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13 hours ago, bobged said:

Has anyone been able to get their Jetpack activated on the FMCA plan at Verizon?

I received my Jetpack today and have literally talked to eight different reps in various departments that number one, don't know anything about the FMCA plan, number two can't find any record of my Jetpack mobile number in their system.  The final person I spoke with told me I would have to speak with someone at FMCA.

How do we get the Jetpack activated?

On edit:  I just read the following from a member of another forum:

Seems no one but a special Executive Relationship Team (ERT) has any access to work on this new FMCA plan. And he cannot call them. The Vz person can only send them email, plus they only work 9-5 eastern.

Can anyone from FMCA confirm this is who we need to contact?


Same problem here.... I called Verizon and gave them the number they assigned to my new MiFi and they said it was assigned to someone else, not me and could not help me.


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Update:  I finally got to speak to someone from Verizon who at least could help somewhat once I told them the Plan ID 11454.  However, this plan applies to one line only.  I already have 3 lines (two smart phones and a MIFI jetpack).  So, if I took advantage of the FMCA plan for one line only, then I would still have to pay for another data plan for my other two lines.  There goes any supposed savings right down the drain. 

Based upon my experience, I think that Technomadia's verdict of "Nice Try" overstated the value and usefulness of this plan.  This is the second time I have been "fooled" by FMCA/Verzion collaboration (signed up last summer for the DOA plan).  The first fiasco cost me only time.  This fiasco cost me too much time and actual cash as I had to sign up for 2 additional membership years in order to qualify for the plan. 

Bottom line:  If you want "unlimited data" that is actually limited on just one line, this is probably a good plan for you.  Otherwise, not so much.

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It's not unlimited data...it's 25GB for a billing cycle!  "Unlimited Data", where did you get that info from?  Do you have a link?

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This appears to be the info you need.  Plan ID 11454 number.  Give them a call with that number and they should get a hit.

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On the other post, they are doing what you suggest....no luck, just "We have no clue"!  Apparently senior management forgot to let everyone below them, know about the deal with FMCA!    

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2 hours ago, starneml said:

My biggest concern is that the device they sent me is registered to someone else. Maybe it’s someone FMCA?

Well, I haven't been able to get the device at all, so at least you have some hardware in your hands.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there is a "Promo Code" for the Jetpack 7730L?  Almost every Verizon rep I have talked to has asked me what the Promo Code is for this offer.

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7 hours ago, chindog said:

Well, I haven't been able to get the device at all, so at least you have some hardware in your hands.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there is a "Promo Code" for the Jetpack 7730L?  Almost every Verizon rep I have talked to has asked me what the Promo Code is for this offer.

Maybe try the Plan ID 11454 that Bill Adams posted.  I'm just hoping that Verizon has not yet made this plan available to their CSRs, and all will be straightened out by Monday.

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17 hours ago, bobged said:

Maybe try the Plan ID 11454 that Bill Adams posted.  I'm just hoping that Verizon has not yet made this plan available to their CSRs, and all will be straightened out by Monday.

I've already tried that.  They told me that plan ID number is for the data plan only, not the device included in the offer.

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I apologize to everyone for issues you are having. FMCA is pushing Verizon to fix all of the issues being discussed here. Activations and adding on to current plans seem to be an issue.

Really concerned that people are getting activation errors that the line belongs to someone else. These are new lines, with a contract signed directly between the member and Verizon. 

Hang tight and hopefully we can get some answers today!

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I was going to do this and drop one AT&T line and have really good coverage. Are you kidding, this is a mess. It is like dealing with Wells Fargo. I have never had Verizon services and will not any time soon. These kinds of issues just make me crazy...they should not happen. 

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On 11/8/2017 at 7:23 PM, manholt said:

Seems to me (unless there's something I don't see), you can split and double your AT&T for 44GB, and still be ahead ?

If you have AT&T service you need to check out the Direct TV bundle and streaming and see if works and if not check out the AT&T Mobley.  Link to Mobley below.







This plan may of ended last July.....  Check with AT&T to see if it has been extended since I have heard recent users getting the plan..

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I have AT&T phone, DIRECTV on roof of coach & AT&T World phone!  Verizon Internet and it works well, but I do not have a need or wish to stream anything!  Just wish that I could get my bill lowered for 5 lousy GB's a month...25GB a month for same $$$ is a non brainer and I will do it, when everyone has their Ducks in a row! :) This year or next.  I just don't need to be first and go thru the BS.

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AT&T Mobley is unlimited with 22GB before Network Optimization (not hard throttle)  for $20/month.  Now that's a good deal and you don't have to be a member of anything or sign a 2 year contract.  I am currently at 40GB for the month and still seeing about 10-15Mb up and 25Mb down.


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1 hour ago, BillAdams said:

AT&T Mobley is unlimited with 22GB before Network Optimization (not hard throttle)  for $20/month.  Now that's a good deal and you don't have to be a member of anything or sign a 2 year contract.  I am currently at 40GB for the month and still seeing about 10-15Mb up and 25Mb down.


That is a good deal. I think they discontinued new signups for the plan last month.

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Thank you again for your patience. Spoke to Verizon today. If you are having issues activating a device, or if you have successfully activated a device, please PM me. Share your mifi phone number and order number from the confirmation email you received from Verizon.

If you are having issues activating or adding to your plan, call 1-800-922-0204. Have the profile id: 4273588 handy. Also mention Family Motor Coach Association, not just FMCA. If you call and say I want the FMCA deal, the rep will have no idea what offer you are talking about.

They are also working on a dedicated email address that our members can contact if they are having issues.

