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Everything posted by whiteeagle

  1. I put in the charge line and could run off the towed continuously but instead have used a portable battery unit that I siet on the passenger side foot area and run the Patriot brake unit off that .. charge up at nights ... have used it several times to help start other's towed vehicles with dead battery.
  2. We put a timer on the T-9 unit cord and charge it 3 hours twice a day - seems to be working OK without any "charging too long" notices or effects...
  3. Sorry I can't help.... sounds like transfer switch not working or bad connection - but beyond my level.
  4. You probably covered this but did you also mean the breaker on the generator itself was also not tripped...
  5. whiteeagle


    Will be there...
  6. Carl... If you left Sad Diego at 3AM, you loose an hour on the clock but could still be there by noon.. I was signed up to park with AIM but found out I needed to go in on Sunday and will be busy on Tuesday so don't care to move again.. hope we won't be that far away so we can at least run over for a couple of the get togethers..(I informed Diane)
  7. Look forward to it... maybe at the Chapter Fair Tuesday if not before.
  8. In Yuma now for Feb, and working on the fun - actually went to the "Howling at The Moon" event tonight out in the desert.( Yes, it's an actual full moon event with thousands and thousands of folks out there howling at the moon upon it's rising) .Think alcohol makes it brighter and larger for some folks... Google it if in doubt... think it's a "been there and done that" for us .. but unique evening .... Won't get to AIM in San Diego but will be at FMCA Tucson in March...doing "Mentoring", Cart Driving, Chapter Fair and block party for Badger Chapter .. then likely April to Red Bay for the "first year adjustments and corrections" items.
  9. In October when truck Country was having doubts they would ever get it repaired, I started looking just in case... First week of Nov when Bob Tiffin , several other experts told me the motor home could never be repaired to be reliable and safe (all provided to adjuster) I looked at all available Tiffin Allegro Bus 45OPPs in the Midwest - just in case. I became convinced during first week of Nov, that the lightning struck bus would never be repaired nor safe to operate again -- needed one to use / live in so I bought one of the only 5 available and only one that could be ready to go by Nov 15th (as full-timers we had already been cancelling reservations since August) . Bought one of the Tiffin Allegro Bus 45OPP - 3rd one I've bought from Kings in Wausau WI. Couple features we would prefer different but getting better at full-timers flexibility so it's working - Red Bay in the schedule - Nightmare's finally over and continuing on to Adventure Before Dementia.
  10. As mentioned, On week 22 I gave them more information from another expert on diesel engines and the multi-plex systems used in these motor homes .. third day after that - and my posting the recent update in this forum, I received a call that they were now reconsidering and would likely total the motor home and pay the full policy value... have had emails back and forth and finally after the 2 past weeks of further delays, after nearly 6 months, The nightmare with Progressive Insurance ended today - received full payout per the policy coverage for the bus being totaled. Yes, maybe should have gotten an attorney on week 10 when it first became obvious that 1) service center couldn't get things communicating 2) after getting all the advice and support from Bob Tiffin plus other Tiffin key folks recommending bus be totaled, and 3) Truck Country Service Manager stated he did not want to continue working on the unit and informing adjuster it could ever be repaired, and 4) Progressive adjuster and his 2 superior higher levels insisting they were going to take as long as necessary to get others to diagnose this specific bus in spite of all expert advice and documentation based on their historical experiences. Yes, I had been doing serious consulting with an attorney that focuses on insurance bad faith claims since week 17 - kept thinking and hoping they would finally accept all the expert advice (which they finally did) and recognize it should be totaled - without need of a lawsuit (that would have taken several more months to work through today's systems ) and finally -I believe my net payment received is personally advantageous. Bottom line... it's over .... If any major incident ever happened again, as some had suggested, I would bring legal expertise into it at first sign of any delay or insurance company personnel's reluctance to settle claim fairly, fully, and expeditiously.
