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Proposed Change To FMCA's Governance

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Looking for comments on this Proposed Change to FMCA's Goverance 
Whereas only 30% of FMCA members belong to a chapter, Whereas the National Directors of Chapters do not represent non chapter members, whereas all members deserve representation in the Governance of the Association, 
Therefore be it resolved the Governing Board of FMCA shall be comprised of delegates from each region representing an EQUAL SHARE of that regions voting members. Each delegate may represent UP TO 300 voting members.   Delegates will be elected or appointed by each geographic region.  
and a change to voting 
Whereas the Governance of the Association is of utmost importance, whereas all methods of secure voting that encourage the casting of ballots are appropriate, therefor be it resolved all membership balloting shall be via secure paper ballot or a secure electronic method. 

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Valid point, however we have National Directors that represent the members of a given Chapter and are to always canvas their members as to how they would like for topics to be voted on. First how do you select a National Director for the non members? How will he know the opinions of those non members.

If you have the AVPs select the National Directors then you have the AVPs stacking the deck to suit their own agendas. My feeling  is if a person wants to have a say in how FMCA conducts business, then join a Chapter, get involved and become a National Director if they can be elected by the chapter.

Too many arm chair quarterbacks. If you want to be involved, Suit Up and get into the game.

Sorry, just my Soap Box for the Day.


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15 minutes ago, Hermanmullins said:


Valid point, however we have National Directors that represent the members of a given Chapter and are to always canvas their members as to how they would like for topics to be voted on. First how do you select a National Director for the non members? How will he know the opinions of those non members.

If you have the AVPs select the National Directors then you have the AVPs stacking the deck to suit their own agendas. My feeling  is if a person wants to have a say in how FMCA conducts business, then join a Chapter, get involved and become a National Director if they can be elected by the chapter.

Too many arm chair quarterbacks. If you want to be involved, Suit Up and get into the game.

Sorry, just my Soap Box for the Day.


Though I don't always, I agree with you for the most part Herman.  I am one of those non chapter members, always have been and perhaps will remain so. 

As a wandering fulltimer, I don't often land at a repeatable place to participate.  That means I do need to depend on others who stand still long enough to become involved.  I'm OK with that most of the time and accept that position.

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As a non-chapter member I see the suggestion as valid and timely.

Many organizations elect their board as members at large from a region. It works well. As it currently stands, I have zero representation. You say 'Join a Chapter' My response is that no chapter locally really fits. I read the forums, I read a lot of forums (Probably too many) and I stay as informed as I possibly can.

As a non-chapter member I could, if this were to pass, campaign and run for a member at large position. I could communicate through a regional forum, through the magazine and through mass emails. I could make my positions known and I could learn the preferences of those in my region and represent them on the board.

Now I am not suggesting that we do away with Chapters having a representation. I would say any chapter with X members gets a vote and those members so represented would get to vote for their representative. A member of FMCA could still join multiple chapters, however one would have to decide which chapter was his 'Home' chapter. That is where he would be allowed to vote.

Members of FMCA would get to vote for members at large. We can work out a formula where by the number of at-large representatives and the representatives that are from chapters would be balanced out. This would give us all representation to FMCA.

Thank you

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3 hours ago, Hermanmullins said:

My feeling  is if a person wants to have a say in how FMCA conducts business, then join a Chapter, get involved and become a National Director if they can be elected by the chapter.

Too many arm chair quarterbacks. If you want to be involved, Suit Up and get into the game.

Sorry, just my Soap Box for the Day.


I disagree..  Why should I have to join a Chapter to have representation?  I pay the same FMCA dues as anyone else here and I should be provided equal representation.

A possible solution is a polling software application along the lines of Survey Monkey that could be used for this purpose.  E-voting would provide all members an equal opportunity to vote on all issues.  The FMCA isn't so big that e-voting wouldn't work with the technology that is readily available today.   Maybe it is time to change the by-laws to allow for direct electronic voting? 

This will become a much bigger issue with the vote to allow all RV's.  Those new members will expect equal representation and may not have a local Chapter that will accept them.



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Several years ago this concept was proposed. It was titled “The Bar” that had as I remember 10 reps from each of the ten areas plus the Executive Board. So the Governing Board would have about 75 members. That is a manageable number. How many Board of Directors of companies do you know that have greater than 400 members. 

The problem with having a representative for every 300 members would still be a Governing Board of about 250 members. Also, without correction for geographic concentration, the coasts would control the organization. 

I would be against this change. 

Keep in mind any change such as this would have the be passed by the current Governing Board structure. 

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1 hour ago, RedLdr1 said:

I disagree..  Why should I have to join a Chapter to have representation?  I pay the same FMCA dues as anyone else here and I should be provided equal representation.



