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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. As said. A friend had a brand new MH and it would not pump water. Another member reached in and tightened the lines by hand it it started working fine. Being an '01 it probably needs a rebuild. Good luck and let us know what you find.
  2. As a funny, many years ago working military circuits we had what we called the Angry 9 (AN-GRA9). It was run either by engine mounted dynamotor or hand crank dynamotor. For field use we used the hand crank. There was a neon light on the radio that would glow when the radio was ready to operate. On one exercise the operators tried and tried and tried to load that antenna watching for the glow of the light. Didn't happen. So as one of them was lazily cranking the dynamotor at about 5 revs per minute, not enough supposedly to do anything, the operator started taping out a cuss word on the sending key and did it for many repeats. It was a few days later that the FCC tracked the users down and all heck was paid through the command. Seems the neon light was burned out. Like I said, 1 watt and a wet string can get you around the world if conditions are right. Remind me some day sitting around the camp fire to tell you about evaluating single site DF equipment (back in the 70's) at Syracuse University Research Center. We used an ionosonde in determining the height of the ionosphere for calculations. Quite interesting watching the ionosphere change and definitely gave a different perspective on communications.
  3. I'm referring to HIS answering you. Did he pick up the telephone on the first ring? :-)
  4. Hmmm! Was the person in Nicargua talking on the telephone wire or ham radio. I'm inactive right now but someday soon. p.s., look up K04A in your area. He has a 5'er and is very active. Tell him I said HI. He lives somewhere off of 222 just inside Maryland.
  5. Bennie, you're an angel. I'd blame the wife in any case.
  6. Take a look under and see if there are any teeth missing on the gear roller or if anything accidentally got thrown up there off the road and just lodged when you extended. As stated, remove the linkage and tie it up. Just don't forget it's tied up the next time you go out the door. Oh, and yes check the fuses.
  7. Remco industries makes driveshaft disconnects and transmission pumps for many models of automobiles. Search for their name and give them a call. It may be possible to tow your car with their products.
  8. Maiden voyage evacuating for Hurricane Ike. Knew the campground. Went to the turn-about and as I was making the turn there was a pickup truck parked and blocking my turn. Backed up to get a different attitude and when I went forward again I hit the steel 6" pipe encased in cement in the ground. Fortunately the ground was wet and they whole pipe tipped over with the pressure of the coach. The damage was to the lower part of the compartment door. Had a yellow streak of paint and a big dent. DW said, "Leave it that way as a reminder!" Hmmm! Reminder of what - oh, carelessness, non-observant, and her list went on. Checked with dealer and replacement door would have cost $2500 plus labor. Left it that way for 6 years then had it fixed for $1200 - labor only. By the way, it only hurts the ego the first time. Don't ask me how I know.
  9. I have had good luck with through the glass on VHF. Never tried it on UHF. Keon, one consideration on a through the glass antenna is if the glass is double pane. The air gap does not give a good induction for the antenna and you can loose a lot of gain. Ha ha. Reminds me of a situation when I was installing two mobile communications equipment back in the '80's. Think Mercedes type car. User wanted a lip mount on the back hatch. Tolerance was to tight. I said that any hole that we drilled could be patched by any collision repair place when he decided to sell. He said okay. As he was standing there I got the drill and 3/4 inch hole saw, looked at him and said, "You want to watch!" At which point he hastily turned and ran out of the shop area. As you were talking about disaster areas, again I say it is all "antenna theory." I once did not have an antenna. What to do, what to do. Hmmm! RG-8 to the rescue. Took off enough of the outer insulation to create a quarter wave length of shield left. Folded the braided shield back down over the insulation leaving the phenolic insulator and center conductor exposed. Notched the end of the phenolic and tied a string around it. Hoisted up into a tree and voila - communications with an SWR of less than 2:1. A very long time ago, back in the early 70's, an engineer converted a tube CB final to a transistor final. When I asked how he was going to test it he stuck a coat hanger in the the antenna connector and transmitted a signal. Now I would not do that for a long period of time, but it worked. I have also set up a "V" shaped long wire system using 3 cut down trees and stringing the wire between then in the form of a "V." At the single pole take one leg down to the center conductor and the other to ground right next to it. With that situation I transmitted and received over 10,000 miles on HF and about 350 watts. It was during the VN war and we did it continuously every day. Then it was decided to put up a $10,000 log periodic which worked just as good. (Wasn't my money - long story made short.)
  10. We have a Splendide Combo. Wrinkles everything. Takes forever. Only use it once in a while and like Charlie we like to go to a laundromat and get it done all at once. Used to have a Splendide stackable washer/dryer in the 5'er and we liked it. A friend converted the dryer to 240v. He said the hardware was there and all that was needed was the wiring. Dried clothes in half the time.
