!! such an injustice to Hospitality . These people obviously have not been on the road but it is not an excuse . If they rent an apartment or house their landlord needs to be on the lookout . If they own a home good luck to their insurance company . Their is no need for anyone or business to pay for their mistake.

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we have stayed at several Walmart stores , they are a god sent to all of us who travel late.Thanks again Walmart, we hope the stupidity of one couple does not spoil it for the rest of us.


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Here we go again.These people are the types that make us all loose the priviledges we enjoy. I remember 40 yrs. ago we use to use power line trail in our area to snowmobile until a drunk driver one night hit a guide wire and sue the utility. That was the end of our usage of that nice trail. Are we stupid or what ? Is there anything we can do ? Whether these people are still RVing or not they should be identified and E Mailed our thoughts by the thousands.

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Thats going to help the rest of us out. Looks like Walmart will make the consideration that no RV'ers will be parking on their property. Thats why you need a concealed weapon permit. Open the door with confidence.

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Surely all reasonable people understand that we assume the risk in these situations. We do.

"You park a rest stops, camp grounds and

Walmart and other retail outllets at your own risk".


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Sorry that this incident happened to these people. But, my wife and I have stayed at many Walmart's over the last three years, traveling some 25,000 miles around this USA. I never would expect Walmart to secure me at all times. They have large parking lots to control. I stay at my own risk.

Walmart is doing us a great big favor in letting us stay. God Bless Walmart.

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