  11. In Yuma Foothills area.. Last weekend, couldn't get any internet to work on the Sprint hot spot...thought we had been cut off pre-maturely - ordered the replacement T-Mobile hotspot in response to their directive... Yesterday Sprint hot spot worked but slowly.... today, checked this moths usage - it's at 30GB for this monthly period cycle but today it's worthless again.... Unfortunately, over the past 3-5 months, I told several folks how it was working OK for us and a few signed up during past 3 months... now I have to apologize and wish I had never added this Sprint connect hotspot...if the replacement T-Mobile doesn't work any better, I'll be dropping it quickly.... disgusting experience
  12. You may also want to consider the Broward County Parks just on west side of Ft Lauderdale... we enjoyed both CB Smith and Markham
  13. Thanks -- that was it... hadn't been able to reach a human on any of the numbers i had Fri -- I'll try that link Monday...
  14. I received this same email last week requesting a confirmation of the address that i wanted the T-Mobile hotspot sent to ... as we are in the process to moving to new location for February .. I now want to repond and give them the new address but have now lost the number to call to give them the new address for us ... could somebody give me that number or email I can respond to ... will do that and pray it works at least as well as the Sprint has been... Thanks in advance
  15. In way of an update... now been 22 weeks ... 5 months .... Sorry for the lenghy story .. it is because of nightmare they created.. As a full-timer, it's been a rough experience ... First 9 weeks of attempted repairs then service shop gave up .. Week 9, I gave insurance company adjuster letter from Bob Tiffin - signed by Bob Tiffin , Founder and CEO of Tiffin Motor Homes INC, clearly and strongly stating that during the entire history of Tiffin Motor homes , he, his long time service manager, his new service manager, his Powerglide Chassis expert have determined that in spite of many attempts over the years, to repair a lightning struck motor home, it can not be done and should not be considered as feasible. The damage done is permanent and even though parts can be replaced for temporary repairs, the related electrical parts will continue to fail forever. This specific motor home should be totaled and the claim paid in full per the policy coverage. Week 10, The Service Manager provided the insurance company adjuster with a notice in writing that they were done attempting to repair even the power-train portion, and would not consider attempting to repair and damages to inside components.the motor home was un-repairable, would never be reliable nor safe to be on the highway again. Week 11 - Insurance company insisted the service shop get power-train system to function at least enough to move it to another facility somewhere. During the first 16 weeks of this "diagnosis and repair" period, only 2 weeks in total were spent waiting on parts... About week 16, the motor was moved about 7 miles to Gander Mountain to be winterized so it could be taken out of the service bay and left in parking lot until some other service shop would agree to work on it. Gander Mountain apparently left outside in freezing temp, froze some piping components. Next week Gander says they repaired items known to be frozen .. (who knows? - nothing on inside of coach will function so how well did they do??) - wanted motor home moved away. Week 17 = power-train components again won't work - all those new parts installed during first 16 weeks have apparently failed again... just exactly like all the experts said they would... so motor home can't be moved. Insurance company not influenced by knowledge or expertise. Week 19 - apparently Cummins techs helped remove all codes, disabled all features that prevent motor from running so it limped back to shop parking lot. Iinsurance company informed by Tiffin that they will not accept working on coach - had already told them coach should not be repaired, should be totaled and paid fully per policy coverage. Insurance company undeterred, still looking for somebody somewhere sometime to diagnose, repair as cheaply as possible so they can close claim and walk away. Week 21 - Insurance company arranged with dealer / service center to accept diagnosing the coach. Week 22 - I gave insurance company another document from another expert with decades of expertise in diesel engines, including many lightning struck motor homes. Presented adjuster with details and experts advice and recommendations that the motor home can never be repaired from having it's multiplex wiring and components shocked by lightning. The only possible way is if motor home is dis-assembled down and off the frame, virtually all electrical wiring, components replaced and motor home re- assembled - process likely several months and several hundred thousand dollars of expense. All electrical appliances, etc, replaced. As of today going on week 23, motor home sitting in parking lot... some alarms still buzzing, some lights still on and won't go off, all Cummins engines "de-rate" features disabled, no Heat or HVAC working, transmission won't shift, and no one has yet diagnosed any items inside the coach... Understandably, dealer won't attempt to move yet because it's predicted the motor home will not run long enough to get to dealer's shop -- is unsafe to have breakdown on highway... but at this point, insurance company doesn't want to tow or flat-bed the coach to the dealer.. Dozens of appeals, dozens of emails and documents provided why this claim should have been handled quickly with all the facts and experts known, but nothing other than " ignore all experts on advice and experience with other motor homes, ignore it's new parts installed during past 16 weeks have failed already as predicted by all the experts we choose to ignore, we just want / require to get more diagnosis of what all the issues are with this coach" Regardless of what had been done to us as full-timers, they apparently are willing to spend more than the full value of the claim over next several more months, do a patch job with no warranty of repairs, and create risk rather than doing the right thing.This ordeal has gotten "Progressively" worse and worse. Have only slight hopes they will accept dealer service input and bring this nightmare to an end soon ... I would prefer to not elaborate much further at this point ... If anyone needs further info, they can PM me.
