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About pawoodtx

  • Birthday 04/08/1953

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    Waller, TX
  • I travel

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  1. I always think that my membership dues make a very small contribution to a great big bowl of help to those in rare cases that might need it. For example, my wife does not drive our coach. Right now I’m in Pecan Riverside RV Resort in San Marcos TX. That’s 150 some odd miles from home. If I get sick or worse, she can get in the toad, drive home, and FMCA will send someone who knows what they’re doing to drive our coach home. That’s priceless! Come on folks it’s $25. That’s nothing! The information we get from this forum is worth the whole $75. The only affiliations I have with FMCA is my membership. This is just my humble opinion. “In all things, give thanks”. Paul
  2. Even if your truck would handle it, you will never be happy with it. You will be happy with a 1ton diesel dually.
  3. I don’t think us older folks are the commercial targets. The game was great if you like really good defense. I was not surprised about who won. Brady is the best whether the ball is full of air or not!😃 Paul
  4. I agree with Herman about Charlotte Plummer’s and I think it is actually in Fulton. If you like seafood your in the right place. It’s hard to find bad seafood in that area. In Corpus Christi the aircraft carrier you can tour is the USS Lexington. Have fun! Paul
  5. 3dognights, I use the ready brake and I have a 2003 Monaco Windsor 40’ towing a Saturn Vue. It works just fine. The Vue weighs 3680#. If I were towing something a lot heavier I would probably go with G&S. Paul
  6. Byron, That’s good news! Thanks for the update. Paul
  7. Blakelyfamily, Usually the owners manual has detailed instructions under “Recreational towing”. When I bought my toad I had the owner take photos of that section (several pages) and text it to me. It was really simple once you read it. You will know then if it suits your needs. Good luck Paul
  8. Byron, i will be on my knees tonight lifting up both you and Betty! Stand strong. 🙏 Paul
  9. My toad is a 2008 Saturn Vue. I fold down the 2nd seat and put an unmounted tire in the back of it. I don’t like that setup but it’s better than not having a spare. When we get where we’re going I leave it in or take it out depending on how much driving we’re going to be doing. Not the best but it works. I’ve been hoping someone would come up with a real good idea to solve the problem. Still hoping!🤞 Paul
  10. Ditto’s Rich and Manholt. I’m just thankful that I’m not walking in their shoes! It’s only by the grace of God that that’s not me. 🙏 Paul
  11. A Demco Excali-bar came with the 2003 Monaco I bought so I bought a Saturn Vue and put a Demco base plate on it (which required way to much drilling) and I can hook it up and be gone in 5 minutes. Although it takes me about 10 minutes to check and recheck that I have it all right. 🤪 Paul
  12. It seems like the unintended consequences of a law are often worse than the problem it was originally intended to solve. Maybe that’s just me!🤷‍♂️ But back to the important subject. I get in trouble from DW for what I say and in just as much if I don’t say anything!🤪 Paul
  13. Herman, I think that goes for way more than just rv’s!🤔 Paul
  14. Wayne, Are you thinking they will come repair it at no charge?🤷‍♂️ Paul
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