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Everything posted by whiteeagle

  1. MH hit by lightning yesterday driving on I39 in central WI...lost all power.. killed engine and all controls ...called 911 to get help as I was barely able to get coach out of driving lane to side... (MH doesn't coast very far going uhill with no power against major headwind and no power steering).. then called FMCA Roadside assist.... while describing my problem, I told them I was hit by lightning.. they immediately told me I was not covered in any way to any extent because lightning is an act of God so they wouldn't help in any manner...Thanks a lot Roadside Assist. Then was on hold for about 15 min with insurance co trying to get claim filed and them to get large wrecker to move us safer off roadway.... Police tired of waiting so they called in a large wrecker... ended up towing us 60+ miles to service center near Madison... not sure when/what....but understand from agent that "Act of God" is covered by insurance coverage so hopeful they can get us back on the road again ..... prognosis from several experts is very discouraging but haven't heard from shop any info yet.
  2. For past few years, have had Verizon Jetpack, an iPad and our 2 phones -- Noticed on trip west and back that Verizon is now REALLY - REALLY throttling back the speeds after limit ... Had 90GB monthly which usually ran out in 2 weeks or so. ..Got the Sprint M2000 on Thursday in Madison WI.......... Was hoping to connect printer and computer to it .....Tried it there Thurs PM... poor ... Tried it Friday and again Saturday in Wausau and north of there... service lousy - couldn't even keep connected to google.com ........So we have this unlimited M2000 that won't even stay connected to the internet.... will be on trip to and in MN next week, then IA the following week at rallies ... sure hope it works better in those areas.
  3. Lived in 9 different states but started from and ended up in WI. Sold everything and started full-timing 3 weeks ago. Changed everything to daughters family residence in Dane County WI as we'll be around WI and at mid-west rallies for probably 5-6 months each summer anyway. Everything online as much as possible, she'll scan anything important that comes in. Going to try it this way for couple years at least.
  4. I also wonder what in... is happening.... I used the link... it goes to my account ... I'm paid through 4 /22 ... I went to " renew" at the stated price of $50 / year ( 33% off) .... BUT.... at the final step, it pops up a price of 1 year at $75, 2 years at $150, 3 years at $225...... t best, This is a horrible way to process a renewal.... at worst, it's ^&%&*&^... thinking no one should proceed further in this online process.... Shame that FMCA finds it necessary to go this route.
  5. Suspect it's like the normal 80-20 experience in many organizations. 20% contribute operationally to the organization goals and purpose, 80% members but preferring to pay dues based on their perceived economic benefits received and more or less stay in the shadows...... Have no idea how many of the 80% non-chapter members serve on committees, volunteer at rallies, or seek other ways to help organizations they are not satisfied with - would offer that as one way to gain support for their views.
  6. Suspect most "whatever" chapters are not state restricted..... believe most chapter folks would prefer to be in chapter with members in their area which would overlap state borders to socialize with while at .. and outside of events rather than being assigned to one because of their mailing address.... Fortunately, chapter can have members from several states ..... the "whatever" chapter I belong to has members from 10 different states.... some are snow birds that belong to chapter or chapters in each of their primary time areas .. and some are full-timers that move around but enjoy having social groups to associate with in different parts of the country. Understand that some chapters restrict membership to only their state or area. So be it... that's their thing.
  7. I likely can't help Richard find folks he might like to associate with to explore possibilities of common interests or friendships. However... if his SE WI means in the area between Milwaukee, Madison,Janesville,Kenosha, there are 27 member families living in that area in our chapter alone.... and I'm sure several from other chapters as well. If others have similar dissatisfaction with FMCA but not wanting to meet or talk with other members in their area to explore possibilities of friendship or common interests, I fully support what Manholt recommends. Just don't understand why anyone would want "a voice" in an organization but not want to meet or socialize with other members - either chapter members or non members - both locally available and from all across this great country. Doubt $15 annual dues is factor. Maybe FMCA would allow one to organize a "Non Chapter" Chapter and then function fully as an equal to all? Stay safe and healthy.
