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Ray, wonderful to hear she did not have a stroke.

Back in October Earlene was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), the bad kind. She had a very bad time at first with several stays in hospitals with blood and platelet transfusions. I know the turmoil you are going through. Our last visit to her Oncologist revealed that she is in remission for now but will continue on chemo for the rest of her life.  We have just also decided to give up our travel and sell the motorhome.

It was a pleasure meeting you in Shipshewana, IN. We had hoped to go back there again this year, just hoping.

For the men, sit back and take stock of what a wife does all day. They are amazing. Try it some time and you will be so tired at the end of the day you will have no trouble sleeping. It's go, go, go, go, and then think of what they went through with a child in their arms,

They are a fantastic person. Treasure them and help them out a lot. Take several days and tell them to sit back and that you will do everything. It will surely give a different perspective.

Ray, prayers that you wife has recovers quickly.  God bless. Hugs from us.

Edited by wayne77590

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Thanks everyone. Life is constantly changing, adaptation is the only answer.  I have became caregiver for my wife, I signed up for that when I repeated the  wedding vows before God.

Gotta get the awning replacement wrapped-up, if we can find new Carefree of Colorado power packs for my new Fiesta awing. Got the MH back, went to open the bedroom sliding door ant it fell off the track; drat, another chore for a rainy day.

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Our MH is all fixed except for  the Ultimate Freedom decal for the front cap, it is NLA so my SIL is making a new one using the old torn one for reference.  That sitting unused for 2  years has taken a toll on a few mechanical things, Kiwkee step motor is not running, HWH slide room shuttle valve is stuck and room will not move. I now have more tasks for a rainy day in the RV garage.


Wayne, how is Earlene doing?  I hope there are medical options for her improvement.  I totally agree; when we said  "I will" to those wedding vows we meant exactly that.


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Well Ray, I put up with her for 63 years. Of course that is my side of the story and I'm sure she has a side also.

A week ago tomorrow she visited her oncologist. No appointment, just popped in as she was not feeling well at all.  They told her to go to the ER, which we did, and they diagnosed her with pneumonia. She was discharged Thursday and says she is feeling better. 

A bone marrow biopsy some time ago showed no signs of leukemia, but AML never goes away and can raise its ugly head at any time. We have an appointment with her oncologist tomorrow to decide if she should continue the chemo - or what. Strictly at the mercy of the doctor.

She has been told that any traveling we do should be local. Well, local here in the Summer is 95˚+ and not really a fun thing to do. We have cancelled our Shipshewana trip and have decided to sell the motorhome.  I just need to get off my butt and list it somewhere.

Thanks for asking.

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I can appreciate what your wife is experiencing.  I was diagnosed with CLL, supposedly due to two tours in VN, in Feb 17.  Totally dormant until Nov 2023 when I had a huge egg sized lump on my neck...had four treatments of Rituximab....I guess it's dormant again until it raises it ugly head.  My wife decided it was time to sell the coach, got an appraisal, and listed it below the appraised value on Jan 7, 2024.  So far we've had one serious offer/accepted then he couldn't get financing, and one looker....that's it.  The MH market is terrible.  I've had many offers $100k below the asking price.  Fortunately we don't 'need' the money, so it's still on the market.

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I'm going to feel that pain in selling. Should have sold last year or the year before and got more than what I paid for it, but fate is fate,

I hope you sell yours soon. We are finished traveling. I haven't even listed it yet. Mainly no ambition.

One tour VN, '68-'69. The orange stuff got me also but nothing life threatening yet. Also members of the Camp Lejeune society.

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On 5/26/2024 at 9:20 PM, wildebill308 said:

Saw this on You Tube, they are righting a coach that blew over during a storm.


Now that's gonna be a loong to-do list_.


Wayne, we've decided to sell our MH too.  I'm staying busy replacing, repairing, and cleaning these days in preparation

Edited by rayin

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Me to. We all will come off the road someday but I hope not for a while. I know I don't do the long distance drives any more and don't miss them. 250 miles a day or less is ok with me


Edited by wildebill308

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I’m 83 first week of July, and it’s probably time anyhow, but Dr’s orders for Earlene to stay close sped it up.

it has been a great run going to all but one of the contiguous States, and especially meeting new friends.

RV’ing does that to you.


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I was a 250 plus or minus 30-50. The shorter the better.

DW usually planned the routes with alternating 2 day the 1 day and 250 one leg then 200 the next leg. The 2/1 was not in concrete so varied.

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Just received our new 11th edition of the FMCA Road Atlas.  Have not got a new edition in quite a while.  This is so much better than the old atlas, and the maps are bigger!  Thank you to who ever put this new one together and set it up!  Yeman's work!!!

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Anyone have issues last week to get on this forum? My tablet said the forum was compromised. I finally got on.

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There was an update of the operating system. Several pages were not available, but the IT department corrected connections to all that were reported. I usually take a screenshot of the issue and forward to FMCA. They fix it very rapidly. I was a programmer for 20 years and the expression was: "Only the known bugs are fixed."

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Well, I keep getting notifications for heat advisories. Alexa, iPhone, TV, all reporting heat advisories for our area.

Now this is South East Texas, why don't they just say one time, "Heat adversories until Novemeber!"

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The downside to owning and maintaining a 24 yr old MH. One of my side docking lights quit working; I removed it to replace the bulb, but discovered the bulb is not replaceable. it is a 2 dia. model 4245 halogen sealed 12v light made by Peterson Industries and NLA/obsolete. (Lichtsinn Motors parts dept. is great!)

I searched the web for a replacement and found 2 LED replacement pairs I think will fit on Amazon. Hopefully 1 will fit into the space, the other pair goes back to Amazon within their 30-day window.

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On 7/4/2024 at 3:00 PM, wayne77590 said:

Well, I keep getting notifications for heat advisories. Alexa, iPhone, TV, all reporting heat advisories for our area.

Now this is South East Texas, why don't they just say one time, "Heat adversories until Novemeber!"

I agree. The big change month is October. I have seen it near 100 at the beginning of the month and near freezing on Halloween. The heat makes a good excuse as we are staying in Main for a while then a month in RI then western NY and finale work my way back home.

Ray, hopefully you can find one that covers the marks of the old one. 


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