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Everything posted by obedb

  1. Why do air dryers fail on motorhomes? They frequently last for years on tractor trailers. Just curious. Can we do something to prevent failures?
  2. Must be a bad leak to cause an air dryer to cycle every 20 seconds.
  3. We have two receivers on our 2 month trip west to Colorado and New Mexico. The receiver that is easiest to use is an H20/600 and we also use an H22 DVR for the main living area. They both transitioned from a 5 LNB non SWM to a Winegard Traveler SWM automatically. The H20 is very quick to reboot after a new location is found by the Traveler. The DVR is considerably slower, but my main point is they adjusted to the new input automatically. Don't know about the Genie. Been with Direct TV for 20 years and do not feel the need to upgrade to Genie for home use. Old roof top domed dishes are apparently very limited in usefulness
  4. obedb

    Front Hub Removal

    Mine are removed with the simple twist of straight blade screwdriver. When replacing them, adjust the feet for a snug fit. Replacements can usually be found at bigger truck stops. I bought two recently for just over $16. If you need oil, check for leaks front and back.
  5. Moisture in clearance and ID lights (cluster of three) on 18 wheelers was the rule rather than the exception through most of my long career. Pop a lens off with a small screwdriver and replace the filament bulb. They still worked for more miles than would probably be on a 2011 Motorhome before they failed. Not being snotty in this observation, but why the trouble with something as basic as exterior lighting on a rig that costs a big wad of dough??? Sign me puzzled!!
  6. On our Phaeton there are two flashers side by side under the dash by the steering column. In my case, if neither worked I would move upstream looking for a common 12 volt source. Both flashers going out at the same time/ not likely. I carry spares.
  7. When you turn on the key, does the dash display go through the various system checks before it settles down? If not/ that is very important to know for the experts that will hopefully soon respond.I lost an ECM on a diesel once. No display whatsoever. Turned over willingly, but no fire. Expensive. Hope that is not your problem.
  8. What tire brand caused the damage for you? Two tires failed on a new coach on the way back to Vegas? Sheesh!! Sorry about all of your trouble. I'd say the shop owner has a good claim for any damage he incurred. Our XZEs have been on the coach for 15 months. Mfg date of March 2014. 6000 miles. Most travel trailer tires are now manufactured in China. Even Goodyear Marathons. Perhaps some cheap tires on fivers also. LA to Vegas/ often a very HOT!!! trip.
  9. If you can't solve the problem in time to leave Wednesday AM find the buzzer module under the dash. It is easily unplugged and a replaceable part. As long as you have the warning light on your panel you are good, unless regs have changed. Position your seat and adjustable steering wheel to be able to easily notice the warning light with a visual sweep of the panel which should be done frequently anyway.
  10. I am done with portable antennas. When in doubt, I call ahead and ask for a site that is Traveler friendly. The people on the desk seem to be aware of the requirements and will tell you if they have one that will work.
  11. You may miss the money briefly but you will not regret having a Direct TV traveler installed! The HD is better in our coach than at home.
  12. Breeze2/ You indicate you live in the mid-Atlantic region? Visit Service Tires website ( sttc.com ) for a nearby dealer and give them a call. The people in the York PA branch are very pleasant to deal with and they can at least tell you if the tires you want are available. If you call another branch closer to you you will then be armed with valid info, in case the person answering is not in a helpful mood. Sometimes we all have a bad day. I had XZE tires installed last year when they were hard to get and they were at the dealer in just a few days. If they can't get them probably nobody can. They have branches from Richmond all of the way to the NH/ME state line. Big Outfit/ Gold Standard for me. They also participate in FMCAs Advantage Plan.
  13. We don't have aquahot but we do have a lot of stubborn compartment doors. After unlocking, I must use my knee to apply pressure to the door before lifting on the latch handle. Just a thought/ hope it helps.