  8. I believe there are at least 5 active FMCA Chapters with members operating in the SE WI area plus several others more regional or with specific interests. You may have explored all - and possibly discussed your interests and what you would like to see done locally with officers of those chapters? If not, maybe start with Regional VP? Granted that with the current pandemic situation, difficult for organizations to hold more sanctioned events. As a couple not full timing but relatively active in FMCA National, FMCA Regional, 2 FMCA Chapters summer month events, rolling rallies to and from events with friends (not only from our chapters) plus winter snowbird luncheons, and short trips with others, we stay about as active as possible to fit in. Also participate with 3 non - FMCA motor home organizations. Last point I would offer is that National FMCA members do not need to be a Chapter member to attend a Chapter rally of function... Providing space is available, our chapter as well as several others allow and actually invite non members to attend a function (one per calendar year), meet the members, participate in all events, contribute on round table discussions, and decide on membership later. Suspect many chapters (as we do) normally have round table discussion during the function on several topics including RV maintenance, recent mistakes shared, etc. Will step off my Chapter box with best wishes you find what you are after... PM me if we can be of help. Stay safe and healthy.
  9. Was stated ...."I guess my biggest point here is that having smaller and more local events throughout the year would give members and potential members lots more opportunities to get value from FMCA." Kind of like what Chapters do.....we have monthly rallies during the sumers, friendship luncheon's for members during snowbird season for members in FL, AZ, AL....and "rolling rallies" for sightseeing to and/from the Internationals rallies.
  10. I do not believe I ever got the details on that alleged incident ... spoke to SkyMed Rep that would love to check it out further but couldn't give him any thing to check out.
  11. It's a great serine RV resort overlooking it's equestrian grounds..... same owners .. separate business... very enjoyable to watch the training, exercising of the horses, and yes, some of the really top level buggy events, ect. Nice on site bistro, museum.
  12. We did not have any issues or known positives of attendees.... Had 29 coaches double spaced in park, large room so all tables were 10" apart and seated 2..... naturally a few that were close friends and apparently frequently together pulled their tables together when eating or chatting but for most part, everyone wore masks when in group and stayed appropriately distant from others... Wife and I have continued to avoid groups, indoor seating ( once in June, once in July with distant tables and masks). Have done outdoor events and fire pit evening with masks and distancing both at rally and while home.
  13. Interesting to watch / read about the dissension going on in our dysfunctional lost organization. Obvious that leaders don't trust or have faith in others. My perception .. The vote to change FMCA from a Family Motor Coach Association was achieved by a few for personal reasons by dispensing incomplete and incomplete information prior to the orchestrated vote without understanding the real purpose and FMCA's reason of 50+ years of success and being. - and then shortly after the vote, by discovery of information contrary to earlier info. It seems to many that the process used gave cause for distrust going forward. Now it seems that in spite of a vote last year by the Governing body, a budget was created by a few that is not in line with the intentions .... and apparently, there is some reason for not believing the numbers used in creating it are again incomplete and clearly biased ? I am one who has SKYMed and feel it is clearly superior to FMCA Assist in all possible ways so I don't need it ...but that's my case ... I feel the majority of the actual motor coach folks want it and it's been a significant feature of FMCA membership for many years for them- maybe not so much of interest for the new towable members ... but this is an example of significant change as a result of changing FMCA from the premier motor coach organization to a general RV club. Those that wanted the change got it.... Without destroying what else FMCA meant / means to existing members, what was the plan going forward? ( I would like to have Dons2346 send me a PM with the details of the case he states where SkyMed didn't preform... I will contact them for their details of understanding as it's very contrary to their claims and I would like to know if I've been incorrectly informed). I believe right now, whether you agree with requiring that program or not, and what it would cause the dues to be, I believe the Governing Board direction last year was clear and continuing end-run attempts with apparently incomplete information looks like continuing to perpetuate trust problem...Maybe some will correct my belief but it obviously appears there are several other areas of expenses that should be reviewed by the Governing Board - and they should have with total access to all data of expenses in complete detail. The examples I heard of where contracts are given / extended, raises given, increases to 401K matches given, are real indicators that some things are out of control - or confidence and participatory agreement should be sought.
