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Everything posted by rsbilledwards

  1. I wonder if you placed a piece of foam rubber up there so the when you shut the door it would apply pressure to the hinge and quiet it down. You would forget it was there until opening the door and out it falls. Worth a try. I will have a piece for when we meet up. Bill Edwards
  2. The secret to keeping these critters out, is Oil Of Peppermint. In a small container place a wad of cotton and in the top make a small hole. Put a bit of the Peppermint in the cotton and install the lid. Place these around the coach behind cabinets and where these four legged critters hide, in the basement and so forth. No more unwanted friends visiting unexpectedly. The oil is available from Amazon.com Bill Edwards
  3. J, Be sure the speed rating is a J and not an L 75VRS 65 MPH
  4. Hey Tom, Is Herman one of those generous folks cause if he is I'm commin... for a look at that "recuperating Saw" Bill Edwards
  5. DickandLois, Can you elaborate a bit more on this. I would like to install LEDs in the turn, brake and running and I have a friend that tried and thru his hands in the air when nothing worked. Info like the type (blocking), size and where to acquire them would be helpful. I remember this from A school in the military. Every Boy Does Fine... as the color code for them but the rest is goggly gook... Thanks, Bill Edwards
  6. Great, I do have the manual and now this as a quick and dirty page in the coach manual folder. Thank you, Bill Edwards
  7. How many burners on these induction units. I currently have a Gagganau two burner. Would it be worth the change? Bill Edwards
  8. rsbilledwards

