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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. Kay, I'm surprised that more of the RV service centers do not have them. I have one that can be used for both AC and DC circuits, but it works better in AC applications and not all that bad for DC circuits. Also can be used for finding underground wires and how deep they are and can be used on hot AC circuits.One can find those pesky wiring problems that pop up using the spring contacts on outlets and light switches. They can find that hidden GFI location. LOL. Rich.
  2. Joe, See if you can get your hands on a circuit tracing tool ! Need more info. let me know. The system has 2 parts. One puts a tone on the wire you want to trace and find out where it goes and how it gets there. The second part is a receiver that allows you to fallow the tone the wire is emitting. The first try or two will be a learning curve, but with practice one can get fairly proficient. Understand - they are not all created equal, so if you can barrow one from an IT or audio insulation service. Good. Can you find a rental or get one on a trial bases. Rich.
  3. Check the DC fuse box and see if the 20 amp fuse for the fan controller failed. The drawings I have show the Galley fan on its own fuse? White is ground - purple and black is hot through the speed control. Rich.
  4. Loose connections are always in the mix for locating issues after you check for critter damage. Everything on the coach gets mover around like being in a blender. Rich
  5. Tal, win / win and time to wine. Fantastic ! Rich.
  6. Allot of high 5's to you for being a real trooper and staying with it. The information gleaned from this post will help someone down the road ! You can take the lead on the next one.LOL Thanks for tolerating the old guy, I love challenging issues and without the proper paper work - it has been one of the top 5 for sure. The road trip should go better now! Rich.
  7. Thanks Carl ! Timing is everything and that bump in the road might not help find what he needs. Rich.
  8. Stumbled into this sight and thought it might help the forum members or a Tech find a needed custom repair part. On Line System Replacement Connector cables, switches, large fuses, relays, Smart Wheel harness parts and other items. 5 pages. http://www.pdxrv.com/catalog/c29_p1.html Intellitec system boards and cables - 4 pages. http://www.pdxrv.com/catalog/c70_p1.html Other items check out the home page http://pdxrv.com/id67.html Rich.
  9. talgurbir, Question- The pictures of the Tyco Relay and the Magnet - Where are they located. I know you mentioned the magnet is close to the refrigerator wall next to the back of the slide extension. That magnet does not move, so what moves close to it and could you get a picture of it? and where does the Tyco relay mount that you had in your hand? Wish you had a wire tracer called a Fox and Hound. The Fox puts a tone on the wire and the hound is a receiver that allows you to kind of fallow the wire around, under and through the path it takes to get from one point to another. Rich.
  10. Found some pictures of coach like your's, I think. They might help me get a better visual regarding where things are located and the space you are working in. Relative to the pictures you have taken of the control modes if the picture match you'r coach. I found 23 pictures of the coach with a number of them taken of the interior. Rich 2010 Monaco Dynasty model is Majestic V.docx
  11. The wiring information has been a weak link for a number of coach builders. From the links is there anything that looks like your system? Think you mentioned it, but does the slide motor relay stay warm even if you disconnect the cable from the 120 module? If the relay does - then there has to be a power source the the relay coil some where. Rich.
  12. talgurbir, The plot thickens! They constantly are changing things and with the trade agreements, parts are coming from offshore. The waters get muddier every year. The two links below are for Accuslied service and parts information. The third link is for information on there expandable slide information. Think they come from Britain. http://norcoind.com/bal/downloads/accuslide/accuslide_material-list.pdf http://norcoind.com/bal/downloads/accuslide/accuslide_service-manual.pdf Accuslide expandable room information. http://norcoind.com/bal/products/oem/accuslide/index.shtml Rich.
  13. Was out and about for a few.. Regarding your question. Disconnecting the power connection from the motor direction control board will power down the Power gear control board, but there has to be a fuse or 2 on that power to supply 12 volts at 15 to 20 amps. So there will be a power connection on the board coming from the main 12 volt buss. Thinking you would read a relay coil resistance between ground and the 12 volt power cable going to the Power gear board. Using the meter check for any voltage at the connector you remove first, no power then make a resistance reading. Repeat the process on the second wire next to the first one and see what you read. All so could you post a picture or 2 of the power gear board and wright down any numbers if they are not readable to post. Rich.
  14. If pin number 1 and number 2 are changing to 12 volts depending on what direction the slide is moving. This part of the system is working ! That means you move on to where the wire harness from 120 board go to, Power Gear board or another module before the signal reaches the hi current board. So if you can trace the 12 volts(lets say) from pin # to the power gear board and when you reverse the motor direction the point on the power board should go low and the same thing should happen for the wire at pin #2 to reverse the motor. It's voltage should change> The reed switch should tell some board that the slide is in or out and power down the board when the current limiter level is reached. Rich.