  14. Few thoughts that I hear from many long time members and agree with about current situation that FMCA leaders have created and put the organization into. The adage "Be careful what you wish for, you may get it" certainly applies with changing FMCA from the worlds premium motor coach association with the motor coach member focused issues and interests to a general RVing club. Also "the first step in correction of illness is not to deny and accept reality" - maybe applies to the current disfunctionial situation? Three years ago during that organized campaign to change FMCA, the info and process used to sway members was personal - The fact that 50+ years of FMCA success due to it's purpose, mission, and reason for existence were minimized. A lot of knowledge and long time experience in membership was ignored. Options were not considered and vote was premature. Facts provided on membership and financial status during the campaign were later corrected - after the vote. I suspect this will be fact checked and I apologize if any are incorrect. It's my recollection that shortly after the vote, it was discovered that FMCA had unknown membership growth in 26 of the 28 months just prior to that vote. I believe I recently heard that FMCA membership has now declined in every month except 2 since that vote. I understand now after 3 years of focusing on towables, Ross mentioned there are now 7000 towable members..good, but apparently more than offset by folks leaving? Rallies seem to be 35+% first timers... good news / bad news... overall attendance trend down so that also means 50% of attendees don't attend again. Is this 60-65% the primary focus of rally attendance or is it first-timers? Cost of acquistion is higher that retaining existing members. I keep hearing that many feel the membership decline is primarily because of the raise in dues... I believe this is incorrect...I believe the problem started well before the reactionary dues increase action - the root cause of the problem was the change in FMCA's reason for existence. I believe actual motor coach folks would understood the dues increase for the program - but they are no longer the focus of the organization - and your new target membership market doesn't have nearly the need for the program. It wasn't the dues increase, it wasn't the new challenge of CoVid, gas prices, $700,000 discovery of found money one year and then a surprise huge program cost increase two years later. It was changing FMCA forever without truely understanding what that meant to members and the organization's path forward. . Those in denial of this fact likely won't find solutions for long term resolutions. (I am in Sky Med also and have no need for FMCA assist so would prefer the program be made an add-on_ - but many folks need that program.... Some folks may not understand or like the comparison but there is a very good reason why snowmobile clubs don't recruit motor cyclists for their club membership. They work together on common issues but they focus on their own purpose for existence. Many, many are members of both clubs...with different purposes and cause for existence. So Be It.. We are where we are. The organization has changed... accepting that and understanding how the organization has been changed to all elements.is step one. I understand only 20% of members belong to a chapter. ( That would be around 15,000 members ?) My suggestion has been for years that more FMCA chapter support should be shown - not just discussed. In our case, our chapter members recruit many times the members into joining FMCA than is experienced top down- including several new towable members. Is FMCA designating at least 20% of it's total advertising efforts in chapter development ? As an example, maybe 20% of the actual PREMIUM rally time needs to be dedicated to member chapter support? It also seems to me that FMCA benefits form active chapter members likely retained longer than just discount program seekers. .
  15. Badger Chapter Nominating Committee requested all officers remain in position until next year. (One additional year) All officers agreed to do so. Executive Board decided to hold off the election of candidates for these positions until next year.
  16. If I read these thread posts correctly, I believe I remember that FMCA had positive membership growth about 26 of the 28 months prior to the vote of around 12% of the membership which resulted in change of the focus, purpose, and mission of FMCA - then followed by membership decrease in every month since except maybe a couple ? Certainly, conditions have changed in past 6 months but prior to that, world was booming.... Maybe sensitive and not PC but most folks I speak with around the country attribute the decline and lack of new interest in the new FMCA to the change. So be it... we are now what we are without that recognition of uniqueness. Don't know the economics overall about the magazine costs but have heard it's expensive and costing FMCA tons of expected money in past few years.... read here that FMCA doesn't find hard copy ads for membership very effective anymore .... suspect same is true for vendors and with new broader scope, the FMCA magazine is now one of many in the general RVing world.. The other thing I notice in all the information above is the absence of any information or strong support of CHAPTER membership...as a huge friendship benefit to joining FMCA .I have been hoping to see significant changes in this area because for past several years, the support of Chapters has been slow in growing -.. The "chapter" fairs are a good thing - minimally effective when scheduled on day 1 of a rally even before all attendees get in, scheduled for about 1-1.25 hours in a small very crowded venue, and competing with other scheduled hyped events for the attendees. The Chapter "Block Party" was to be a good thing .... These events should be one of the top 2 or 3 purposes of a rally... given premium time and bookings.... Many of the new RVers are looking for a group to be a part of... opportunity to be together far more often that once or twice per year a thousand or more miles away... and at cost of several hundred dollars less each event. My point... Could be wrong but suspect that if membership was looked at, those belonging to an active Chapter have considerably more retention of FMCA membership than those not members of a chapter. .
