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Destination- Nova Scotia bound

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 You only pay  one fee to enter and exit PEI.https://confederationbridge.com/tolls-fees/tolls-fees.html

View the NS (the Royal Tattoo is a must see) and PEI visitors guides for a wealth of things to do and see. IMO they are the most friendly people in North America.

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Just booked at Cove Oceanfront Campground 8/25 to 8/31. Decided not to camp on PEI. Maybe take a road trip there.


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I see a Walmart we can stop at for the night on Rt1 in Calais,ME just before the border. DW gets pissed when I try and drive the distance. We are not

taking the ferry. Going the scenic route, I think, lol.

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You'll have to excuse my Texas ignorance, I will also apologize to all other None New Englanders who might have the same problem as me!  Would one of you, PLEASE explain the meaning of all the Acronyms?

Much appreciated.

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  On 2/11/2019 at 10:55 PM, manholt said:

You'll have to excuse my Texas ignorance, I will also apologize to all other None New Englanders who might have the same problem as me!  Would one of you, PLEASE explain the meaning of all the Acronyms?

Much appreciated.

I never knew anyone from Texas that was ignorant, although I only spent 2 years there and you all here aren't that way, now up here is another story.....

What acronyms? 

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That's where our caravan crossed, both directions, there were  few others besides our caravan there during the time(I''d estimate 1 hr) it took our 17 rigs to pass security. Our staging RV park was Pumpkin Patch RV park prior to entering CA, and and also the caravan ending point.

Calais was where a California couple learned it wasn't nice to lie about how much liquor you had onboard to CA border authorities. I had to go inside and pay taxes on 3 bottles myself.

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Yep!  Leave the liquor or drink it, before crossing.  I think we will be coming back thru Calais, our staging is in Montreal, Canada!  Still trying to find the best way to cross into Canada.  Been in Montreal once in 1996, for a LCIF International Convention & I crossed after Watertown, NY.  Is there a better way?

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We used to go to the jazz festival every year in Montreal and went via Rt 91 cut over to Rt 89 or Rt 87 from Albany.

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We are coming from Gladewater, Texas...I-30 is 50 miles North, then we will head to Cleveland, Ohio.  Albany, NY would be going South, South East. We don't do 600+ miles a day, our speed is more in the 300 and less.  Also, stop for a couple of days, here and there to sightsee!  We figure 17 days to cover the 1,800+ miles up there (I like a cushion for any unforeseen incidences)! Murphy's Law. :rolleyes:

On the return trip, we have a month to get to LA.

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  On 2/15/2019 at 12:35 PM, manholt said:

we will head to Cleveland, Ohio.  Albany, NY would be going South, South East.

I-90 is the road East out of Cleveland, Ohio. I-90 is pretty much a straight shot East to Albany. Yes it dips south a little just before it gets to Albany. That is more because the roads follow the river valleys and stay out of the mountains.

I suppose you could go north on I-81 but once you get near the border the roads are not as good going North to Montreal on both sides of the border. 


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  On 2/16/2019 at 6:00 PM, DBenoit said:

Btw...goofy question on grocery shopping there, is it like here? Is the milk good?....I like milk.

Mostly you won't be able to tell the difference. Ok the weight and measures is in metric and you do speak French right.:P


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I suspect it's more like European milk, higher cream content.  In Norway & Sweden, I drink milk, because it's Pasteurized not Homogenized.  Also, 6% !

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Milk is exactly the same as in the U.S.  Whole, 2%, skim, etc. Sold by the liter. Just pricier. All dairy including cheese and eggs are regulated products and artificially priced to supposedly make sure the farmers make a decent living. Like the fairtrade concept. Same for chicken.

More like the cartel concept if you ask me...

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Ian, you burst my bubble...I was so, hoping for some good milk and cheese! :( Oh well, back to Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese and 1/2 & 1/2!

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Yup, sorry about that!

If you grocery shop at Walmart you'll find the experience very similar to the U.S., just a slightly different selection.  

And likely cheaper for most items once you you factor in the U.S. to Canadian exchange on the dollar, except chicken and dairy, of course,,,


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