  15. Wiring diagram for the 00-00916-120 board
  16. Wow !!! Not what I expected for sure ! Things are not what they seam, This is a completely different board then the one described in the technical data sheet. An I know that is the board because the connectors line up with the previous one. The picture is of a logic control board, but it looks like they upgraded from the board they list the data for. So, I starting to look like this is a control module with Solid state relays. No viable damage and one would think if the was a problem with this board, you would see sighs of heat. Rich. Kay, posted thoughts regarding the reed sw as an issue yet and I tend to go with his thinking, so it looks like you can button up the board and consintrate on the system positioning sensor(s)
  17. Talgutbir. Put together this PDF file for your reference. The last picture in the file list the specifications and it looks like there are 2, 3 amp fuse in the mod. so, one would be under the cover. NOTE! If you remove the cover, please take a picture before you inadvertently reset the hard switches under the cover. They need to be set correctly !!!! The unit can operate both in the ground or positive wiring configuration and those little switches set each connection to the required mode at every pin. It is a quick file of the pictures you posted for quick reference, the picture of the Magnet is missing ! Rich NOTE! if there is no internal 3 amp fuse installed - then the mod is setup for a negative / ground point controller. Intellitec Control module system.pdf
  18. Carl, a Cummings 500 HP is listed for the coach.
  19. One of the older coach owners had to replace a control board to get a slide working properly, but your coach has a different set up and the control mod is not totally out of the picture. Like Jim mentioned. I think the issue is somewhere between the 110 Intellitec board and the motor.??? That magnet, the one fastened to the edge of the opening? Intellitic sells a system diagnostic system to test the data system. A call to them and who has purchased them and work on RV system might help find a certified shop ! http://www.intellitecsolutions.com/support/ Rich. intellitec system test equipmennt.pdf http://www.mikerobotics.com/Intellitec Storage/PDF/5300738.120.pdf
  20. Did you take a picture of the inner magnet ? is that the picture of the Tyco unit? Can you turn off the motor with that magnet or do you use a different one? Would love to fine the issue you have been a trouper !!!!! I'm Thinking the Lipper is in Mishawaka IN. Power Gear is located in Wisconsin. possible link http://www.lci1.com/power-gear Some of the other posters might have a good idea where you might get some help. Rich.
  21. Agreed Jim! Thanks for your thoughts, with only a few bread crumbs it is hard to rebuild the slice of bread ! Talgutbir is so close, I can almost taste it and I give hie allot a credit for hinging in there. Feel that the issue is electrical, and not the logic board for now. The relay that is running warm when it should be cool. Getting power and the power control is 110 mode with the 10 amp fuses. Just need to find out why the 2 relays on the board that revers the power going to the motor are not toggling and the reed relay is my primary target for now. Just got to see if removing the connector with the light blue wire stops the relay from getting warm. ???? Rich.
  22. I'm thinking there is magnetic read switches in the system, for the slide out position and one for the slide in position. There is a reed switch on the market with 3 connections. N.O. nominally open, N.C. nominally closed and C. Common. So there could be a Common Ground and 2 connections connected to the control board, One for the closed position and one for the open position. No you are not really missing anything! when the proper connection is made inside the reed switch, The Data system toggles the relays in the mod. and reverses the motor control wires. Have you look at the second style reed sw. pictured in the link? You are so close to fixing the issue!!!! and No the Power gear setting is not involved from my prospective !!!! Rich. Where is this relay located? next to the fuses on the 110 mod or somewhere else?
  23. I'm thinking there are 2 magnetic read switches in the system. One for the slide out position and one for the slide in position. There is a reed switch on the market with 3 connections. N.O. nominally open, N.C. nominally closed and C. Common. So there could be a Common Ground and 2 connections connected to the control board, One for the closed position and one for the open position. See the link below. http://www.reedswitchdevelopments.com/about-reed-switch-developments-corp/reed-switch-operation/ looking at the wiring connections on the mod. the light blue wire is noted for So and Si - so the common wire on the reed switch is high and when the slide is in it goes low N. O. then when the slide is out the circuit is pulled low - the N.O. side. Now one test to run - slide out relay cool Correct ? When the slide is in the relay is hot Correct? when the slide is in disconnect the connection with the light blue wire, does the relay now stay cool? or is it reversed from my thought? The key is they used a uncommon 2 circuit reed switch. Rich.
  24. From all the information, I have concluded from the information the pictured unit is the power source for the - Power Gear high current relays ! should that be the case - if you can figure out which of the magnetic relays(reed switches) going to the module or disconnect one at a time and see how the slide reacts, you might be able to narrow things down. The reeds do not carry any real current / just supply a reference point for the logic controller. Bouncing everything going down the road, one of them has moved out of the magnetic field supplied by the permanent magnet. Rich.
  25. Hey look at the bright side - they make a test box to test the systems. Maybe we could convince FMCA to purchase one and all the members who have a CAN network for the coach system could stop at the home office and have the IT department run a diagnostic. NOT Really - !!!! Rich.
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