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  • Birthday 04/20/1952

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    Fort Worth, TX

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  1. Wolfe10 is absolutely right!
  2. It is a 10 year old unit. Most businesses don't have the room nor assets to tie up into old and slow moving parts. It's not that they don't care it's just a business decision. RV junk yards have better deals for an OEM used part.
  3. As a previous Auto dealer that serviced Sprinters and Sprinter RV's I agree with BCHAMPTON. Always tried to accommodate 1. travelers and 2. specialty vehicles. I have found the same frustration with RV dealers that they can sell them but can't really service and repair them. What an opportunity for entrepreneurship! I have found that most dealers sub out the work and mark up the work. AND they really do a lousy job of scheduling!
  4. That's why I changed to Blue Ox. Blue Ox attends all FMCA rallies. They service and repair on site. Generally it's a $30.00 charge. CW COULD NEVER SERVICE MY ROAD MASTER FALCON TOW BAR. I was able to keep my base plate for my Jeep BUT I did have to use my old hitch pins. I went to Tractor Supply and bought some new ones any way. The old ones were a little beat up.
  5. TXUSGUY (Gary N Gibson) and TXUSGAL (Vickie L. Gibson) are attending out of Ft Worth.
  6. Usually covered by plastic flap so is hiding from you in plain site under the dash.
  7. Drive for a while first. Analyse the ride and drive. Then go for the appropriate mod/correction.
  8. Blue Beacon Truck Wash or any truck wash. Just ask them to back off the graphics.
  9. TXUSGAL drives and does very well. But won't drive in large metropolitan areas (makes het really nervous). Otherwise no restrictions on road or weather and yes we tow a Jeep. Classroom and non-related instructor would be a good idea. I basically told TXUSGAL 4 things. 1) Keep it between the two lines and look out front and see about where you ride in the roadway. (Even where your line on left hits on the windshield. In our case it aligns with the edge ofan inspection sticker.). 2) Stay in your right lane until you are really comfortable. 3) Do the speed you are comfortable with and let others pass you if they don't like it. 4) Taught her how to make left and right turns. It's not as hard as you one makes it to be ...IF you use your head , practice, be proud of your newly acquired ability. After all, God forbid, you may need to know how to drive someday in an emergency. GOOD LUCK to her! and GOOD LUCK to you in learning to keep quiet when she does drive and give lots of encouragement.
  10. WELCOME! You will find the world of RVing fun, fantastic, relaxing and full of great people. People that are willing to share their experiences, knowledge, and support.
  11. I was having trouble with my Dometic not getting cold enough. Adjusted Thermistor all the way to the top but it still struggled. Also have battery operated fan inside. Took the RV to my local Tiffin dealer. They monitored and ran tests. They discovered the screens on my vents. Yes, yes the Camco type designed for it. Their test results were that they restricted 40% of my air flow??? Anyway, we removed the screens and installed a second fan in the vent flue. Tiffin covered the modification. Thank you Bob and crew. Testing it out ourselves this weekend.
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