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Everything posted by manholt

  1. BB. I have a 23cu. ft. Whirlpool and it will draw 6.5 A at start, then drop to .6A. AC units spike when first starting. AC heat pump or strip, same spike...However the only one I can run on Inverter is fridge, some 120V lights, 12V, and computers. I have run also my microwave on inverter...I have 8 AGM 6V house batteries.
  2. Wayne. Ray lives on a small Island off the coast of WA. where everyone knows each other, not much tourism there over the next couple of months, just family get together for the holidays! One way in/out.
  3. Paul. Welcome to the Forum! Yes, it would be beneficial if we knew make/model, there are a lot off differences between 2002 & 2017.
  4. Without external power it should not drop 1A, unless the reading was done later. With nothing on, you will get a parasitic drop from computer boards that you can't shut off. 13.9A on shore power is a little high, but good....what did you use to test the batteries with? Was your charger/inverter on/off?
  5. There is more to a Rat Rod than just Black/Rust paint. You got chop the coach down and drop it down in ride height, high enough off the payment to give a buzz cut to a Groundhog! Then build a Bad A$$ tractor pull engine wit 6" pipe and run the whole rig on 16 inch tires!
  6. Wayne. The purpose of any chrome, is bling with bugs! Bugs show up real good on chrome...also, you get exercise with the washing and rubbing "Mother's" on at the campground's! I'm thinking we should cover all the chrome with Rhino bedliner and paint it yellow...most bug blood is yellowish...then you wont see them! We do not need any distraction from Beer/Wine time!
  7. Ray, you need to teach Tuffy to read, then he would be to busy deciphering the above goobly goop, that caust my eyes to cross, no time for him to run away! Watch out for sleet, slush, ice and snow...Good Luck! Have a Merry Christmas!
  8. Wayne. Just now, about 4 seconds! New speed record for me....couple of days ago, I could brew a cup of coffee, sit down & still watch the circle go around. Same location, same Verizon plug in.
  9. manholt

    Brand New

    May be small, but looks real nice!
  10. Good Luck and may the Lord watch over you!
  11. Ray, your operating on borrowed time...some do work with no problems, most do not and the recall is still ongoing, since 2004! Geez!
  12. Congratulation! We will be exploring in the Twilight Zone, on and off for a while. FMCA is coming out with a new web page, please be aware that things will be different at times, until 100% uploaded....dah, dah, this may be your twilight, until the next time!
  13. waynem. Norcold (nocold) has become famous over the last 20 years... Do like Blake suggests, if you like COLD Blue Bell & Beer, not together!
  14. manholt

    Forum Speed

    Wayne don't mind waiting thru two beers!
  15. FMCA may be changing, but we would like to keep the Forum, that we know and love, the same! We do not need another IRV2...
  16. I will reiterate what Rich said. Do not have any power on, when working on the ATS or J Box...You will light up like fireworks!
  17. Stujan, Welcome to the Forum!! Also welcome as a F# or A# !
  18. Bill A. When I direct anything in your direction, You'll know it ! Actually, you have been rather cool and quiet in the past 24 hours. Also constructive!
  19. Richard. It was not aimed at you or a few others...generic, to all the "knee jerk reactions"...non of us has a clue, where this is going, when it will happen, or even if it will happen! There are a lot of legal changes, wording in our Constitution, P&P and Charter, that must be approved by the State of Ohio, before we can accept even one trailer! We have determined what constitutes a qualifying towable. However, that definition, must still be past, by the Governance and we can't vote on it, until we meet, in Wyoming, for the FMCA National Rally in July 2018. The frustrating thing for me, as a National Director (Governance), is that I know nothing more, at this point, than you do, that I can report. to the members of the Chapter, that elected me! This is a Free society, therefor all are entitled to his/her opinion...I was referring to "Non constructive criticism and negativity, without having 100% of the facts"! Or taking things out of context, to be self serving!
  20. manholt

    Forum Speed

    The problem is that nothing works until all the advertisements and R Village comes up! Why R Village?
  21. BIG Yes! Not much in a coach is equally level. When you think it is, place a marble on the counter, stove, floor!
  22. Richard. I know you mean well. As the OP said, "I'm on a limited fixed income". I doubt that he has a Zip Dee. Come to that, I don't even know what kind of RV he has!
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