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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. As Blake stated. We installed a new kitchen faucet in the S&B (they all work the same way) and when the plumber turned on the water the hot water side did not work. He pulled out the "mixer" valve and there was a piece of debris blocking the hot water side. Who did the install. Oops!
  2. I thought that was everyday! Sorry Carl, I'll try to stick to Monday's but don't count on it.
  3. Welcome and may all your travels be safe ones.
  4. We are not rally goers. We like the small get-to-gather groups of about 20 rigs or less. It let's us get to know the people and we have made some life-long friends in smaller groups. Texas Boomers and RV Mutants are the two groups that we get together with and have wonderful times and memories. All the hoopla of large rallies are just not for us. Hey, to each their own. The other benefits of belonging to FMCA out-way the annual cost. I always wondered how the FMCA Assist would work. Well, I now know. This past month or so friends went to Florida in their RV. He had a heart attack and only has 20% muscle working his hart. After stabilization FMCA Assist provided a medical Lear jet with medical personnel on board and flew him and his wife to Little Rock where a better care surgeon was located. Fortunately they also live in LR. FMCA Assist was going to provide for getting their motorhome back to LR and flying the two pooches back to LR. As it was, friends went to Florida and drove the MH and pooches back. FMCA Assist is picking up their expenses. My personal thoughts on opening up the FMCA to other than Motorhome owners will enhance the coffers and be able to continue to provide that wonderful additional benefit. Thanks FMCA.
  5. We love wine when it is free. Where are you now?
  6. We stayed at Grizzly RV Park, MT. We came the "other" way from Columbia Falls RV Park, MT to get to Grizzly with a stop at Jim & Mary's RV Park, Missoula, MT. We traveled down Hwy 93 to Hwy 90 and the roads heading that way are scarce. We did decide to get off of the Interstate and we picked up US-287 near Carowell, MT. We were so glad we did. the scenery was beautiful and the road was good. Two lane but doable in the 40 footer with TOAD. Back-track that route and I think you will enjoy it.
  7. There is only one ground guide I will listen to/use and that is my wife. It's nice to have audio on the monitor plus her hand signal. I learned the very first time backing the MH into the driveway that "Whoa!" is Texan for "Stop."
  8. The email had a link to provide comments. I hope you used that venue also.
  9. Hate to burst anyone's bubble but I received an email from Charlie Adcock. Here is one part of the email: (Hope it's okay to post.)
  10. I'm looking for the "Like" button. Amazing what can be found on the bright web. Thanks.
  11. I didn't study for the test.
  12. I had to be towed a little over 40 miles to Cummins dealer. The tow truck driver, as did I, knew to disconnect the drive shaft. On a diesel pusher that drive shaft is less than 4 feet long, well on my 40' er it is. When we arrived at the Cummins facility he re-installed it. Removing and installing took less than 5 minutes. Just some bolts that need to be removed. The "LESSON" here is that anyone with an Allison transmission should be aware that the drive shaft has to be removed before towing with the drive wheels on the ground. It's in my manual is how I knew.
  13. Sure you will!! Get you and Carl on the same page it it makes that Albuquerque turn.
  14. Yep! Somewhere around Albuquerque
  15. Carl, I have told you this before but I know you probably slept since then. You have to hold our mouth correctly, like right p.s., (to any one interested) The cookies do not store your password. Here is a good explanation of cookies and passwords
  16. wayne77590

    DD 13 Fuel Leak

    I use the PFJ anytime I can. With the PFJ Plus Card, pull up to the pump, fill up, write down the amount and price, jump back in and drive off. No going in. I hate those places (like Love's) where you have to go in and prepay a dollar amount, go back out, pump, go back in and get a receipt for only the amount you used. Then when you check your CC report you see where they charged you the original amount and it takes a couple days for them to put in the actual amount you payed. Just playing with my money. I have used all of they different types of truck stops and I have never had a problem using the truck lanes. The majority of RV lanes I cannot get in and out easily. Used to use the truck lanes pulling a 40' 5th wheel and never had a problem.
  17. I know people who were teletype operators in the military and Morse code operators that do not know how to type in anything but all caps. Hard to ween then off the habit. Took me a long long time.
  18. Carl, Were you in Tucson last week?
  19. ...and it's toasty why? Hot air emitting from larynx most likely.
  20. I don't worry much about chairs as we have the cheap kind. However, I do lock the Progressive PT-50C surge protector to the pedestal with a very heavy chain. However, that is just going to keep the honest people from stealing it. My reason for locking it is that most campgrounds are drive through...that is not control gate so anyone can come in the wee hours of the morning and "fetch" things. In the many years of camping we have never had a problem. There is a KOA in New Orleans that when you are driving through the neighborhood you can get an eerie feeling. When I asked the manger/owner he stated that they have never had a problem with things being stolen. Yet, there are stories of some of the up-scale RV Resorts having "minor" problems of items walking away. The lock on the 5th wheel pin should have never prevented him from connecting. I have busted common padlocks with a 50 cent piece and the heel of a shoe when in the military. A hammer, or any other tool would have made minced lock out of it. Just be cautious and check your surroundings periodically and your tow hook-ups. Just in case.
  21. Carl, just talk to yourself a lot. The hot air should warm up DW.
  22. I stand my ground. Doesn't matter if the vacuum is from an engine or a 12 volt pump. If there is a split in the line, crack where it attaches to the thing-a-ma-jig that controls the damper - no warm air. As Brett has posted in another thread, check the electrical wires going to the pump to make sure they are connected. Also check the fuse panel for that same pump.
  23. Isn't there a vacuum hose that opens and closes the heater/AC vent? Mine is under the hood and there are reports of the vacuum line can split at the control. Easy fix if it is configured that way.
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