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I have tried on numerous occasions to sign up for the plan. Have had several times to apply, and in the past have only gotten nowhere but an endless loop telling me to check my e-mail. Nothing has happened untill today, when I tried about 20 minutes ago, it actually took me to my Verizon account and things look as if I had actually signed up. I then opened an e-mail from Verizon and shocked!!!!!!!, I had this reply

The wireless account associated with your mobile telephone number has been
registered for a discount program. Discounts apply to the monthly access fee on
eligible plans and features (restrictions apply to prepaid, already discounted or
promotional plans). Please allow 1 to 2 billing cycles for any discount updates to
appear on your monthly bill.  If you have any questions, please call 1.800.890.8007

I am hoping that it is now working.:o

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On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 5:03 PM, starneml said:

My biggest concern is that the device they sent me is registered to someone else. Maybe it’s someone FMCA?

I am up and running. Got a call from Lisa at Verizon.

Not sure what my problem really was (that caused it to ship out like it did)... But

I wanted this billed completely separate (I have other Verizon accounts, all separate, another MiFi and two iPads.) So I chose New CUstomer and not Existing Customer.

Once she fixed the the issue with the phone number I was assigned belonging to someone else (I now have a new number assigned to my MiFi) , I had to go back to the FMCA link and register as an existing customer using my existing MiFi as the Verizon phone number. She was then able to add the FMCA MiFi to my account as a sub account, so as not to touch the existing device.

In the end, up and running.


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It looks like some have been able to get their lines activated.  I also got mine activated after a long ordeal and am posting the following just in case it might help others.

I went through approximately two hours on the phone with a Verizon senior tech support person to get the FMCA Mobile Broadband Unlimited program for 49.99 plan setup.   The lengthy process is totally on Verizon’s side.  FMCA is not to blame at all.

The following are the steps to be followed as suggested by the tech support person.

Go through the process of signing up for the program by following the link to Verizon on the FMCA site.  If you do not have a Verizon wireless account, then select New Account and complete the application.  If you have an existing Verizon wireless account, the then select Existing Customer -> Register your line to receive discount.

Once you receive your device you will need to call Verizon Tela Sales (800) 256-4646 **Important** Disregard the mobile number that is listed on your Verizon receipt.  You need to have them setup a new line of service.  They will need the IMEI and ICCID numbers which are listed on the box and the device itself.

Have them place you one of their regular plans.  Tell them It doesn’t make any difference which one as you are going to transfer it to a special unlimited plan.  They will then setup your new account, or add the device to your existing account, and give you the new mobile number.

Once that is done have them transfer you to Customer Care.  Give them your new mobile number, and tell them you want your plan transferred the Family Motor Coach Mobile Broadband Unlimited for $49.99 plan ID:  11454.  You may also need to give them the FMCA Member Program Profile ID of 4273588

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4 hours ago, smithy said:

That is a good deal. I think they discontinued new signups for the plan last month.

I believe new sign ups are still available.  It's certainly still listed as an available plan on the AT&T website.  Finding a Mobley these days is pretty tough, however.

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7 hours ago, BillAdams said:

AT&T Mobley is unlimited with 22GB before Network Optimization (not hard throttle)  for $20/month.  Now that's a good deal and you don't have to be a member of anything or sign a 2 year contract.  I am currently at 40GB for the month and still seeing about 10-15Mb up and 25Mb down.


It's also unavailable for anyone wanting to sign up for a data plan today.  So, that pretty much takes the Mobley plan out of the running for anyone who doesn't already have one.


Of the data only plans that someone could sign up for today, the FMCA plan is a good one at a fair price.

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5 hours ago, kaypsmith said:

I have tried on numerous occasions to sign up for the plan. Have had several times to apply, and in the past have only gotten nowhere but an endless loop telling me to check my e-mail. Nothing has happened untill today, when I tried about 20 minutes ago, it actually took me to my Verizon account and things look as if I had actually signed up. I then opened an e-mail from Verizon and shocked!!!!!!!, I had this reply

The wireless account associated with your mobile telephone number has been
registered for a discount program. Discounts apply to the monthly access fee on
eligible plans and features (restrictions apply to prepaid, already discounted or
promotional plans). Please allow 1 to 2 billing cycles for any discount updates to
appear on your monthly bill.  If you have any questions, please call 1.800.890.8007

I am hoping that it is now working.:o

I got that same email.  My data plan has been updated, and I am now on the FMCA data plan.  I just wish I could get my new Jetpack.


One issue I have with the new "unlimited" plan limited to 25GB, is that when I try to check my data usage for the current billing period, there is no information available.  Instead of stats that tell me how much data I have used so far, all I get is "unlimited data" in place of "you have used 11.3 GB this period".  Not helpful.


Maybe this will change once I get my 7730L Jetpack, if I am ever able to get it.

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The plan is not limited to 256 gb. It is an unlimited plan. 

See info from FMCA announcement.

"Get a mobile hotspot for only $.01 with a 2-year agreement when you sign up for the $49.99/month Mobile Broadband Plan (plus taxes & fees), plus get unlimited data.*"

As per the details, if you go over 256 gb in any one month, the speed may be reduced. 

Would likely only be an issue if you were constantly streamjng video.  

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7 hours ago, IanBullock said:


The plan is not limited to 256 gb. It is an unlimited plan. 

See info from FMCA announcement.

"Get a mobile hotspot for only $.01 with a 2-year agreement when you sign up for the $49.99/month Mobile Broadband Plan (plus taxes & fees), plus get unlimited data.*"

As per the details, if you go over 256 gb in any one month, the speed may be reduced. 

Would likely only be an issue if you were constantly streamjng video.  

While "technically" an unlimited plan, this is a HIGHLY limited plan.  As mentioned above, you don't get 256GB but rather onl 25GB per month before you are HARD THROTTLED to somewhere between dial up and 2G service (pretty much unusable at this point).

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