  17. The Badger Chapter usually has around 40-45 coaches at our monthly rallies. The June rally in Door County was cancelled as it would have been a little early to do - a full campground, most activities in Door County WI are pretty restricted and likely will still be so at that point. We are proceeding with our July rally as we have 25 coaches so far that wish to do so. It looks like we'll be able to leave a space between each coach, space out seating in the building for our meals, and only do outdoor activities where participants can stay safely distant. Due to the Midwest Area rally being scheduled in August (and now cancelled), we had not scheduled a chapter rally in August.. but do have one scheduled in September which we are hoping to do with the same expectations that we'll have fewer coaches to allow for additional spacing, with facilities large to enable all tables for 2 or 4 people to be at least 10 feet apart. Naturally, we will be doing the disinfectant of tables, etc, and along with having hand dispensers of sanitizer solution all over, requiring masks, each person will be provided with sand sanitizer for their routine use. Our sound system with the extra mics will allow us to adequately communicate. Rally(s) will certainly be different but members are mostly interested in distant chatting and renewing friendships after a LONG winter, likely comparing senior ailments and relative level of sanity. Looking to make a "No Contact Hug Harbor" and a "No Contact Elbow Bump Station" Will be interesting seeing if others have unusual activities or approaches for friends, food, and fun.
  18. Leaving after rally in northern WI and only have 2 weeks before next rally dates ... and thinking with the 5 other rallies we'll be at next year after getting back from snow-birding, this will be plenty for then........... Maybe if Syracuse get back on the schedule some day, that would make a good trip to catch a couple more...
  19. Planning to go on a 10-12 day tour around Lake Superior.. Interested in some experiences.. Going in fall next year. Have read several articles, found tons of info on areas, etc...Not sure which direction will head yet .. may depend on campground availability. Wondering.. for those that have taken this tour (planning 10-12 days) (probably stopping at 5-6 places, averaging 2 days at each one)...Advice or memories on which resorts/campgrounds did you use (name,city,contact phone or email info if possible) that you would recommend? Any that you would avoid going to again ? Obviously a lot of things to see and do -- Any you feel are best / better "must sees, or must dos" ? Thanks in advance.
  20. Looking for ideas / products that some folks have found - and using successfully that are used when activated - evenings or even if just when away from area .....would want it to provide notice / alarm if and when possible intruder was at towed or outside mh. I believe I'd like a system that would detect motion around or intrusion into the towed and mh, make audible alarm, plus send text/email/call to one or two iphones, and ideally record the event... Anyone have one they would recommend?
  21. I have over 80,000 miles and 9 years on my BO cables.. upgraded BO Patriot system after first 5 years (no charge and in my case, excellent customer service ). When I changed towed...bought a new base plate for that one and new tow bar after the first 55,000 miles - went to the 10000 bar... didn't have a need to switch cables so still have the new ones set aside for whenever. Have had the $35 annual maintenance done on it annually but at Minot, I couldn't get signed up for service this year as they were already full. Hopeful they will increase staff for this valuable service at rallies. Have been pleased with and comfortable using the BO system .. sure others are fine with their choice as well.
  22. Kieth... I am heavily involved with the Badger Chapter of FMCA with members from WI, IA, MN, IL, MI, IN, NE. SD, KS, MO, AL, TX, and a few full-timers. I'll send you a PM with info on our Chapter, our rallies this year and next, and a "rolling rally" we have with 25+ units going collectively on a sightseeing trip while in route to Minot and going into that rally together..
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