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Everything posted by whiteeagle

  1. Sent you a pm on some..
  2. I have attended a couple sessions on being a "Wagon Master" or "Rally Host" or whatever you wish to call them at a couple regional FMCA rallies..I believe those were well attended and received well.... like others, have hosted a few.... Our chapter has created a committee for purpose of Identifying potential locations, developing themes and activities, training for and then supporting the hosts of the rallies. There will be a dedicated "round table" discussion at each rally specifically for membership suggestions and Q&A's.
  3. Following month or so in Gold Canyon area, we did Distant Drums RV in Camp Verde in late March for a few days and used car to visit local sites, Jerome, train ride .. then did Williams for a couple days with train ride into and return from Grand Canyon.. Weather pretty uncertain for RV travel in that area for March so plan ahead. May not find good site at this late date?.
  4. Good likelihood that they and maybe the Corporate folks are "selling" or "sharing" that added info they have on you now to other third parties....
  5. Tried search for info but didn't find so asking here for best route from Las Cruces NM to Roswell NM .. Hwy 70 or Hwy 82? Have lost or misplaced my Mountains West book. Have 45 ft Allegro Bus and towing a Jeep..
  6. We'll be there as well - They also have a Facebook page where you can get all the info or request same from Gary & Glenda..
  7. It does... understand it's not available yet... look forward to seeing it when it's posted.. Thank you..
  8. Maybe I missed something but I see a list of titles, I see a list of vendors, I see a children's list of events. What I was looking for is an actual schedule of events and seminars....It would show 1) the event or seminar, 2) what day is it being held or done, 3) what time would it be going on. Maybe this doesn't exist yet but thought it did...... With this info, a person could plan on which seminars and what events they would want to / be able to attend.... and when they would have free time.... etc.... What events and seminars are on Wed and what times are they...... etc
  9. Wondering if anyone knows where I can see the full schedule planned on events, seminars, meetings while at Gillette WY convention this year. Thought I saw it in one of earlier magazines but have apparently discarded that one. The FMCA website has a info box states that one can "see the full digital schedule below" but there's nothing there, and an email sent 2 weeks ago apparently didn't reach a human there so still looking for that info. If anyone knows where the complete schedule may be, I would appreciate being able to find it. Thanks in advance.
  10. It may not work for everyone but we sold our previous 2009 Allegro Bus on RV Trader....listed it one day, had 7 inquiries in first 10 days and sold it in 2 weeks... at least it's an avenue worth trying.
  11. Planning on meeting you then unless GB mtg or volunteering duties prevent it.
  12. By "short trips" camping I'm presuming you mean around the southern IL area... There are 2 or 3 FMCA Chapters that have rallyies every summer month in that area... They are listed on FMCA Chapters page along with their contact info. If you were interested in longer trips into and around Wisconsin, you certainly would be welcome to join the Badger Chapter as well (Our information is also posted in the " Chapters" listing but there are Chapters that have majority of the members being from your area that likely would welcome your participation. Let me know if I could be of any service in connecting you up with a Chapter you would likely enjoy camping with.
  13. Not elaborate but higher end... Pleasant, full hook-ups nice sites in resort with nice facilities -like Canyon Vista & Gold Canyon Resort in gold Canyon AZ, Bella Terra in Foley AL, Cypress Trails in Ft Myers, Myakka River Resort in Port Charlotte, FL........... realize different parks have different plus/minuses but we enjoy all the pluses ...Likewise, if I can avoid it, just don't wish to sign in to somewhere with a strong negative feature like next to or in flight path from an airport, next to busy railroad, congested neighborhood bordering the park perimeter, sites under dirty live oak trees, etc. The ones I've found around Indio CA look like nice ones with some reasonably priced and others at very high end prices ... but the two around Cathedral City appear just as nice or more with lower rates... ( Desert Shadows and Outdoor Resort). When using Good Sam reference, 8.5 or better, If using PA, pretty much 5's, Park Reviews 4.4 or better.....
  14. Thanks - had done that.. also interested in FMCA forum members thoughts...
  15. Sure there's been info on RV resorts in Indio and Palm Springs area posted and reviewed before but I went through about 15 pages of past topics and didn't find much. We usually have spent time in Gold Canyon area and Tucson area. Thinking about spending some time in Indio area.. Went on web and several places show up... wondering from folks that have spent a winter time month or so in that area, which did you like/ Large class A towing, 2 adults, no pets.. Checking our Shadow Hills, Indian Wells, Indian Waters, Palm Springs, Indio Springs .. any negatives?
  16. Can't do Texas or PA in June but following July FMCA Gillette for day or two still there would work.
  17. Found two large dog droppings this morning in grass on our site about 5' from the entry stairs..... no other units within 30 yards..... amazing how disrespectful so many dog owners are.
  18. I have run my Patriot system off a portable battery / charger unit for years - just there is never any drain on the towed battery... sits and rides in area for passenger's feet. simply charge the unit back up when parked for the night... always availble to use to help others start their toweds when necessary. I do have the extra tailights run from directly from the motorhome connection, and I have the small battery charging line from the motor home connection to the towed battery but have just always preferred to keep the towed's electrical system completely un-disturbed..
  19. Yes. Have both while at home and while on road. In the motor home don't need high powered because IF you ever needed it, you'd obviously be close to target - and don't want to harm neighbors in the background. Have cc license for all but very few states.
  20. I would question this survey... I just voted "I am a FMCA member and I vote NO"... I then went back to the "automatic survey numbers"... and the No votes % had gone down... in about 6-10 seconds after I voted NO... go figure !!
  21. We also discussed it at our rally last week, handed out ballots to every attendee gave all the ballot, an envelope that they could use to mail their ballot in separately, and gave choice to mail in collectively... . 30 - 35 voted , folded their ballot, put in common manilla envelope, sealed it, and we mailed it Monday... . also covering in our Fall Membership Newsletter for all to VOTE !
  22. Voted NO .. for the same 10 reasons expressed on forum 110 different ways... I really hope the leaders haven't spent a single penny on developing premature and hopefully useless ad company ads, programs, or solicitation articles for a pre-planned campaign. That would be an significant and expensive financial error. Thinking that unless the FMCA leaders spend tons on a campaign, the members are going to vote a resounding NO.... and hopefully we'll be a Motor Coach Association going forward.
  23. If there was no reasonable, logical explanation, I would also review them / this incident on every RV rating site you can find. If however, there's something that caused it, .... things can happen.
  24. Thanks Herman .. Hopefully the OP will get more opinions to the question asked.
  25. Per the original question, and that of NanMWright, and running the risk of a few telling me why I didn't do what they think I should have, my answer to your question would be that.. yes I had the RMN 7710 for a few years and it gave me so much trouble and the two repairs RMN made didn't last so I got rid of it. I bought the COPilot RV app and didn't like it 4 months ago. I bought the newest Garmin 7760 and it's doing fine.. not perfect but fine... and relatively easy to use.
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