  11. Keon, For VHF/UHF try a side mount between the front windshield and driver window. It is a small enough hole to route through the upper front cabinet. I'm assuming you have a cabinet. I have seen a lot of them mounted there, including CB antenna's. Being VHF you only need the upper half above the roof line for good radiation. Remember, it is only antenna "Theory." A wet string and 1 watt on a good day will get you around the world. KE5QG
  12. This past year we encountered some roads that rattled our teeth. Well, we are driving down the road in a rolling earthquake.
  13. Turn off the step. There is a constant draw on the step motor using a current limiting switch. The drain is over 2 amp and will drain down the battery. Get a full charge and when you leave the MH in storage turn off the step motor. My step switch is just inside the door and I can turn it off with a 12-15 inch piece of anything after closing the screen door and reaching inside.. My battery would go down to 11 volts in just a few days when the switch was left on and I have 110 power to the MH. The Trik-L-Charge could not keep up. Do you have a solar panel for charging?
  14. The military FamCamp is on Patrick AFB
  15. My manual says 15,000 miles or 1 year, which ever come first. The 1 year is the one I go by and have everything changed whether it needs it or not. Average cost for an M1 is about 600-800 and an M3 about $1500.
  16. Picked my 50' hose up at Lowe's, made of rubber. The 50' gets me to any tire. My air access is under the front cowling.
  17. I always get better mileage traveling East. Seems there is always a nice tailwind.
  18. wayne77590


    Now Tom, I have bowled on some teams and if I remember correctly there was a lot of hot air blowing around,
  19. wayne77590


    Corpus Christi is the same way. If the wind is 45 mph or higher or gust much higher I bring in the slide that the topper is popping. There is a possibility of tearing of the seam at the edges if left popping. Awning tape will take care of a tear but it is a pain in the ..... uh huh. So, another thing I did was to get a 4 to 5 inch wide strap at the local hardware store that was long enough to go across the 12 foot topper and a few more feet on each side. I folded the ends of the strip and put a 1/2 inch grommet in the triangle peak of the fold. I purchased rope that could be cut for the length from the end of the strap to the ground at about 45 degree angle. I purchased spring loaded ground stakes. Throw the strap across the center of the topper. bring the end of the rope down to the spring loaded ground stake and secure with a slight pressure of tightness. This will keep the topper from popping and keeping you up all night. Left the slide out in high winds. Worked for me. It is absolutely necessary to use a wide strap. Think about this. Take an envelope, place a thread on the inside of the flap. Close and seal the flap. With pressure on the envelope and one end of the thread anchored (wide hand spread) pull the other end of the thread against the line of the closed flap. It will cut through it like warm butter. Using anything other than a wide 4" or more strap on the topper could do the same. Happy trails.
  20. I use the Campbell Hausfeld MP6000 Tire Inflator with Gauge. Clips on, has gauge, trigger activated.
  21. I use the on-board compressor all the time up to 110 psi. Like what has been stated, it needs to cycle. I have an inline gauge to my line for adding air so I can see when the on-board has dropped below my optimum tire pressure. I just stop inflating and wait for the "Pssht" on the over flow (or watch the gauge) and when it is back up to 125 psi I continue inflating. Keeps my storage space less full for DW's trinkets. Deflation is so much easier. If any one needs instructions, let me know.
  22. Brett, you park inside, right? I park outside and I winterize only by draining the tanks and blowing out the lines with about 30 psi of air. I'm not worried about the overnight lows but we have in the past had temperatures below freezing for two or three days late in the night to early morning. Just peace of mind. Guake, places with 120v are full up so make storage reservations early if that is what you want. For open air you would have a better chance. There are many RV Parks with storage capabilities. Just search on the words: rv park storage houston, or whatever city you decide on.
  23. Ray, there is also a fam camp at Camp Robinson in North Little Rock, AR. Are you familiar with the Military Campgrounds listing?
  24. Give Lichtsinn RV Parts a call. See what they come up with.
  25. Roger, 100 percent with you on messing with tire pressures. However I purchased the flow through because we live on the Gulf Coast with temperatures in the 90+˚ range and when we take our trip out west and up the 101 there can be a 40-50 degree temperature change or more. I'll reset one time on the Left Coast and then when we return to the warmer climes I again reset. Basically twice a year. They also allow me to make sure the monitor is reporting correctly by using a digital tire gauge, one you recommended on another thread. (Nope, don't have a calibrated one - yet!) p.s., please don't post pictures of that white stuff. I sit here and shiver. Last two days we had the air conditioning on here at the S&B, but today is just keep the doors closed and maintain a nice comfortable 72-73 degrees in the house without AC or heat. Come on down!
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