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I would like to encourage everyone to think twice before purchasing any Jayco product. They advertise themselves to be a superior American builder of recreational vehicles and brag about their level of commitment to their customers but it is all a front. My wife and I purchased a new 2014 Jayco Redhawk 31XL on March 1, 2014 and took our first trip with the kids at the end of the month. The unit had to be dropped at the dealer for numerous repairs ,for issues we discovered on our maiden voyage, on our way home. There was a large gap beneath the dinette where the floor met the wall, the shower pan is missing a support beneath it which made a quarter of the shower dangerously soft to stand on, a brake\tail light assembly did not function, handle ripped off of bunk over cab mattress, heat duct work was not connected to furnace, and continuous rubber roof has folds in it just to name the bigger issues.

Contacted Jayco and they were not less than helpful with their reply. Basically a sorry for that, take it to the dealer. A follow-up has gone unanswered and the dealer told us last week they are having issues with getting Jayco to tell them how to install the missing support beneath the shower. I have posted on other sites and learned that issues with the Redhawk are common and poor customer service from Jayco is even more common!

We are ready to contact our state Attorney General concerning these issues because it seems as if Jayco is in no way willing to own up to their mistakes and provide us with a level of service that is owed to us. While the Redhawk is considered an affordable entry level MH, it was still a significant investment for us and we would like to be able to enjoy the unit without any issues.

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Contacting the dealer and manufacture how? Was it by phone, email or instant message? To get serious attention you must send them a certified letter to the owner of the dealer and management of the manufacturer. State that they must fix everything in a timely fashion or you will explore lemon laws.

Back in 1994 I bought a Ford Thunderbird that had a transmission that would wind out before it shifted. The dealer kept telling me it was normal and the way it was designed. After a run around from the dealer for almost a year I sent a certified letter to the General Manager of the dealer and to Ford motor company. Less than a week later I got a phone call from the dealer that the parts to fix the transmission was in. The replacement was new valve body and computer and that fixed the transmission.

The dealer and the manufacture knew all along what was wrong with the transmission but tried to stick me with it because it was costly to fix it right. When they knew that it was going to cost them the entire price of the car they fixed it. My demand to them is to fix the transmission of replace the car.

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Welcome to the Forum.

When dealing with a situation such as yours be calm. Getting mad doesn't help, I should know.

Be sure and document every time you visit, speak or deal with both the dealer and Jayco. Take pictures of every problem area you have. You will need all the evidence you can should you need to take them to court. You have already started the worst thing a Dealer and/or a Manufacturer can have "Bad Publicity".

Good Luck, there are some very good coaches out there.


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All of our contact with Jayco thus far has been in writing. They have only responded once however. The dealership has been great but is also having issues with getting Jayco to respond to their inquiries on how to fix the shower issue. This is a brand new MH and Jayco clearly dropped the ball with manufacturing it to their supposed quality standards. Given their lack of response to our concerns, I have no issues with giving them bad publicity whenever I get the chance. There is power in social media to get things resolved and I have already written a few forums and posted on Twitter and Facebook. If Jayco makes good, I will be happy to update those outlets to let everyone know. I am not holding my breath though. Fortunately, we have a great Attorney Generals office in Kentucky when it comes to protecting consumers. Issues with Jayco will be filed with them next week. This will insure that we are protected as well as other citizens of Kentucky are as well when dealing with Jayco products.

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Huffypuff is correct, seems that the dealer is also frustrated. Send a certified letter, return receipt requested, you will need those receipts if legal action is warrantied.

You probably have already searched for help, and I assume you are in Kentucky. Heres is a url that you can visit.


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This is not just a Jayco problem but an industry wide problem. I know I sound like a broken record, but until we consumers start demanding a better quality product things will not change. All RV manufacturers should be ISO/TS 16946 quality certified. This is an expensive process initially, but will save millions of warranty dollars in the future for the manufacturers that implement the quality process.

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This certainly brings back memories of what my wife and I went through with a Safari Trek 33' DP we purchased new back in 1995. So really, nothing has changed very much. We had a bad tranny when the unit was delivered and it went downhill from there. We even went to the factory warranty center in Harrisburgh, OR where we spent 3 months of them doing various "fixes". Finally after enough "documented" (3), attempted repairs at various repair centers throughout the country, we had enough to turn it over to our attorney. The Better Business Bureau was able to help us get our money back and they got their motor home back. It cost us dearly though as my wife has never been able to get over the stress we went through as the unit continued to break down during our travels. Good luck and as Jack Landon says, until consumers demand better quality, it will never change.

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J M Golden,

Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to feel like the Lone Ranger out here. Everyone is complaining about quality but no one is doing anything about it.

