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About lmsooter

  • Birthday August 26

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hondo, Texas
  • Interests
    Hunting, Flyfishing, Woodworking
  • I travel
    With Pets
    Full-time in my motorhome

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  1. We stayed at Oceanview RV Park in 2012. Nice view of the bay. We were there several days and had no problem with wind.
  2. Looking at the FMCA membership directory, I find 39 members listed in Lancaster, PA. One is listed as “Mechanical Help”. You might contact him and if he can’t help, he may know someone.
  3. I had the information I needed for the recent vote because I read the magazine, participate in the forum and look at the FMCA website at least daily. I believe the information for this vote was there for anyone who wanted to read it. That bring said, I disagree with the philosophy that you must join a chapter to be represented at the Board level. If only 30% of members are chapter members then the 70% non-chapter members really have no voice in the overall operation of FMCA. I am also a Life member of the National Rifle Association and all board members are elected by a vote of ALL members. i am not a member of any chapter of FMCA at this time and really don’t want to be. Part of the reason for not being involved in a chapter is many have rallies at the same places year after year. We are members of the Alfa Owners Club and the Alfa Roadrunners chapter. We do not attend the Owners Club rally for the same reason - always in the same area. But I am a member of FMCA and should have some representation at the Board level without being required to join another group (chapter). Sorry about the long post but I needed to express my opinion. You kinda get the feeling from some of the comments above that you are not a “real” member or asset if you don’t join a chapter.
  4. I like Bill! There is never any doubt concerning his stand on an issue. Kinda refreshing considering all the “political correctness” wave and fear that someone might be offended about anything and everything.
  5. I notice that the article the link takes to is from June 2010.
  6. lmsooter


    We put Toyos on our coach in 2012 and have not had any problems. The ride was much improved over the Goodyear originals. Price was about $1200 less that the FMCA Michelin program
  7. Joe, if you decide to try Carlsbad Caverns, then drop further south to Fort Davis, Texas and check out the McDonald Observatory. http://mcdonaldobservatory.org/
  8. You don’t have to own a coach to join the forum. Just need one to join FMCA.
  9. This is the only floor plan I have seen with a rear lounge. My wife looked at the floor plan and said “wasted space - where is the large closet for hanging clothes”. But then that is why they make many different floor plans. Hope it works for you. I would have to look at it in person before totally rejecting it - hopefully you have had the opportunity to see it and spend some time in it.
  10. I leave both tanks closed until time to dump. A couple of times we have found a nice swarm of sewer flies in an RV park sewer connection when we removed the cap. I don’t really want them in my gray tank. I just waited until the tanks were full, opened the black tank and flushed the critters back where they belonged. Then the gray tank to finish
  11. Rob, i have never seen a Maxxair cover sealed to the roof. Mine are mounted with brackets to the vent side wall. According to the Maxxair mounting instructions, there will be a 1/2" to 1" gap between the cover and the roof. Then it goes on to say "do not caulk this gap". Did Thor use a different mounting system?
  12. Welcome to the forum! when we decided to full time in 2011, we had a 33 foot gas coach we loved. But we did not like the amount of storage we had for full time so we started looking. We developed a list of "must have" and "nice to have" requirements. Then we spent a year looking at RV shows as well as dealer lots. We looked at all the brands you mention as well as Thor, Monaco, Forest River and Foretravel. We kept coming back to our Alfa because of the large windows and high ceilings. But that also makes it harder to cool and heat. We have never regretted our choice. just find a floor plan you really like and try get as many of your "must haves" as possible. We have many friends with the coaches you mention and they love them. Find what you like and go for it.
  13. I was wondering how your situation with your MH turned out. Sorry to hear your rig may be totaled. We were hoping for a little rain in Hondo but got less than 1/2". It all stayed around San Antonio and farther east. Anyway, we hope you receive a quick and easy settlement with insurance and a speedy and painless search for a replacement.
  14. I read on another forum that one individual pushed in on the door while operating the latch and got it to open. Otherwise you might try a locksmith.
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