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Everything posted by rsbilledwards

  1. Side radiators are not near the problem that rears are. The side panel on a big CAT Safari was originally a fixed panel riveted numerous places yet on a hinge. I drilled all the rivets and put two bolts in the bottom keeping it in place. Now for the annual wash/rinse remove them and open, no more trying to get through the louvers.
  2. Well I for one would dispute the placement of Nokian in the bottom tier. It is not by any stretch a bargain tire as evidenced by it pricing! It is by far with one exception the ultimate winter tire! It's summer tires are also top tier in performance. It is however a very small company when compared to Michelin or Goodyear. It is considered a premium tire based upon price and by those of us that have been using their winter tires for the last decade. When on the ice or snow it has only one competitor and everybody else is a wants to be. The difference is noticeable from the shore line.
  3. yup you are all correct...except these sat for 16 years untouched, un-cared for in a damp acidic environment. They do not need cleaning but a restoration and that requires elbow grease. Yes once they were very shiny but acid rain has taken it's toll. Pads may help but some old fashioned sanding is in order too. Just using the rouge helped, but to be like Mr. Joe's more effort is in store. Thanks
  4. I own an F350 Ford Super Duty with a similar setup, though they do refer to it as an overdrive as opposed to tow haul on the switch. As Joe indicated this is the weak link n the Ford transmission. He is correct in the use. It should be used when climbing and released on the way down and on the flats. I have faithfully used it in this manner and have never had an issue in 215,000 miles. I know several that have had issues several times. Another action you should take, consider changing your transmission fluid every 50,000 miles like an oil change....It is a good practice.
  5. If the wheels are rough aged grey like they were on my coach when I bought it from lack of TLC, it is a lot more than ten minutes a wheel. It took me 30 minutes to do one front wheel while still on the coach with a buffer and polishing rouge. and I am still not done. I need to remove and actively sand them to eliminate the soft age corrosion. The backs are the worst. Besides sanding with 1,000, 1500, and lastly 2,000 wet NIKKON paper it is then a 3 step polishing job with the rouge and then what Joe did. My wheels two of them Alcoa and the other two ? were not clear coated. Yes Joe, yours look terrific! B
  6. Bill I would disagree, as many of the screws penetrations were sealed well. On other parts of the coach that I pulled where I changed out fan units and the solar panel, showed signs of moisture from a little to a lot. All were sealed adequately. Not all moisture is from above. Is it necessary, no, but it's a good preventative for time down the road. B
  7. I am a little late to this party but for someone looking for a Traveler the best price I found was tvformyrv.com I did the install. I placed it right over where the original dome was. The original was poorly installed...no sealant under the legs but plenty on the sides and front. There was plenty of water penetration from under and the back of each leg, grrrr. I Allowed it to dry out and then Dicor sealant. These things do not come with stainless screws. I suggest you get a set for the install as they do not draw water like zinc coated screws and do not rust creating a long term issue, after all it is a mini marine environment. Installing this was/is not difficult and if pre-wired or with an existing set up the toughest part will be getting the unit on the roof, after that ...if you have trouble read the/follow the printed directions.
  8. Thank you Brett, I will do that in the AM Byron, what you had was very different from what was done and superceded in the late 90's. I like the idea and the way it presents itself but I have to solve this air induction to the fuel problem and now...bad for the big boy C12. B
  9. Probably 20/25 bucks but there will be a service charge too and that is anyone's guess...
  10. The practice of no credits appears to be fairly common if you reserve and do not use...rude behavior seem to go with the territory.
  11. This unit has the aluminum bowl with the pump and water/air purge mechanism...Ditch it? Hate too like the idea...
  12. Brett, Any more advise on the Racor set up. It was drawing air from day one. While n AZ last year Dave Atherton told me to change it to CAT set up. I like the Racor unit cause I can see fuel and whether it has or is drawing air, and it has a purge set up. I took the bowl apart and cleaned, replaced the 4 O-rings. It is still drawing air. I replaced the Gates fuel hose to the pump on the front of the engine as it was full of fractures. There is one other hose, I believe a return to the tank hose from the hard plumbed giszmo on the right side of the C12 up high middle of the engine that is badly fractured but not leaking or weeping. This has no connection to the primary Racor. Could the body joints of the Racor need disassembly? I have in clue what the seal is inside.
  13. We also have a Sleep Number and love it, one in the house too. But the addition of the foam pad on top sounds greeaaaat!!. B
  14. Herman is that "SEE of your current tires" like the "recuperating saw"????? Or is it Texas slang...?
  15. I like the shade as well. I am getting ready to modify my shade to use magnets . So getting a picture of how they felt it should be done great.