I would hate to be required to officially join the democrat, republican, or libertarian party to have representation. I am amazed with politics and backroom backroom deals that appear to me be made in some of the chapters. For me, as an outsider, it sound like some of the chapters are like little kingdoms ruled by a vpm, an eieio or a lmnop; yes I'm being sarcastic because I never no what the abbreviations stand for.  

I guess we won't be represented unless we join a chapter, Wayne.

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Jim.  I'll be happy to represent you and Wayne, I'll just throw you into the mix.  Nice thought but as it is, I can't and will not.  Nothing personal.

Jeff.  You could form a chapter of the under 60 group, but you won't.  You complain a lot, about 4 times a year, so far.  Do something positive about your wishes!  The post here, is decisive, not positive. 

Jeff, we have had too much of a change, as it is now!  Let's not throw more into the mix...it can wait. 

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  "Delegates will be elected or appointed by each geographic region. " 

Who will appoint? The executive board, the existing governing board, the president?  Are you kidding me? I don't think you will find any GB member that would vote for this. Are you able to get this before the GB in Gillette?

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Carl, you can represent me any time and I'll go by what you say - unless I disagree.

I'm a non-chapter member. I prefer it that way.  My life is busy enough just keeping up with the friends and communications running around in this computer and my other Fruit devices.I don't need a chapter to represent me. What is needed is a method where all members can vote regardless if they belong to a chapter. I do not plan on joining a chapter anytime soon, unless Jim wants to start one.  We can be called the Outsider Chapter. (Is that name open?)

Consider the number of people who do not use electronic means of communicating, and they are out there.  Their method is snail mail, and it still works for them. I hope FMCA sends them snail mail voting forms.

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Used to belong to a regional MC group. Inside that group were local clubs. Those not in a local club were called outriders, and they had vote power in the regional group... so Wayne has a the seed for an international chapter, to at least get a director voice, for those who do not fit in the current chapters, but want to participate in a "non-chapter" chapter.

In the case of the recent vote, all had the ability to vote per member number.

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Yes, all 74,000+ and less than 13% did !  Point proven, representation of all non Chapter members, they don't or won't Vote = Zip!  As a member of Governance, I take everything that I hear from non chapter members and present it to my chapter, if it's pertinent to a issue that they want to discuss, and have me vote on! 

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11 hours ago, rossboyer said:

Several years ago this concept was proposed. It was titled “The Bar” that had as I remember 10 reps from each of the ten areas plus the Executive Board. So the Governing Board would have about 75 members. That is a manageable number. How many Board of Directors of companies do you know that have greater than 400 members. 

The problem with having a representative for every 300 members would still be a Governing Board of about 250 members. Also, without correction for geographic concentration, the coasts would control the organization. 

I would be against this change. 

Keep in mind any change such as this would have the be passed by the current Governing Board structure. 

In my past experiences I’ve worked with conventions that had 500 delegates. Each representing a different number of members. Most business was done via voice vote unless a delegate made a motion for a roll call vote.  

And yes I realize the current structure (chapter national directors) are the only ones who can make this change. They might because it’s the right thing to do. 

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10 hours ago, manholt said:

Jim.  I'll be happy to represent you and Wayne, I'll just throw you into the mix.  Nice thought but as it is, I can't and will not.  Nothing personal.

Jeff.  You could form a chapter of the under 60 group, but you won't.  You complain a lot, about 4 times a year, so far.  Do something positive about your wishes!  The post here, is decisive, not positive. 

Jeff, we have had too much of a change, as it is now!  Let's not throw more into the mix...it can wait. 

Really. That’s the feedback you offer. My point is the chapter model doesn’t represent the membership anymore.  That’s not divisive it just is.

How many chapters have been started in the last 10 years?  20 years?  The chapters I’ve gone to were very clickish having groups inside the group. They were also an average age of 77 or so.  No offense intended it’s just what it is. Those chapters grew up together. 

The chapters are the only ones who vote for our leadership and who can send votes to the entire membership. With 30% of the membership belonging to chapters it’s not representative of the younger crowd who don’t have many chapters to join.

One answer is do nothing. Another answer is to do something. That’s all. 

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Sorry.  Jeff, the Forum is not the proper place. 

You want change?  Then make a copy of P & P. Write up what your wishes are, get 20+ signatures and get it in to FMCA before WY.  It will have to pass muster with the EB, before it will be placed on the agenda at the next Governance meeting!

I write this for the education on how it's done...for those members who may not know!


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20 hours ago, jeff753 said:

Therefore be it resolved the Governing Board of FMCA shall be compromised of delegates from each region representing an EQUAL SHARE of that regions voting members.

I think you need to correct the wording here. The proper word should be comprised not compromised!

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I am sorry but what I have seen on two different "votes by mail in ballots" had response on one of less than 1% of the members vote and the last had right at 12% vote.

Now you want each Area to divide up the non chapter members (approx 70% of the membership) into regions to vote and elect a representative for them. Can you see any thing wrong with this picture.  I sure can.

