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Check Out Our New Verizon MIFI Benefit!

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I have exactly the same issue as kathylarry above, Verizon very slippery-slimey. Only difference is I have two hotspots, one 4510L and one 7730L, that's the only way that I can get the full 22 gig before dropping down to snail speed, and must be very careful not to go over the 15 on either one, if I do both will drop. I applied for the FMCA discount, only got email that I would see the discount after the next two billing cycles. I don't believe that either. This is not a FMCA issue, just more of Verizon's shenanigans. I received my email from Verizon on 11/13, and here is a copy of my data usage for one of the hotspots as of 11/28 9:20 PM.


Stream all you want, you've got unlimited data

Brand Icon

4G LTE only. After 22GB, in times of congestion, your data may be temporarily prioritized behind other traffic. Mobile Hotspot/tethering reduced to speeds up to 600Kbps after 15GB/mo. Domestic data roaming at 2G speeds; int'l data reduced to 2G speeds after 512 MB/day.
Oh and by the way, 600 kbs is a lie also, after 10 gig back in July my data was reduced to 70 kbs, my dial up modem will produce 56 kbs,  it took 2 months (two billing cycles) for my speed to get back to normal
Hope others have better luck than I !

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On 11/28/2017 at 9:39 AM, kathylarry said:

Hum, just disappointing.

Updated my Verizon account per the instructions provided by FMCA 11-8-2017. Verizon made changes and removed my veteran discount. I got a message that discount was applied.

I was still being charged 65.00, so this morning I talked to a Verizon rep and she said that you could only have one discount applied to the account, FMCA or Veterans (really?).

So then I questioned her, why am I being charged 65.00 instead of the FMCA cost of 49.99. She said that since I also have a phone on that account, I cant get that price. I would only get that price if I only had a hotspot.

I did give them the information here "FMCA has a new Verizon MIFI Member Benefit! CLICK HERE to learn more".

I knew I shouldn't have applied............

FYI.... I already had a plan through Verizon with a hotspot and phone. That plan started out as true unlimited data, then 22gig, then 10gig high speed, rest 600kps possible until 22gig, and then 15gig high speed, rest 600kps possible until 22gig. With that plan, I did get 15% veteran discount.

My high speed data quit at 15gig, so I haven't seen any type of change since I applied November 8th.

  I also had my military discount disappear.  I called Verizon and they setup a sub account for the FMCA plan so the military discount wouldn't apply to it.  I then had to fill out a form and resubmit my DD-214.  It was approved and I am supposed to have my discount back on the next billing cycle.

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On 11/8/2017 at 11:31 AM, reemark55 said:

I suggest everyone sign up as a new account - It was sooo much easier and there is no fiscal benefit I can see to existing plans. We are keeping our phones separate from this data plan.Our phone plan is under my name and SS so I just opened this account under my spouse.

And BTW - THANKS. This is a great price/plan. Could not find anything close when searching on my own.UNLIMITED 25GB for $50 - WOOHOO

Apparently there IS a benefit to having the Mifi device associated with your existing account.  

I was not an existing Verizon customer, and have only the FMCA data deal and Jetpack device. I tried and tried to register for My Verizon and was unable. So I called them. They say that's right, if all you have is the Jetpack you cannot have online access and must get bills by mail. 

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On 11/11/2017 at 5:44 AM, belfaster said:

I am an existing Verizon customer and, after signing up through the Verizon/FMCA portal I waited for the email I was supposed to receive from Verizon in "24 to 48 hours".  After not receiving the email, I went on the MY Verizon webpage and got in to a chat session with Verizon Customer Support.  They had no clue what I was talking about.  I called the number provided to contact Verizon in the FMCA instructions.  Once again, the person answering my call never heard of the program.  She spoke with a supervisor who had heard of the program but they could not help.  Their advice:  keep on waiting for the email that will contains a "code" that I can use.  Still no email.  Something is amiss with this program.

I would say quite a lot is amiss. 

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If I had read in the forum before ordering I likely would not have ordered.  Oh well. I didn't read, I did order, and I'm wondering if the s mess will ever get straightened out. 

It took several hours and considerable effort to get my order completed and accepted, but eventually it was. I was advised that I would receive an email when the device was shipped. That email would give the telephone number for the device. That was on Friday, November 24.

By the evening of Monday November 27, I wondered what the deal was so I started looking for a way to check the status. To check status on the phone, must have either account number or phone number. I had neither. Order status online required My Verizon login, which requires having account number  or phone number. 