  16. Try this, I will not tell what it cost, you guys will know I am nuts, but it is small and an obsoleted oilless compressor assembly new from Monaco. It is a main stream manufacturer U.S. made Pump, motor is about 3 inches in diameter with a water filter bowl, auto dump, pressure pop off valve , plate and a spring suspension for noise and vibration dampening, top side rating 150 PSI. Many places to put it since it is only about 10 inches long 6 wide and 7 tall maybe 8. Like WBill I do not want to fire up the coach for short bursts so will retro fit this bugger to augment the system when engine is off and it is 12 volt. Will plumb in using push to fit fittings and tie it straight into the primary part of the air tank with a change in top side PSI to match the coach needs.
  17. Yes if air braked, it will have a drier. I would assume a federal requirement. Yes well I just enhanced the air system on my coach so I have access to the "DRY" air for supplementing the air in the tires. On my coach only the e/park brake operates with air, the rest of it is for the air ride 8 air bag system. Brake system is hydraulic over hydraulic. BillE
  18. I still have my 2000/2001 Safari Zanzibar with is's original Interstate "Workhorse" chassis batteries. They still hold up to a stress test. Unfortunately they discontinued the particular battery. The coach has always been plugged in when not in use. The charging criteria of contemporary batteries is definately different that it was 17 years ago.
  19. Yes this is a real HOOT! I did not entertain the idea of a coach until about ten years ago when I discovered an older friend had one and I had a look inside. It happened to be the Safari Zanzibar I ended up with. It never occurred to me to look at other coaches. I just asked him one day if he was going to sell his at some point. His reply was "I'm not going to be driving this when I am 80. I asked him if he had any one in line to buy it, he said no, I said put me at the head of the line...short story 2 years later I was driving it home, a smile on my face. It was beautiful, 26 thousand miles on the odo, great paint and a perfect solid black walnut interior, cherry textiles, good tires, everything worked and had had, fastidious care. Turns out it needed suspension help like many Velvet Ride Safaris. This forum pointed me to the guru of Safari, Ralph Andrews and the solutions. I made them all and what a ride and the fun began. This is one more dream come true. The travel, meeting people like Herman, Carl, Brett, Byron and Joe, and a chili no bean cook off and seeing places we only dreamed of. We put 25 thousand miles on it before we bought the ultimate SMC Safari Panther. In the first year we put 10 thousand on it and this year we will do better yet. We have boondocked extensively, 9 consecutive weeks with out a plug in and three different locations. We made a three week trip in September to the Pacific Northwest to pick up 60 pounds of Columbia River salmon and to Newport, Oregon to get 20 Dungeness crab freezing in a freezer on the trailer heading home to Colorado. Yes I filleted the salmon and steamed the crab and then we Food Savered it and froze it in a 5 cubic foot freezer kept frozen cold from the 120 on the coach... boondocked the whole trip. Janet is now making the suggestions as to where to go. This year, back to Arizona, more boon docking at Alamo Lake with more interactions with the wild burros, canoeing and riding the ATV. Then mid March, off to Northern Florida for a family get together, her idea. I just smiled and said what time do we leave and you guys gave me directions...what a life style!!!
  20. That fact THAT IT IS HITTING THE COACH COMPLETELY ESCAPED ME... I looked at the hole not the receiver against the license plate...what an idiot I am...
  21. Yes they can be replaced. Repaired, probably not if they are the typical white plastic valves as in most RVs. They are sold on line and at Camping world. The worst part of the job will likely be just accessing them. They are a compression fitting and are installed tight. Patience is key
  22. Again you guys look at the hole position of the latest post by WildBill. It is 3/4 of an inch or an inch from the end...have a machine shop saw off what is necessary from the riser, it is a 20 dollar job.
  23. Really, I would just trim the end enough for it to fit the hole...there is enough length so as not to affect the strength behind the hole. You are only talking about a few 1/16ths of an inch, max 1/4. Think about it, there is a lot more metal in that 2 X 2 steel shaft than what is in the pin keeping it together. Do not drill any additional holes.
  24. With Brett bringing up the isolator, that brings up another point. It seems that they have a life span and when they reach that point they create all kinds of havoc in the electrical system primarily between the alternator and itself. Many of us in the Safari coach crowd have experienced this issue. I suggest you preform a preemptive strike and pitch the original and replace it with a new one. They are very inexpensive on Amazon. Stay with the old one and remember this suggestion cause it will be a real head ache, ask me how I know. Good luck B
  25. I will send you a PM upper right corner of your screen B
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