  14. I went the portable route for many years. We became RVers in 1988 and as soon as the price dropped a little we took a dish with us. 1995 I think. The 5LNB or 3 LNB now used with Direct TV are more difficult to aim, but I have seen it done by determined TV lovers. Search for a really sturdy tripod that is stable and easily adjustable. Motorhome magazine had an article about just such a tripod a while back. Don't remember the name though. The original pie pan unit 18" I think is easy. After a little practice, you can lock on Direct TVs sat 101 but there will be no HD. The bigger dishes will probably need a good meter $$$$ to aim reliably. If you don't get good at it frustration will set in and the equipment will probably remain in a storage compartment. Visit Solid Signals website for some ideas.
  15. I use a map when I have not been there before. Directions from men are usually better than from ladies but not in all cases. Trusting GPS based systems while driving large vehicles can be dicey at times. I am against the grain so I expect some flames, but my Air Force father taught me to read maps when I was in the third grade. I have expanded on those skills over the years. Would not have a GPS system in any of my vehicles, period!!! What did we do twenty years ago??
  16. Something different here. Owned our 2003 Phaeton for 16 months. Always extended the slides after leveling and plugged into park power (engine off). Started having a little trouble on our way to Colorado. Tapped on the solenoid using a wrench with success. Last week at the KOA in Limon the slides would not come in. Felt the solenoid and it was warm to the touch though it had done nothing but receive a short jolt of 12 volts. Paid for another day guessing the solenoid was bad. Quick removal and off to NAPA for a replacement. They found a "will fit," and the installation was easy. Hit the in button on both slides and nothing happened. Got on a Tiffin oriented site and read an old response about the ignition key being on. Turned the key on and the slides worked. Never had to do that before??? We are at the Heart of the Rockies RV site on US 50 west of Poncha Springs. The manager lives in an identical 40 Phaeton so I mentioned the event to him. He assured me that his slides can be moved with the ignition off. He even double checked to be sure he was right. Oh well/ I now have a spare solenoid, but still puzzled by why things changed after 16 months. It will always be an adventure when I operate them from now on.
  17. I also open the door next to our central vac (Dirt Devil) to ventilate the unit. In the event of failure, we would buy a portable unit. Still have plenty of storage available for " new stuff ."
  18. Ours is turned on with a switch on the panel that displays liquid levels, propane, etc. it is next to the Xantrex display in a compartment above the entrance steps covered by what looks like a cabinet door.
  19. The problem seems to have gone away. The condensation on both units runs onto the roof normally.
  20. CD's problems and others that I have read about have made me reluctant to use the dash air. I use it, but very sparingly. On a hot day we run the generator and at least one rooftop a/c to keep our cats comfortable. I turn both defroster fans on. They are mounted in the upper corners of the windshield and they do help when aimed at the driver's and DW's seat. I brought new spare belts just in case.
  21. Thanks All. Kinda thought I would have to get up top again. Will miss my extension ladder.
  22. Front rooftop a/c sometimes drips water onto the carpet. Suggestions will be appreciated.
  23. obedb

    Winegard Traveler

    We left PA last Wednesday on our annual trek to Colorado. We are taking our time. Each day the Winegard Traveler looks for the three satellites from a different location. Takes a little more time to link up when compared to stowing and starting a day or two later in the same place, which was the case when our RV was in a storage area as I slowly chipped away at my "to do list". It never fails to find strong signals and does it far sooner than dragging out a portable dish, expensive meter, and then starting the process that can take quite some time to complete. Five to seven minutes max. Compare that to trying to aim a portable dish. Very happy so far.
  24. If your rv has no overheating problems I-77 will be OK. Best to run in the early hours after daylight in a gas powered unit pulling a car. Keeps the outside temp down helping the radiator. I-81 north from the I-77 intersection has a couple of grades to pull, but not as steep as 77. Now I say this with many years driving an 18 wheeler under my belt. As has been mentioned, I-81 is a nicer ride than 95 and more scenic. Safe Travels.
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