After several hours of hunting, I found another, obscure order status lookup. That showed my order as "PROCESSING."

Actually, I need to go back a step to tell you yet another layer of problem. That hidden lookup path required not only the order number, which was in the confirmation, but a location code which was not given  in  the confirmation. The only reason I had the location code was that was given in the "action required" notice I received saying I had to fax my driver's license and Social Security card to the order review team. I called them, different number, and they said I was good to go. 

Anyway, on Tuesday afternoon the 28th, with my order still shown as "PROCESSING," I called sales (can't get through the voice menu tree at customer service without account number or phone number) and was able to talk with a human by indicating that I was not currently a customer (though of course I technically was because I had ordered a device and entered into a contract.)

That human told me that the order would NEVER  one out of "PROCESSING" status, though they didn't tell me why, and entered a new order for me. This may be the source of some of the later problems. Yes, there's more. 

The device arrived and worked immediately.  No activation issues. Speed tests both at home and at work were impressive, better than 20MB/s up and down.  

Shortly after turning on the Jetpack, I received a text. (I hadn't known I could.) It said that my account had been set for paperless billing, that I could use My Verizon to view and pay my bill online, and to reply "PAPER" to switch back. That all sounded reasonable. 

Thing is, there is no reply function on the Jetpack. It's not just that I can find it; Verizon's documentation says there isn't. Verizon sells them. Why is Verizon telling me to reply,

i tried and tried to get registered for My Verizon. Couldn't. Called  Customer Service (since I have the phone number now)  and they say that since I have only Jetpack I cannot use My Verizon. So I have to get a bill by mail, which they will set me up for.  

I thought we were wrapping up when she mentioned the amount of the bill, 120-some dollars. How can that be, I asked. She explained that it was $80/month for my 10GB plan, and a $40 activation charge. I told her it was supposed to be $49.99 for "unlimited" (effectively 25GB, as we know) on Family Motor Coach Association plan. Sh first said there was no such plan, but after going off the line several times, tellling me to do all the things I had already done, and talking -she said - to FMCA,  she finally said the was putting in the request for plan change for me. Mind you, it's not a "request" as far as I am concerned. I want the plan which was offered, and which I ordered and received confirmation of. 

That was Tuesday Nov 5. No word yet on the change being accomplished, and the display on the device shows 0.73 GB/10 GB used. 

Today I received an email from Verizon reminding me to register for My Verizon. Truely, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing!

As frustrated as I am with Verizon, it's not just Verizon. My emails to FMCA about this have gone unanswered.   


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13 hours ago, NeilFullagar said:


If I had read in the forum before ordering I likely would not have ordered.  Oh well. I didn't read, I did order, and I'm wondering if the s mess will ever get straightened out. 

It took several hours and considerable effort to get my order completed and accepted, but eventually it was. I was advised that I would receive an email when the device was shipped. That email would give the telephone number for the device. That was on Friday, November 24.

By the evening of Monday November 27, I wondered what the deal was so I started looking for a way to check the status. To check status on the phone, must have either account number or phone number. I had neither. Order status online required My Verizon login, which requires having account number  or phone number. 

After several hours of hunting, I found another, obscure order status lookup. That showed my order as "PROCESSING."

Actually, I need to go back a step to tell you yet another layer of problem. That hidden lookup path required not only the order number, which was in the confirmation, but a location code which was not given  in  the confirmation. The only reason I had the location code was that was given in the "action required" notice I received saying I had to fax my driver's license and Social Security card to the order review team. I called them, different number, and they said I was good to go. 

Anyway, on Tuesday afternoon the 28th, with my order still shown as "PROCESSING," I called sales (can't get through the voice menu tree at customer service without account number or phone number) and was able to talk with a human by indicating that I was not currently a customer (though of course I technically was because I had ordered a device and entered into a contract.)

That human told me that the order would NEVER  one out of "PROCESSING" status, though they didn't tell me why, and entered a new order for me. This may be the source of some of the later problems. Yes, there's more. 

The device arrived and worked immediately.  No activation issues. Speed tests both at home and at work were impressive, better than 20MB/s up and down.  

Shortly after turning on the Jetpack, I received a text. (I hadn't known I could.) It said that my account had been set for paperless billing, that I could use My Verizon to view and pay my bill online, and to reply "PAPER" to switch back. That all sounded reasonable. 

