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7 hours ago, wayne77590 said:

Bourne, MA.

In New England drop the R and replace it with an A :lol:, example; Car is pronounced CAAAAA 

Edited by jleamont

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Taylor's Point.We are directly across the street from the Maritime Academy. Canal to the left, bay to the right and the marina

very close. When in the canal during tide changes it can be creepy and pack spare shorts. I've been out there plenty of times

and thought this was it. One of the reasons for a Boston Whaler.


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9 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

Yes, the current in there is amazing. Boats up on plane and barely moving forward. 


And then the railroad bridge comes down and you have to stop at 1/2 throttle or turn around.

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11 hours ago, jleamont said:

In New England drop the R and replace it with an A :lol:, example; Car is pronounced CAAAAA 

Now Joe, I can speak Bostonian pretty good.  I spent the first 18 years of my life in Central Massachusetts, but it was an accident of birth!


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Besides dropping the "R", window becomes winda or winder, and pizza is pizzer, and yes is yuh and bath is bahhth. Oh, and hard becomes hahd.

Edited by wayne77590

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My first visit to NewYork state, I thought I had met the rudest people in the world, then I went to Seattle Wa., and found that the NY people were very nice folks compared to Wa..

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I rememba in boot camp standing at attention and reciting words with the accent in front of the platoon

so the "southern" DI could have a good laugh. You wouldn't imagine how many times I said paak da caa.

Even had to do it over the tank comm.

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Anyone know a good Mercury Outboard techie? Want to replace 2002 smart craft gauges. Can’t see thru the lens anymore.

Thanks, David

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My Merc gauges are in bad condition. They monitor almost everything. They work fine but you can barely

see thru the lens now. I was going to try and change them out with new but didn't know if I could just plug em in.

I finally found a place that will replace the lens a lot cheaper than new. No DIY for those units.


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David that's good news. I was wondering if polishing them with the same kit that they use on headlights might work. Replacements sound like a better deal.


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6 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

David that's good news. I was wondering if polishing them with the same kit that they use on headlights might work. Replacements sound like a better deal.



Yes replacements will work better. The plastic that is faded out is under a glass cover. 


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We are looking to get one of those carport thingies for the MH to put down the cape. It will be coastal and needs

to withstand that type of weather.

I see a lot advertised. Any recommendations for all who have one? Thanks.


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David, what type of thingies are you looking to get. Down in the southwest you can see the small type of metal carport with signs on them to build on site. Are you looking for an enclosed type building or just a carport type just to cover the RV? The cost can run from a couple of thousand to however you are willing to spend.

If I see one of those add on the side of the road I will get the number and you can call them to see if there is someone in New Hampshire that will build one for you.


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I just got the FMCA mag so I will check it out. Just looking for a metal type carport cover.

Oh and withstand NE winters. It would be nice to stuff the boat in there but that would make

it like 70' long. I think just 40' would be good for 38' MH.


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Hello everyone. This will be the 1,000th posting to this Topic. Thanks to everyone for participating.

Our home Chapter Lone Star, is having it's first Rally since the start of the Covid-19 virus. We are taking several precautions to help make everyone feel safe. First, the Park, Choctaw Casino KOA in Durant, Oklahoma has asked for "Mask" are to be worn at all times when in the building with the exception of when eating. Social destining is requested.

I, as Sheriff of Lone Star, have been asked by the Wagon Master to take each persons Temp upon arrival. These are precautions to help every body feel safe and secure. 

So if you are going to be in the area please feel free to come and join us The dates are September 24 - 25- 26. If you would like further information please send me a P/M, Personal Message, here and I will be happy to send you all the Information.

Please stay safe and Happy Travels to all.


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