  16. Thanks... Still working on it as I pick up the new bus tomorrow...Farm Bureau doesn't write policies on full-timers in WI ..Their agent here quoted couple other companies .... Insurance costs seem to have increased over 30% in each of last 2 years. - likely partially due to the motor home prices going up probably 10% per each of last 3 years. Quotes so far from Progressive, Formost, Auto Owners, Nation Wide, Allied, National General.. Hope to have State Farm Option today...
  17. Am hoping to get back to full-timing this week .. so.. Have need to get insurance coverage on a new motor home this week.... Had same insurance for many years and thought I had great coverage but current issues have popped up that indicate mine is poor... Have been paying the extra for "FULL REPLACEMENT VALUE" but now not sure they would cover anything above original purchase price. Discovered that the max they pay for "Temporary Living Expense" while motorhome is being repaired is $750 ---.that was gone in first 5 days.... then no help, and --- they are in no hurry whatsoever in getting motorhome fixed while I'm basically homeless while they take their time looking for lowest cost options for them... Looking for normal coverages for full-timer --- $500- $1000 comprehensive deductible, and $500-$1000/collision deductible, $500,000/$500,000 liability limits ... Am aware of Progressive, Auto-Owners, Formost.. Nationwide, and am checking with FMCA for quotes from the carriers they now work with ... but..... any others with recommendations? Thanks in advance...
  18. Been Traveling and don't live on this forum, Don't have anything new and exciting to post yet, Recently sold house and Gladiator, started full time..some investments preforming poorly, got good news from 2 years of health concerns and some surgeries, motor home being repaired so decided to explore possibility of maybe getting new coach because future looks better... Coach only has 38000 miles but now waiting on some parts again.
  19. Just getting started so not much info yet.
  20. I am also interested in finding a 20,21,or new 2022 Tiffin Allegro Bus 45OPP asap Will be checking all known forums and sales platforms to have folks PM me with contact info.
  21. Great to know that the top FMCA folks already reviewed this incident for you... suspect there will be more conversations with the parties that didn't perform all that well for you. Safe travels .
  22. Thanks Herman... I had sent my example and concern that their interpretation of "Act of God" needed review and parameters defined to the FMCA decision makers and they responded so I know it's being looked at for clarifications. PS.. motorhome still out of commission but diagnosis in progress..
  23. You need to send this experience to all the top folks at FMCA.... that's horrible and should be reviewed with decision makers...I'm traveling so can't easily get you contact info but the emails are on the website. My experience 2 weeks ago with them after being refused emergency service because my motor home went dead after I was hit by lightning while driving (called an Act of God occurrence) was passed on to the decision makers and your experience is even more ridiculous. .
  24. You stated you were in Dodgeville.... many folks have had Kings in Wausau put their base plate, towbar, and brake system in ( I had them do a 2020 Gladiator for me) and I've had Brickners of Antigo do two Blue Ox baseplates for me - one on a 2011 Jeep and one on a 2020 Jeep.... all using a Blue Ox Patriot Brake system -- none cost anywhere near what you were quoted.
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