    Freeze Plugs

    I am late into this discussion as usual and here is my two bits. I have used primarily WIX Gold filters for every thing, rarely any other. Now I use for the C12 Cat, CAT's secondary 2 micron final fuel filer. I did that because Dave Atherton (here CAT Master Mechanic, retired) said of all the filters that is the most critical. I too oil sample every change. Years ago our local NAPA owner had ten filters cut apart on a table, all the same cross referenced number and there was/ is a huge difference in the quality of filters, it was unbelievable! The standard for me was established then and there. The WIX Gold filters had the most filter element material and it appeared to be of a better quality than the others. This was a subjective opinion. I also drive AUDIs and use only Audi filters for similar reasons and that is the level of QC for their filters is different than after market filters. On my 356 Porsche I have run WIX for decades with no issues both stock and in racing configurations. As for anti-freeze and like fluids, I believe manufacturers have like fuels, different blends that are proprietary for what ever reasons and this allows them a way out if you try to blame them for a failure. Do the others work, generally yes. Am I using an approved Transynd in the Allison in front of the C12, NO, I am using an industry look-a like and un-approved with similar properties used by dozens of large corporate users. I am quite sure it is different, will it work, probably. It is a toss up based on dollars and cents and the odds and mechanical knowledge. Bill Edwards
  9. Carl, Is home in NM? Yes I hope so as well. A few years back, 10 maybe, I fainted about 15 seconds after getting up to take a pee in the middle of the night. To make a long story short I ended up with two implants, wonderful solution to a real problem. To bad the insurance companies don't take care of them. Bill Edwards
  10. Based upon all the horror stories I have heard from folks that bought new coaches over the last few years I would not buy a new one on a bet. There are so many good used ones out there that have been disassembled and reassembled to solve all the problems. I would buy used only. Bill Edwards
  11. One more thing to add to this, when checking the resistance of the element it should read a minimum of 60 ohms or replace it. I just went through the exercise looking for a problem. Bill Edwards
  12. I am at 8050 in elevation in Evergreen, Colorado and it is 91, whoo'sa hollarin...? It is officially HOT here!!! Bill Edwards
  13. Five, I am not sure why, as I pointed out that you had only one Inverter. ??? Not quite sure what you mean?? Glad you solved the problem. Bill Edwards
  14. I would like to tell you the specific model but it is a Canon PIXIMA, it is fairly fast and just the right size. About 2 1/2 inches thick 8 inches wide and 13 maybe 14 inches long. Bill Edwards
  15. Thanks for backing me up Carl...that guy can be awfully tough...Har Har Bill Edwards
  16. Mark G, Regardless of the frige model, Dometic or Norcold, the freezer works from the same cooling coil as the box. It is not a separate one for freezer and one for frig box. The problem relates to only 2 sources. If the Freezer is working the system is working. The first potential is dried up thermal mastic inside between the hidden coils and the aluminum fins inside the box and is repairable. The second relates to the level of cooling air flow from the lower vent panel on the outside of the cavity in which the frige sits and it's exit out the top vent. It may well be that there is inadequate air flow over the upper most fins of the cooling unit. There are two things you can do to increase the efficiency in this area. First install a baffle, light aluminum works just fine. Shape it in a shallow U and attach it to the outer wall behind the frig and the opposite edge against the upper finned assembly there by forcing all of the air going from bottom to top to go through the coil and not by it. The second exercise involves installing fans or a blower assembly to develop more air flow through the system. This is the real secret to making these thing work. Visit arprv.com or rvcoolingwarehouse.com for a full explanation and the blowers, the latter for fans and explanations. Many of these units do not have and air moving to them and work just fine others not so well. I just did this and now it works great.
  17. We also have direct and it is my wife that makes the changes and it all depends upon who you talk with. She knows the department to as for and then it is a couple minutes and bingo we have the local channels where we are. The first time I did it, tried and they had the hissy fit. Now I stay away and it is in her department to get that set up. Bill Edwards
  18. Do not know for sure, but the framing in the ceiling in My Zanzibar is 2 X 4 on 16 inch centers. The ceiling outer and lower skins are 1/4 inch thick and would not support the weight of the Micro. The support panel you refer to is probably attached to the framing. You will have to be a sleuth and figurer this out as few will have been there. Please let us know what you find or determine. Bill Edwards
  19. Skiptown, Which circuit is it 12 volt DC or 120 AC? Bill Edwards
  20. J, Put some tsp or some strong cleaner in the grey water tank before you take off and slosh it around good to clean t it up and then drain. Likely the stench will go away. I put solar powered fan vents on mine and zero odors. When I pulled the grey tank out of the Panther, there was some really ugly slimy stuff growing in there, now, nothing. Bill Edwards
  21. I won't tell Janet this, but keep your fingers crossed that I get it all back together by the time the test drive comes around. I got the floor painted two coats and most of the stink is gone. The carpet is cut and ready to install. I decided that it all needs to go when painting and I pulled the bottom up on the sides for clearance, you could see where the moisture had wicked up about 3 inches. Some people and their children use air fresheners to solve problems!! We are thinking that we may make this big loop., but any suggestions would be appreciated as to what we should see in the state. Janet's dad was reared in Peach Bottom and it is likely that we will visit there. she had an aunt and uncle that lived there for years as well. J, I know I have read all the posts I can find on what you have done as well. David the original poster on this thread has his eyes wide open on all of this too. He is quite excited to have this opportunity to post on the solar never expecting to meet up with a group like this. Have spoken with him several times on the phone and he's like a kid and old like me but mentally very young and sharp. Speaking with him you would never guess. Yes this is all a real Hoot! Thanks David Bill Edwards
  22. If the glass is glued in, it is a structural part of the front end/cap, like a sheet of plywood on the corner of a well constructed house. Bennie, do not use silicone inside the seal unless yo wish to replace the seal the next time you replace the glass. Be sure to keep it on the outside. ObedB, what is there to take offense at. I hope like most, our expertise is correct most of the time. Thanks for the poke. I will get even in September if you are around. Bill Edwards
  23. Take the hit Carl, once they start they will continue. It might have been possible when it started but after they run a ways nearly impossible to stop. With respect to the rubber set glass, no adhesives. Once you get it pushed back into place from the outside, go inside and pull back the rubber at the same location and with a glass finger tool make sure all the rubber is where it should be. It is most likely that even though it looks like it is all in place from the outside it will not be totally from the inside. This is the only explanation for this kind of issue. Good luck Happy 4th Bill Edwards I just reread the first post and if it is like the old VW and old Porsche seals with a secondary expander Kay's solution fine.
  24. Carl, Maybe before you head back home you should make a little loop trip to Denver area and spend a couple days. There is plenty of room here in the trees to park, easy in and easy out, elevation 8050. Yes it is a very nice coach and Wish some one would make a move. It is a lot of coach for the buck and no blue sky and not all of the hard costs. It has virtually all of the available listed options as well. We will leave here September first for the East for a 6 week trip. Gotta find that oak. Bill Edwards
  25. You guys get up and hour earlier so yes Happy fourth to you as well. Well Carl I have the Zanzibar for sale and on the Safari International. org site if you know any one looking. Same sort of deal many up dates and upgrades in favor of this coach. Z is a Knock out old coach and only 44K on it. I did get the floor painted last night on the Panther like I said. One thing I failed to mention or should is that the inside of the Panther is like it just came off the showroom floor, unbelievable. Carl, I don't know if you knew but I owned an nationally known bodyshop oriented toward the restoration side specializing in Porsches. It is just what I do. Happy 4th to you David and your girl. Again wow on the solar. Bill Edwards
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