Thing is, there is no reply function on the Jetpack. It's not just that I can find it; Verizon's documentation says there isn't. Verizon sells them. Why is Verizon telling me to reply,

i tried and tried to get registered for My Verizon. Couldn't. Called  Customer Service (since I have the phone number now)  and they say that since I have only Jetpack I cannot use My Verizon. So I have to get a bill by mail, which they will set me up for.  

I thought we were wrapping up when she mentioned the amount of the bill, 120-some dollars. How can that be, I asked. She explained that it was $80/month for my 10GB plan, and a $40 activation charge. I told her it was supposed to be $49.99 for "unlimited" (effectively 25GB, as we know) on Family Motor Coach Association plan. Sh first said there was no such plan, but after going off the line several times, tellling me to do all the things I had already done, and talking -she said - to FMCA,  she finally said the was putting in the request for plan change for me. Mind you, it's not a "request" as far as I am concerned. I want the plan which was offered, and which I ordered and received confirmation of. 

That was Tuesday Nov 5. No word yet on the change being accomplished, and the display on the device shows 0.73 GB/10 GB used. 

Today I received an email from Verizon reminding me to register for My Verizon. Truely, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing!

As frustrated as I am with Verizon, it's not just Verizon. My emails to FMCA about this have gone unanswered.   


Please forward me all emails you have sent FMCA to csmith@fmca.com.

Please include your name and phone number, I will make sure someone from Verizon contacts you.

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I'm having the same experience.  Signed up as a new customer, got the jetpack but not the $49.99 deal.  No one at Verizon seemed to know about the plan and the order number sent to me wasn't a number that the customer service people could use (not sure what that was about).  I must say that after several hours of frustration I finally got a rep that was determined to help me.  I forwarded all the emails I had regarding the subject.   She contacted her supervisor and adjusted my bill to reflect the proper amount while they tried to fix the problem.  This was in November, it's now December 16, I just got my January bill and I'm still on the $65 per month plan.  I emailed the Verizon Rep that was so helpful and asked that she adjust my bill again.  If this can't be fixed I would like to cancel.  However, I suspect that too will be a nightmare as they will probably want to take the position that I signed a two year contract.  I guess as long as the rep keeps adjusting my bill I can make it through the two year contract and then cancel.


What a hassle and a complete fiasco...

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BTW, I got the Hotspot because we used the T-Mobile Senior plan (2 lines unlimited for $60) which is great in urban areas but not usually great in remote areas.  Allegedly Verizon has the best coverage and based on the research I've done that appears to be true.  Ironically, The first trip I took was to Lake Pleasant just outside of Phoenix.  My T-Mobile phone worked great and the Verizon wifi barely had a signal.  I know that doesn't usually happen but maybe the stars are trying to tell me this was a bad idea?

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The FMCA plan didn't work for us, staying with the plan we had.

Hum, sure didn't think this line was included with the original offer, probably would of been helpful.

Please note: if you are an existing Verizon customer this $49.99 per month unlimited plan with jetpack offer is in addition to your current service with Verizon. This is a standalone offer for unlimited 4G LTE internet service.


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Sorry to hear that you did not understand that as I thought it was pretty obvious that this is a stand alone plan.  However, it can still be of great benefit to a Verizon customer.

The Verizon 4GB plan costs $50 for data.  That's usually enough for 2 phones to handle all basic needs.  To move to one of the unlimited plans that gets you the same $25 GB adds $80-$130 to your bill.  The draw back to the FMCA plan is the hard throttle at 25 GB but if you use that much or less per month reducing the data use on the phone and adding this Hot Spot is better than the Verizon customer offer.  The Verizon customer is also limited to 15GB when using a Hot Spot on the unlimited plan.  I don't understand how these companies legally advertise these highly limited plans as being unlimited!    :(


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I have the MiFi and really like it. Your quote "The draw back to FMCA plan is the HARD Throttle at 25 GB" , is an understatement.  I went over 25 GB one time and the throttle back made Dial Up look like 4G High speed. I just moved to the Hot Spot on my ATT plan and it all worked out. I have learned to make adjustments and dropped the usage quite a bit.



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BillA, truth in advertising is a slippery slope, and Verizon knows that !  I just re read all 6 pages of this Post and it's, to me, Catch 22...our members are stuck in the middle!  Maybe they will get it all straighten out next year!