Sorry I got back on the Soap Box.


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Jeff, I also find your proposals valid and timely.   

However,  I am one of those that think bigger is not better.  I belong to many other organizations and the members only really vote on changes to the operating bylaws. 

The organizations are ran by a board of directors where each year a portion are elected by the membership for a multiple year term and they hire a STRONG executive director.   These organizations also have elected vice presidents who move up to be president after several years.   I think that with a Strong Executive Director and a smaller board (no more than 50 or 60 members) it would improve efficiency and keep the organization up with the times. 

  If everyone on the board is operating within the confines of the bylaws and there is a strong executive director that keeps them in check so if a membership vote is needed it is called for what is the need for an elaborate representation setup.  

The board could set up committees to research different topics or even have standing committees to report to the board on specific areas of interest to the board and this would be where interested members could volunteer to assist.  

Maybe behind the scenes there is a lot going on that I don't know about but some times we have do a reality check and look at what we are as an organization and what we want to be.   

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1 hour ago, Hermanmullins said:

I am sorry but what I have seen on two different "votes by mail in ballots" had response on one of less than 1% of the members vote and the last had right at 12% vote.

I'm not too surprised.  That is exactly why I suggested electronic voting.  Members would receive an email with the proposal and an embedded link to vote.  All they need to do is click on the link to respond and vote.  No printing paper ballots, looking for envelopes, stamps, and all the "snail mail" issues.  I suspect that e-voting would have seen a much better response rate, among the current membership, than the "snail mail" votes you mention.   And those who wish to vote by "snail mail" could still do so with a paper ballot included in the magazine as it was in the last vote.

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12 minutes ago, rmatteucci said:

  The board could set up committees to research different topics or even have standing committees to report to the board on specific areas of interest to the board and this would be where interested members could volunteer to assist.      

On the FMCA Home page. Click on "Members" then "Governance Site" then click on "Committees". Look and see how many committees there are.


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I, for one think that "electronic voting" ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE ON THE "LET'S APPROVE IT"  list for the next Governing Board Meeting.

There are chapters that already have it.

If more info is needed, please post and we can put you in contact with those who are already using it.

To be clear, I think we need to offer member the ability to vote EITHER by electronic mail or snail mail. Let's move into the 21st century.

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3 hours ago, Hermanmullins said:

I am sorry but what I have seen on two different "votes by mail in ballots" had response on one of less than 1% of the members vote and the last had right at 12% vote.

Now you want each Area to divide up the non chapter members (approx 70% of the membership) into regions to vote and elect a representative for them. Can you see any thing wrong with this picture.  I sure can.

Sorry I got back on the Soap Box.


Only 12% voted because of the current structure of Goverance.  The current structure provides information to chapters and chapters have rallys with meetings and discuss and vote or empower their representative to vote.  It works well for chapters and doesn't need to change.  

Joe/Jane non chapter member are not fed information the same way.  That is why 90% of the trailer votes came from the same members who put it in the agenda...chapter members.  They are in the loop by design.  They had rallys and sent dozens of ballots in one envelope.  Goverance is geared towards chapters and those that belong to them.  That seems like it will have to change if the trends continue and less and less members belong to chapters and more chapters fold. How many chapters have been created in the last 10 years? How many have folded?  Is the Chapter model still the best method of inclusion?  Why are members not joining and/or creating chapters?  What are the benefits of a chapter compared to a group of friends?  What are the disincentives of a chapter?

Only 271 National Directors voted at the last convention representing their 271 Chapters.   With the average chapter of 40 people that's 10,840 people who's views were represented at the last convention out of 76,000 members.   Only 271 votes (chapters only) were  cast for any business in front of the Association including the election of officers.  Joe/Jane member don't even know who is running.  I'm not anti chapter I think they're great...they just don't represent the membership anymore.   Can we do something to include all dues paying members?  I think we can and should.  The Areas are already broken down by state or sub area so the structure for a more inclusive representation of the Association exist.

it is interesting to note----- the only ones who can change it are the chapters:) <---- another smiley face 


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Sorry Jeff but the same folks you speak of that are not members of a chapter would still get the information the same way they get it now. Through the Magazine or the web site. 

All dues paying members have the same chance to get the information as anyone else. It is their choice as whether to read the information or have someone get the information for them and tell them what is happening. You are not going to change human nature. If those unrepresented folks wanted to get a voice they would get involved. 

FMCA Membership sits at approx. 75,000.  If the figures thrown around that only 30% (22,500) are members of chapters while 70% (52,500) are not chapter members then why with 3 months of Notices in the Magazine and on the website only  a little over 11,000 took the time to vote. Does that show you how folks care about what happens.

The only way to make a change is to get involved. You of all people should know what can happen when you get involved. You did and now there is FMCA Energized.

I will continue to repeat myself, "To Be Involved, Get Involved."




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