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As stated in other replies, this is not limited to Jayco. I purchased a new 2014 Winnebago Minnie Winnie at the end of May 2013, and the issues started immediately. The first 6 months I owned it, it was in the shop for 3 months. My issues included interior walls coming undone, generator not working correctly (not Winnebago issue), slide out failure, interior window treatments coming apart, furnace ducting not hooked up correctly, and miscellaneous other plumbing issues.

However the most frustrating and maddening issue was a consistent drain on the engine battery. The engine battery would be dead in days, somethimes, less than a day, to the point that the odometer wouldn't even come on. The excessive drain shorted out the first battery. The dealer couldn't find the issue, so they sent me to Ford. Ford couldn't find it, said it was a Winnebago problem. And so began the back and forth, with me caught in the middle.

I spoke to Winnebago and sent the several complaint letters, to no avail. I was told 'Sorry, but talk to your dealer'. Ultimately, the dealer found out from Winnebago that my issue was caused by a part that should have been replaced prior to shipping my unit from the factory, but that never occurred.

I also contacted my Attorney General's office and was prepared to go down that path.

Keep all records of correspondence and explore all your options. As you said, entry level or not, these aren't cheap and shouldn't fall apart at the seams when you try to use!

Good luck!

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We purchased in June a new 2014 THOR CHATEAU 24 C CLASS C from REGISTER CHEV, BROOKSVILLE FL. We purchased new as we have driven ROUNDTRIP Fl. to Alaska 4 times, and didn't want major problems. On the second day 700 miles later the transmission failed, we were in Illinois, we were at a Ford dealer for 7 days waiting on parts and service. The weather was in the 90s every day. We had our two dogs with us and we were not able to stay in the motor home as they needed to test and remove/replace the trans. So we incurred $200 of expenses,for lodging.

We had 12 minor problems: slide leaked in (4) places,interior pantry door/mirror fell off (it weighs approx. 40 lbs. held on by (4) 1/2 inch screws), antenna crank up handle fell off, coach door wouldn't close correctly, clearance lights not working, generator hard starting, exterior compartment missing all screws holding it to body (just hanging there,couldn't be used-- I fixed it only had to install 26 screws). Pass seat belt defective,wouldn't release or retract (had to take it apart tie in a knot so my wife could have a seat belt, screen door missing parts, bathroom door would not stay latched, wall paper falling off the wall.

Anyway with all this we decided we couldn't trust this THOR product, so we returned back home to Florida, The Dealer, Thor motor coach, both told us they would reimbursed us for the lodging only. It is now Sept 25th. Neither one has payed a cent, nor will they ever do what they promised, We lost $35,000 however were happy we now have a new Winnebago. and not a Thor product.

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We completely understand. Bought a Thor super c in 2014 ( 2015 model) 23 issues 8 days from purchase & it takes 3 months to get it back into the shop..., hydraulic line installed incorrectly, hole in battery & other one dead..( huge acid & fluid leak on brand new driveways) burned out ceiling fans, refrigerator fell out of hole 5 times, poorly designed Windows Windows replaced( still opening on road) Now on the way to Elkhart Indiana factory as slide is stuck in hole since 2 nd stop on trip that began in June,,,,, Thor has approved 4 days to fix & countless other issue will probably not be addressed in that time limit. I tell everyone to do their research read forums ask questions & then think twice before they purchase a Thor as  we have several Rv friends w Thor & not a one with a good experience .  Glad you were able to move on as the stress is going to kill us & we sure wouldn't try to sell this broken rig to anyone else 

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A few days ago, the couple next to us at Swan Bay Resort told me that Thor has acquired Entegra. They were disappointed because  they know Thor's reputation and they own a gorgeous 2014 Entegra Anthem 43 footer.

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New to the FMCA Class C forum.

Reading the Jayco Redhawk Warning. We purchased a new 2016 Redhawk 29XK October 2015. While we have had several issues with the unit, Jayco has been very fast in handling them and of those they have gone over and above to get resolution. 

My big issue is getting their authorized Service Centers to Service the unit. They have very negative attitudes if you didn’t purchase from them. Even in my case I triedtoget Camping World (where I Purchased from) to work my problems twice with very negative results. Finally they did work on it after really pushing. Independent Service Centers are the way to go and Jayco has been very responsive to it.

I will stay with Jayco for all my future upgrades as I consider their service “Second to None”. Anything man made is going to have problems, but being proactive with the Manufacturer goes a long way. We toured their Class C assembly line recently and were impressed with their process. Having worked for an aircraft manufacturer and Service Center for over 20 years helps me understand processes and support.

Todate we have 17000 miles on our unit including 2 straight months on the road and planning a 3 month 9000 mile trip next year.

Loving retirement and quality travel.

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Welcome to the Forum!  Where do you call home?  We probably have someone on this Forum that can help in the "Service Dept."! :)

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