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2 hours ago, BillAdams said:

The Verizon customer is also limited to 15GB when using a Hot Spot on the unlimited plan.  I don't understand how these companies legally advertise these highly limited plans as being unlimited!    :(

The customer plan calls for 22 gig but as Bill stated you are now limited to 15 gig per hotspot, was 10 gig till so many of us complained about that catch, then they moved it to 15. I was so disgruntled at Verizon about this, but then I found that with another hotspot I could use another 10, now 15, so I added another hotspot and a load sharing router. When the load share is up and running, I am able to use both together and before my 22 gig is used up, the system really flies, and when the throttling begins, instead of 70 K starting up, it is 140 K which is about the speed of three dial up modems tied together. Yes it is a shame that these companies are allowed to get away with this semi false advertising, but they get around it by giving their poorest service to complete the contract of "UNLIMITED".

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The CG we are in is finally getting full of snowbirds, so the "free" wifi is now so slow you would have to spend half the morning in front of your device just to check your emails.  Considered the new and improved FMCA Verizon deal but just couldn't force myself to add 2 more years of FMCA membership onto the cost of getting the unlimited plan.

Stopped in the local Verizon corporate store and had our old MiFi with us.  They switched us to the Unlimited plan, activated our MiFi, gave us a new discount for autopay, another new discount for being a vet, and we were done.  The whole process took about 15 minutes.  Easy peasy, no phone calls and emails back and forth.

They explained that each of our devices get 15 gigs but then could be throttled down to 3g speed after that.  However, depending on the demand in your area you may keep getting the higher speeds no matter what.  She said it was different depending on what part of the country you are in.   

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Joe S.  Happy 2018

So, how much do they require from you per month on the New plan?  I have a old (7 year) plug in, that Verizon really would like back.  It's 5GB per month, no throttling back, works almost anywhere.  Since I don't stream anything and the 4 pdf's I  get each year, is saved to file, I have no use for "The New and Improved" version at $60+! :(

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Happy New Year to you and your family Carl.  After the autopay and military vet discounts my Verizon Unlimited plan for 3 devices will go up only about $50,00 a month.  We were on the medium plan (4gigs a month).  We did drop my Mom's phone which let it go down another $20 or so.  If we would have kept her phone it would have been about a $75 a month increase because we would have had 4 devices (3 phones and the MiFi).

We don't stream movies or anything like that.  We surf the internet and the DW is on facebook a lot.  With our old plan we were having a very hard time staying at 4 gigs a month unless we were in a CG with good wifi.  

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Another month went by and I still don't have the FMCA plan.  The Verizon Reps just don't seem to know how to put me on that plan. I even gave them all the correct numbers. etc. that I've found on the FMCA forums and site, they were finally able to locate the plan but can't seem to get me on it.  They have manually adjusted my bill each month so I guess I can call them every month until my two year contract is up and then cancel (what a pain).  I'll probably not be renewing my FMCA membership if the benefits are all this difficult to access...

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When FMCA first introduced this plan I was a brand new FMCA member.  We were just getting back to full time RVing so at first it looked like something we could take advantage of.   Then the first few members tried to sign up....OMG, what a joke.  Then I realize that you have to be locked into 2 additional years of FMCA membership to sign up for the Verizon plan.  To me that would be like driving 30 miles a week to save $2.00 on a tank of cheaper gas.  

Passport America and Escapees are clubs worth signing up for IMHO.  Even if you are not full timing you will probably get your annual membership back in CG discounts within the first month or so each year.  I'm just not seeing much value in renewing in FMCA.  RichNjohn good luck if you continue to pursue the FMCA discounted Verizon plan.

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Has anybody that is currently a Verizon customer taken advantage of this program between FMCA and Verizon? Between Christmas and New Years I added two years to my membership with FMCA. I then went to the Verizon enrollment area and completed the information for a current Verizon customer. Did not receive the notification within the 24-48 hour window. Waited an additional week and contacted FMCA who then referred me to Verizon. Verizon stated that I needed to fill out the application again and resubmit. I did this and it has been 72 hours and have received no response from Verizon. Has anybody had this issue with application process? Thanks in advance for any information on how I correct this situation.


I  posted the above comment an another board. I have read this thread that numerous individuals have had the same problem. Is there a fix that works? From reading the different statements there does seem to be strategy that works 100% of time.


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Update - Dan Ball, Director of FMCA Membership got me in touch with the FMCA rep at Verizon (Steve) who was able to solve my concern within 5 minutes.  What Steve told me that no other Verizon Rep before had is that after you get the MiFi activated and have a number assigned you need to go back into the FMCA portal where you originally signed up and register your line to be eligible for the discount.  Once I did that everything was fine.

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